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In this study the protective aspect of the guaranteed price policy on high-yield long-grain rice was studied. For this purpose, the statistics and data of production cost plan issued by the ministry of Jihad-e Agriculture during1994-2000, has been applied. The results of this study showed that the guaranteed rice price policy did not have effective protection on high-yield long-grain rice producers in Gilan and Mazandaran provinces. Therefore, this policy must be changed in direction to create effective protection for all rice producers

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This experiment was evaluated in research station of Arsanjan Azad University in 2001 in a clay texture in order the effect of micronutrients on quality and quantity characteristics in 2 varieties od sunflower in Arsanjan by using split plot design with randomized complete blocks base design and four replication. Main - plot consisted of two sunflower varieties: Golshid hybrid .Record variety. Sub-plot consisted of five fertilizery treatments: (Tl=NPKMg), (T2=NPKMg+Fe), (T3=NPKMgFe+B), (T4=NPKMgFeB+Mn) (T5=NPKMgFeBMn+Zn). Results shown that 1.Variety factory on Palmtic fatty acid. (HI) and Cap diameter characters have been full significant effect and on linoleic fatty acid. oleic fatty acid. seed yield per cap, oil yield per hectare, biologic yield per bush and the weight of 1000 seeds characters have been significant effect.2.Fertilizery treatment factor on Percentage of linoleic fatty acid. oleic fatty acid. palmetic fatty acid. staric fatty acid. seed 1000 seeds characters have been significant effect 3. Golshid hybrid is realized better than record variety. 4. Fourth fertilizery treatment in Golshid hybrid by notice to this experiment is realized best mutual between two factors of varieties and fertilizery treatments.

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In this study an experiment of the dual purpose use of oat (Avena sativa L.) and the effect of clipping at different grain stages on garin yield and some other characters of oat and Maquee barley, was conducted in Educational Field of Jihad- Agricultural Education Center of Shahrekord in 2000-2001. The experimental was a split plot in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Three clipping treatments; harvest at 5 and 10 cm growth and non harvest (control) were assigned as main plots, and five lines of oats (No: 2, 17,28,32 and 36) and Maquee barley (control) as sub plots. The results of ANOV A showed that clipping effects was significant on all traits except No. of grain and No. of tillers. Delay in harvest decreased, grain yield, biological yield, plant height, number of fertile tiller and 1000- weight grain, while sowing time to maturity, to heading and forage yield increased. There were significant differences among lines in height plant, maturity, heading, forage yield, grian yield, biological yield, No. of grain, harvest index and No. of tiller. Lines No. 2 and 17 had the highest grain and biological yields and had faster growth, while lines No. 28 and 32 had a low forage yield, grain yield and biological yield and due to their slow growth rate were not suitable for this region. There were significant interaction effects between clipping and line for plant height and grain yield. It was concluded that clipping in 2 and 17 oat lines could be done in other to supply the forage for livestock without any adverse effects on yield.

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In order to evaluate effect of rye competition on wheat, an experiment was conducted in Varamin Agricultural Research Center in 2000-2001. The experimental design was complete randomized block in factorial arrangement with three replications. The treatments included wheat density at four densities (350, 450, 550 and 650 plant/m2), and rye density at five levels (0, 10, 30, 50, and 70 plant/m2). In order to analyze wheat growth, samples was taken from tillering to harvest stages. Leaf area index (LAI), total dry matter accumulation (TDM), and crop growth rate (CGR) of wheat were affected by rye densities. Grain yield of wheat and number of spike per square meter were significantly decreased by increasing rye density. The biological yield of wheat was linearly affected by rye densities at plant density of wheat more than 450 plant/m2. In the wheat fields infested by rye, wheat plant density of 450 plant/m2 can be recommended, due to reduce of wheat yield is a good density for reducing rye damage in wheat.

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In order to have a research on the effect shade on Survival and growth seedling Persian Oak(Quercus macranthera F et. M.), were collected 450 seeds from the forests of the Persian Oak in Western Ardebil. After the cultivation of the seeds in nursery of the natural resources of the region fandoglo, the established plots, in a random complete pattern were exposed by on the complete shades attendance, 50% dark and wanting. The results of this research shows a survival rate of 49% in complete shades attendance,83.9% in 50% shade and 88.4% in the wanting dark attendance. The average of freshness was showed pale or middle freshness in wanting shades attendance, in 50% dark attendance, completely freshness and in the wanting shade attendance, freshness to comparatively freshness. The average of height in complete shade attendance and in 50% shade at 1% statistical probability is significant and in the wanting shades at the probable level from statistical point is insignificant. The average of coller diameter in the complete shades attendance and in 50%shade, was showed significant at 1% statistical probability and in the wanting shade at the statistical probability was insignificant. Consequently, the height average and collar diameter in the shade attendance is 50% more than the complete light attendance and complete shade. Therefore, without any notice to freshness, the shade attendance of 50% has the better situation than the complete light and complete shades for the Persian Oak seedlings.

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In order to study the effects of potassium and zinc applications on yield and yield components of soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivar BP692, a field experiment was conducted at the Summer 2001 in Mazandaran, Babolsar (Bahnamir district) on a calcareous loamy soil. Four levels of potassium (0, 75, 150 and 225 Kg/ha potassium sulfate) and four levels of Zinc applications (0, 10, 20 and 30 kg/ha zinc sulfate) were compared in a factorial experiment based on a randomized complete block design with four replications. All of the treatments were added to the soil before the sowing. Results showed that the levels of potassium fertilizer had a significant effect (p<0.01) on yield and number of pod per plant. It had also a significant effect (p< 0.05) on thousand seed weight. The effect of zinc fertilizer and interaction between the different levels of potassium and zinc applications were not significant on yield and yield components. The comparison of means (by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test) indicated that the highest yield (2962.5 Kg/ha) and thousand seed weight (146.6 gr) were obtained by applying 225 Kg/ha potassium sulfate, but a significant difference among 75, 150 and 225 Kg/ha potassium sulfate on yield was not observed. Also difference between 150 and 225 kg/ha potassium fertilizer was not significant on thousand seed weight. Application of 75, 150 and 225 kg/ha potassium fertilizer increased the number of pod per plant significantly without any significant difference among them.

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The purpose of this research is to evaluate the response of wheat to Cu application into the soil. Twenty six samples of surface soil with different DTPA-extractable Cu and chemical and physical properties, were selected for this study. Furthermore, the effects of three Cu levels (0, 2.5 and 5 µg/ g-1 of soil as CuS04.5H20) on growth and chemical composition of wheat variety Falat was studied in a 12-week greenhouse experiment in 1999. Treatments were arranged in a factorial manner in a complete randomized design with three replicates. The results indicated that the application of 2.5 µg Cu g-1 of soil increased dry matter significantly and in 5 µg Cu g-1 of soil difference was not significant. Copper application affected the Cu concentration in aerial parts of plant significantly such that increased from 7.6 in zero level to 8.1 and 8.87 µg g-1 dry matter in levels of 2.5 and 5 µg Cu g-1 of soil, respectively. Cu application affected the total Cu uptake by plant as well. Regression analysis showed a significant correlation between DTPA-Extractable Cu and total Cu uptake by wheat.

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This experiment was conducted on 2001 and 2002 in research farm of Qazvin Agriculture Research Station in order to study the effect of different rate of nitrogen, phosphorus, manure and mixture of them on seed yield and essential oil content of ajowan (Trachyspermum capsicum). The experimental design was randomized complete block with three replications and 12treatments including: different rates of N and P (as mixture) with 4 levels (conventional system), Different rates of manure with 3 levels (organic system), mixture of N, P and manure with 4 levels (integrated System) and control. The essential oil obtained using water distillation method was also measured. Chemical components of the oil were identified by GC and GC/MS. The results showed that with increasing of N to 90 and P to 60 Kg/ha, seed yield also was increased but had no effect on the essential oil content. With increasing of manure, seed yield and essential oil content were increased. In general integrated treatments in respect of seed yield and essential oil yield were higher than other treatments. With increasing of N to 60 and P to 40 kg/ha and manure to 20 ton/ha, thymol was increased. while p-cymene was decreased. Integrated treatments had the highest essential oil content and thymol.

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Issue Info: 
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    4 (پی آیند 61) در زراعت و باغبانی
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به منظور بررسی اثر برداشت علوفه در مراحل مختلف رشد بر عملکرد، اجزای عملکرد و برخی صفات مهم در کشت دو منظوره ارقام یولاف، آزمایشی به صورت کرتهای یک بار خرد شده (Split plot) در قالب طرح بلوکهای کاملا تصادفی با سه تکرار در سال زراعی 80- 1379 در مزرعه آموزشی مجتمع آموزش جهاد کشاورزی شهرکرد به مرحله اجرا در آمد. در این آزمایش تیمارهای بعد از 5 و 10 سانتیمتر رشد رویشی به همراه عدم برداشت علوفه (کنترل) به عنوان عامل اصلی و 5 لاین مختلف یولاف به شماره های 32،28،17،2 و36 به همراه شاهد (جو رقم ماکویی) به عنوان عامل فرعی در نظر گرفته شدند. نتایج تجزیه واریانس آزمایش نشان داد که اثرات سطوح عامل اصلی برداشت علوفه بر عملکرد علوفه قصیل، عملکرد کاه، تعداد روز تا 50% خوشه دهی، تعداد روز تا رسیدگی فیزیولوژیکی، ارتفاع گیاه، وزن هزاردانه، شاخص برداشت و تعداد پنجه بارور در سطح 5% معنی دار بود؛ در حالیکه تعداد دانه در خوشه و تعداد کل پنجه تحت تاثیر تیمار مذکور قرار نگرفت. همچنین نتایج حاکی از آن بود که تاخیر در برداشت منجر به کاهش عملکرد دانه، عملکرد بیولوژیکی، ارتفاع بوته، تعداد پنجه بارور و وزن هزاردانه شد. بین ژنوتیپها نیز از لحاظ کلیه صفات مورد بررسی اختلاف معنی داری مشاهده شد؛ لاینهای 2 و 17 دارای حداکثر و لاینهای 28 و 32 دارای حداقل عملکرد دانه و علوفه بودند. به طور کلی می توان چنین نتیجه گیری نمود که برداشت علوفه سبز پس از 5 سانتیمتر رشد رویشی در رقم جو ماکویی و لاینهای 2 و 17 یولاف بدون مواجه شدن با کاهش عملکرد دانه می تواند تا حدودی در مواقع ضروری جهت تامین علوفه مورد نیاز دام در فصل پاییز و کشت دو منظوره در منطقه مناسب باشند.

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Fenazaquin (Pride) 20% SC (acaroids, insecticide) introduced recently to evaluate its pesticide ability against Panonychus ulmi Koch in modem apple orchards of Khorasan province. The study conducted for two years (1996 and 1998) in Chenaran and mortality % caused to European red mite has been compared with Omite 57% EC and Citron 20% EC. Six replications done through randomized complete block design. 30 leaves were plucked from each block (6 trees) at random and mortality of active stages recorded through five sampling interval (one day before, 3, 7, 14,21 and 30 days after chemical application’s).Mortality % of collected data calculated by Henderson and Tilton method and data were subjected to analysis of variance. The results of different sampling treatments showed that, a longer and absolute control effects of pride, while control % obtained for Omite and Citrazon were 83/1% and 58/1% respectively, According to new Duncan’s multiple range test results were also ranked and indicated that, pride is a superior in controlling apple mite pests over other acaricides tested.

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Limitation of water resources and expansion of harvested area in order to increasing crop production appear the importance of accessing tolerant genotypes to severe conditions with high water use productivity. In order to evaluate grain and grain yield components and some agronomical traits of spring wheat genotypes in drought stress condition, three seperate experiments were carried out, based on 100%, 75% and 50% crop water requirement in optimum I condition, moderate and severe stress, respectively on six spring wheat genotypes (including Fung, Chamran, Star, Stork, Showa and Green) in Ahwaz climatic conditions in 1999- 2000 . Randomized Compelete Block Designs (RCBD) with three replications were applied for comparing the genotypes. Based on combined analysis of variance, There were significant differences among genotypes in 5% level for a number of spikes / unit, a number of grains / spike let and biological yield, and in 1% level for thousand grain weight, grain harvest index and a number of spikelets/ spike and a number of seed / square meter. There was positive correlation coefficient at 1% level between grain yield and biological yield, while the correlation coefficient between grain yield and thousand grain weight and grain harvest index was non significant. Based on all data Fung and Chamran cultivars produced the higher grain yield under optimum condition, while Stork and Chamran showed higher grain yield under moderate stress condition. Stork and Green cultivar produced high grain yield under severe stress.

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The allelopathic activity of five species of weeds (Centurea depressa, Hordeum spontaneum, Hordeum .SP, Lolium rigidum and Senesio vulgaris) against 12 cultivars of wheat was investigated. The aqueous extracts of these species Were diluted to 75 and 50 strength. The effect of these extracts on gennination and seedling growth of 12 wheat cultivars were studied. The data showed that the allelopathic activity of aqueos extracts of those weeds had differ significantly against wheat cultivars. The weeds had different effects on the percentage of seed gennination coleoptile and root length and dry weight of 12 cultivars of wheat.

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نوری کیومرث

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    4 (پی آیند 61) در زراعت و باغبانی
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در این مطالعه جنبه حمایتی سیاست قیمت تضمینی برنج در طی دوره 79- 1373 مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. قانون تضمین خرید محصولات اساسی کشاورزی به عنوان یک سیاست حمایتی و با هدف ایجاد تعادل در نظام تولید، جلوگیری از ضایعات محصولات و ضرر و زیان کشاورزان برای تعدادی از محصولات کشاورزی به اجرا در آمده است. تعیین قیمت خرید تضمینی محصولات کشاورزی در کشور عمدتا براساس معیار هزینه تولید صورت گرفته و در این بین به سایر متغیرهای موثر و مهم مانند قیمت جهانی محصول، روند کلی قیمتها در کشور، تورم و ... توجهی نشده است. در این تحقیق، آمار و اطلاعات مربوط به هزینه تولید برنج دانه بلند پرمحصول دو استان گیلان و مازندران از طرح هزینه تولید وزارت جهاد کشاورزی استخراج شده است. نتایج این مطالعه نشان می دهد سیاست قیمت تضمینی در مورد محصول برنج جنبه حمایتی نداشته و علیرغم وجود سیاست قیمت تضمینی برای ارقام پرمحصول، تولید آن با کاهش روبرو گشته است. بنابراین سیاست قیمت تضمینی برنج باید با مد نظر قرار دادن حمایت موثر مورد تجدید نظر کلی قرار گیرد.

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To investigate the effects of forage clipping on forage and grain yield of cereals an experiment was conducted in Kabootar Abad Research Station of Isfahan in three growing season (1990-1993). The experimental design was a split plot in a Randomized Complete Block Design with four replications. Five cereal cultivars assigned to the main plots included: Two wheat cultivars (Roshan and Ghods), two barley cultivars (Valfajr and Reihan) and one triticale variety. The sub plots were assigned to two treatments: forage clipping and non-clipping. The results showed the highest dry forage and forage protein yield (4433 and 926 kg/ha respectively) belonged to triticale and the Ghods had the lowest dry forage and forage protein yield (2975 and 708 kg/ha respectively). Roshan and two barley cultivars showed no significant difference in dry forage and forage protein yield. Triticale produced the highest grain yield (9060 kg/ha) and the barley cultivars produced the lowest seed yield. The seed yield of Ghods (8550 kg/ha) was significantly greater than Roshan (7559 kglha). Forage clipping decreased the seed yield and biological yield, and increased harvest index.

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To study the effects of organic production on chemical composition and some agronomic characteristics of German chamomile, an experiment was conducted at College of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, during years 2002-2003. A split plot arrangement based on randomized complete block design with three replications was used. Treatments consisted of four manure levels (0, 30, 40, 50 tons/ha) and five mixture ratio with pot marigold (100:0, 75:25,50:50,25:75,0:100), wich were allocated to main plots and subplots, respectively. Results showed that use of manure had no significant effect on dry matter and leaf area in german chamomile. Decreasing the ratio of german chamomile in mixture, declined it’s dry matter, leaf area and seed production. Chamazulene content was affected significantly by leafarea index and seed production. This study showed that use of manure and mixture at 50 percent ratios or lower of german chamomile and pot marigold, is a suitable system of german chamomile’s organic production wich give a suitable yield with high chamazulene content, without using chemical fertilizers.

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این آزمایش در سال 1381 در ایستگاه تحقیقاتی دانشگاه ارسنجان (فارس) در زمینی با بافت رسی به منظور بررسی اثر ریزمغذی ها بر خصوصیات کمی و کیفی دو رقم آفتابگردان با استفاده از کرت های خرد شده در قالب طرح بلوک کامل تصادفی در 4تکرار اجرا شد. فاکتور اصلی شامل 2رقم آفتابگردان بنام های1A:هیبرید گلشید  :(A2, (CMS31×R-43رقم رکورد و فاکتورهای فرعی شامل 5 تیمار کودی:(T1=NPKMg),(T2=NPKMg+Fe),(T3=NPKMgFe+B),(T4=NPKMgFeB+Mn), (T5=NPKMgFeBMn+Zn) بود. نتایج نشان داد: عامل رقم بر روی درصد اسید چرب پالمتیک، شاخص برداشت و قطر طبق تأ ثیر بسیار معنی دار و بر روی درصد اسید چرب لینولئیک، اسید چرب اولئیک، عملکرد دانه در هر بوته، عملکرد روغن، عملکرد بیولوژیک در هر بوته و وزن هزار دانه تأثیر معنی دار داشته است. عامل تیمار کودی بر روی درصد اسید چرب لینولئیک، اسید چرب اولئیک، اسید چرب پالمتیک، اسید چرب استئاریک، عملکرد دانه در هر بوته، درصد روغن، عملکرد روغن، شاخص برداشت و وزن هزار دانه تاثیر معنی داری داشته است. اثر ترکیب تیماری ارقام و تیمارهای کودکی بر روی صفات عملکرد دانه در هر بوته، اسید چرب اولئیک و عملکرد روغن در هر هکتار بسیار معنی دار و بر روی صفات، عملکرد بیولوژیک در هر بوته، وزن هزاردانه و قطر طبق معنی دار بود. هیبرید گلشید نسبت به رقم رکورد بهتر تشخیص داده شد.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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