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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Heavy metals are at present classified among the most important and dangerous water pollutants and are considered as the serious threat to human health. Current study has been focused on concentration of two heavy metals; Zinc and Copper in the flesh of Macrobrachium rosenbergii and to observe their induced histopathological alterations in gills and hepatopancreas. The levels of Zn and Cu in 20 giant freshwater prawn specimens from Siahrood River in Mazandaran Province, Iran, were investigated during winter 2013. The concentrations of the metals were carried out by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer .The gills and hepatopancreas specimens from each prawn were sampled in order to reveal the histopathological changes. Statistical analysis was carried out by SPSS19 software. The mean concentrations of Zn and Cu in the muscle of examined prawn were 1/011±0.01 and 1.785±0.02 (mg/kg dry weight) respectively. Using one sample t-test at 95% confidence limit, there were significant difference in the levels of Zn and Cu, but there were not any significant difference in correlation between the mean concentration of Zn and Cu and the average of body lengths and weights. The data show that the concentrations of Zn and Cu in the flesh of prawn are below the legal value for aquatic products established by WHO, NHMRC and UK(MAFF), showed that the giant freshwater prawn from investigated region are safety for human consumption. In histopathological view, Edema, Inflammatory cells and epithelial hyperplasia changes of gills with lots of mucus were observed. In hepatopancreas atrophy and fatty changes were existed.

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Liver is the largest gland in the body; which have different secretions. Alkaline phosphatase enzyme is one of them. The aim of this study is the investigation of alkaline phosphatase effect on the enzymes and proteins of liver in the male rats on the basis of enzyme inhibition by LHomo argenine. In this experimental study, 35 adult male rats were studied. They were randomly divided into 5 groups with seven rats in each group, including: control, sham and testing 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Control group were nourished by food and water; Sham group were injected just solvent. Group 1: 0.2 mg/ml alkaline phosphatase enzyme was injected. In Group 2: 2 mg/ml Lhomo arginine inhibitors were injected. Group 3: First 2 mg/ml L-homo arginine was injected, then after 2 hours, 0.2 mg/ml alkaline phosphatase injection was done. All injections continued for 5 days. At the end of duration, a sample was prepared for evaluating ALP. Data was collected by using SPSS software and by one-way variance analytical tests (ANOVA) in significance P<0.05. The activities of aspartate amino transferase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) has increased significantly in experimental group 1 compared to the control (at P<0.05). However, there was no significant change in the alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity and the concentrations of total protein and albumin in these groups. Injection of alkaline phosphatase cause to increasing the activity of alkaline phosphatase and aspartate aminotransferase, as well as causing damage to liver tissue. The use of L-Homo arginine inhibitor prevents damage to the liver cells.

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The Myocardial infarction (MI) is the fail in reaching blood flow and sufficient oxygen to part of the heart. Te outbreak of MI symptoms might be various and the electrocardiography is not diagnostic in about 50% of the cases that is a potential danger for wrong diagnosis, therefore we need to test the cardiac biomarkers. In this survey the level of Troponin I serum in the diagnosis of the cardiac infarction with CK-MB serum, in 40 MI patients and 40 cardiac patients without MI of Seyyed Al Shohada Heart Hospital in Urmia has been evaluated and compared. The Troponin I through Immunoenzymometric method using AccuBind Kit and CK-MB through DGKC (German Society of Clinical Chemistry) method and IFCC (International Federation of Clinical Chemistry) using Pars Azmun Company kit through photometric method, measurement. and then Conducted the results' statistical analysis using SPSS 21 software and an independent T-test .The results achieved from the comparison between the cTnI and CK-MB of MI patients and patients without MI showed that there was a significant difference between the cTnI of patients without MI and MI patients and also the CK-MB of patients without MI and MI patients at the level of (P£0.001) and the cTnI and CK-MB of MI patients is more than patients without MI. therefore their use is necessary for on time diagnosis and treatment of Myocardial infarction. In this survey the cTnI and CK-MB was compared from the viewpoint of sensitivity and specification that regarding the results the cTnI sensitivity and specification with 100% and 97.5% respectively was more than the CK-MB sensitivity and specification with 91% and 75% respectively.

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Medicinal plants have various uses, one of which is in the treatment of infertility. Different parts of Palm, Phoenix Dactylifera of the Palmaceae family, are used as medicine. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of hydro alcoholic extract of Palm meristem. On the levels of gonadotropin (LH and FSH) and sex steroids (testosterone and dihydrotestosterone) in adult male rats with hypothyroidism. In this experimental study, 48 adult male wistar rats, each weighing approximately 190 to 200 grams and up to 3 months of age, were used. Animals were randomly divided into 6 groups of 8: The control received standard food and water, the sham got two ml distilled water, the experimental group 1 was orally treated with 25 mg/kg methimazolefor 10 days, the experimental group 2 orally received 200mg/kg Palm meristem extract for 21 days, and experimental groups 3 and 4 were first treated with 25mg/kg methimazolefor 10 days and then with 100 and 200 mG/kg extract for 21 days respectively. At the end of the experiment, blood samples were taken and the serum levels of LH, FSH, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone were measured by Elisa tests. The results were analyzed using SPSS software and ANOVA statistical test, and the significant statistical difference between control and experimental groups was considered 0.05 P=0.05. Results showed that mean serum concentrations of LH, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone hormones declined significantly in the experimental Group 1 compared with control and sham groups. Also, serum levels of LH , testosterone and dihydrotestosterone increased significantly in the experimental groups 3 and 4 compared with experimental group 1, however, only testosterone rose in the experimental group 2 in respect to sham and control groups. Comparison of mean serum concentrations of FSH showed no significant difference among various groups. Based on the results of this research and other studies, presence of antioxidant compounds and micronutrients in the Palm meristem extract are able to elevate the decreased levels of testosterone and luteinizing hormones, and improve the reproductive performance of testis through enhancing activities of thyroid hormones.

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Heat stress is one of the most important environmental pressures especially in tropics which reduce sexual performance by affecting whole vital system. Garlic (Allium sativum) as an effective pharmaceutical plant has been proposed for increasing resistance against stress. Current research was carried out to study the effects of garlic hydro alcoholic extract on reproductive hormones in female mice under heat stress. Fifty female mice were studied in five groups and ten replications. Experimental treatments were control group (normal situation without receiving extract), 0, 200, 400, and 800 mg/kg of body weight of external for thirty days. Blood samples were taken at the end of experiment period and estrogen, progesterone, FSH and LH hormones were measured. Obtained data were analyzed using SPSS program. Heat stress reduced all sexual hormones significantly (p<0.05) in zero group but FSH and LH amount were increased by 400 and 800 mg/kg doses. Estrogen and progesterone amounts were increased significantly in 200, 400, and 800 mg/kg groups and were about control group. Considering the results, extract can be effective under heat stress and neutralize negative effects of stress by affecting pituitary-gonadal axis and ovarian secretion.

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Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOs) with prevalence between 5% to 10% is one of the most common endocrinologic disorders in women during reproductive age. Although, the cause of disease is not completely known, the serum level of some hormones is abnormal. The present study aimed to compare the serumal level of prolactin between women with polycystic ovarian syndrome and control group. This study was conducted during 2012 to 2013 in capital of eight provinces. In total 400 PCOs women and 500 control group were considered. The level of prolactin of serum was measured and the obtained data were analyzed by Mann-Witney test and Spearman correlation coefficient using SPSS software ver. 16.0 and the ROC curves were plotted. The mean serum prolactin level in patients group was 20.08±7.08 ng/ml (10.1- 50.26); while it was 17.08±2.77 ng/ml (12-23) in control group. Significantly higher in patients group (p<0.001). The results revealed the difference of prolactin level in the two groups. According to the present study, the relationship between high level of Prolactin and PCO could not be considered as a decisive symptom in the recognition of this disease. However, it is necessary to perform more studies in larger population samples.

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Bats play a special role in the earth’s ecosystem by eating harmful insects, helping in pollination of trees and producing precious fertilizer. Due to their ecologic and economic importance, and to get a better understanding of bats, the difference between histology of gastric tissue in two species of bats named Rhinopoma hardwickii and Rousettus aegyptiacusis studied. In this research five insectivorous bats and five flying fox were chosen from Jahrom in the province of Fars, tissues of their stomach were prepared, and sections were compared regarding presence or absence of perez, type of muscle cells, type of glands, type of gland secretions, types of cells, existence or lack of serous membrane, and presence or absence of pits were examined by light microscopy. The results showed that the stomach tissue in both species were similar to mammals and had 3 areas: cardia, body and pylorus; however, the lining mucosa and sub-mucosa in fruiteating species were thicker and specific and had more collagen fiber than the insectivorous species. Based on the present study, in general, the stomach layers in flying fox species are thicker than that of Insectivorous bats; that is probably because of bigger stomach of flying fox comparing with the insectivorous species which is probably due to the greater size of the stomach in flying fox species which is due to the necessity of more time for digesting the cellulosic materials in flying fox species stomach.

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Cancer is the second cause of death in the world. Current therapies for treating cancer are often restricted by short-term efficacy, even lead to the drug resistance. There has been increased interest in the use of natural compounds with chemotherapeutic effects for treatment of cancer. In this study, the effects of different concentrations of ethanolic extract of Enteromorpha clatherata, on human breast cancer cell (MCF-7) and cervix cancer cells (Hela) were investigated. Cell were produced in Pasteur Institute and were cultured under controlled conditions with RPMI containing 10% FBS and penicillin streptomycin in cell culture flasks, the cells were transferred to 96 well plates with 10.000 cells. Cells were exposed to different concentrations of extracts (0.156, 0.312, 0.625, 1.25, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 mg/ml) that had been dissolved in RPMI with FBS. Cells cultured with all conditions without the presence of the drug as a control for 72 hours and cell toxicity was assessed with the MTT assay after 72 hours. The result of this study showed that ethanolic extract of Enteromorpha clatherata on both Hela cell and MCF-7 in 0.625 mg/ml concentration consistency reduces the growth of cells significantly in comparison to control group. This extract possesses cytotoxic effects in 0.156, 0.312, 1.25 concentrations and inhibit the growth of cells to 48 %, 66 % and 66 % in Hela and to 56 %, 65% and 70 % in MCF-7 MCF- 7 in 0.625 mg/ml. The IC50 is 0.17 mg/ml in Hela and 0.19 mg/ml MCF-7 respectively. The results show that ethanolic extract of Enteromorpha clatherata caused the growth inhibition of cancer cells in Hela and MCF-7.

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