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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This paper has performed in order to evaluate the ecological and environmental study of the sensitive area as the international wetland of Parishan in emphasis on species and habitat varieties. The Parishan wetland is the widest wetland among all of the permanent freshwater lagoons in Iran. It was registered in Ramsar convention as the international wetland. Parishan wetland is a part of protective places by area classification in Iran. Having the biological and habitat varieties, weird herbal and animal distributions cause this area to be unique and sensitive ecological place. By climate change and droughts, it is in the worst condition on the view of ecological issues. It was limited to small marginal pools temporarily. With regards to special species, unique herbals, sensitive and vulnerable settlements, ecotourism issues, this research shows that the most important issue in the international wetland of Parishan are climate change and drought in these years which have influenced the bio-habitat variety and herbal animal distributions. On the basis of the results of this research, the international wetland of Parishan has the powerful internal factors totally and a lot of opportunities to rebuild and revival ecologically on the view of the external factors.

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OC Spray would be utilized when there is unrest and by non-military people for personal defend and defending against animals. All the OC spray products are in flammable. OC is an inflammatory factor and dislike tear-gas this would influence the alcoholists and druggists. The symptoms would be exhibited immediately if this spray contacts mocuses (eyes, nose, throat and the lungs): The eye capillaries would be exhibited and cause the eyes to be blind temporality and result in tracheal tissues to be inflammated and some problems for inhalation but victim is able to breath yet. No comprehensive information are available on inhalation effects of exposing to this spray of time and it level usage on anxiety (fear) behaviors, therefore this study dose intend to consider effect of inhalation OC spray on anxiety (fear) behaviors in rats. The animals used in current study were adult male rats, Wistar strain of weighting 210±20 gr divided into 4 experimental groups and a control group. 6 experimental rats were placed within chamber and were exposed to OC spray for 3 seconds into chamber. The rats were remind for 90 seconds within inhalation room, respectively and were returned to their cages and after 10, 20, 30 Plus maze was used to measure animal anxiety levels for each of experimental groups after passing go minutes. A Significant rising was observed to consider anxiety measurement levels in experimental groups and comparing them with control group (p£0.05). Increasing in OC exposure time as well as passing time would result in rising anxiety.

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The Caspian bent-toed gecko, Cyrtopodion caspium, is one of the most common nocturnal lizards of Iran which consider to widespread distribution of it especially in the Northern provinces, no studies have been done on its reproduction. This research was done in order to the study of sexual dimorphism of this species in Sari County from May 5th to October 20th 2011. During this research, 140 specimens including 70 adult males and 70 adult females were studied. Results show that the adult males in addition of having the apparent femoral and preanal pores, are heavier than females and have the larger body, head and tail length. There is no significant difference between diets of males and females.

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Cave Salamander, Paradactylodon gorganensis is a native species of Iran and only found in the Shir-abad cave of Gorgan. In this study, the gonads of male animals have been studied by electron microscopy. In order to fulfill this purpose, five Paradactylodon gorganensis Salamander collected from May to September from Shir-abad cave and were transported to the laboratory. After reviewing the anatomy and morphology of the animals, they were anesthetized and dissected. Testicles cut into small pieces and fixed in Glutaraldehyde fixative. With using standard procedure, histological grade composite was prepared for microscopic study. Animal studies showed that this species have not two sex. A pair of testicles and a cream-colored cylindrical are in the abdominal cavity and all attached to the kidney also, yellow fat bodies were seen. Gonads are sectional, marginal lobes are large and multifaceted but central lobes are small and round. Spermatogenesis have cystic pattern and testicular spermatogenesis in active testis groups of cells in different stages are seen in different lobes, were seen in a sexual but in one lobe most of cells are synchronized. Spermatozoa were drawn, but the core of the acrosome was not observed.

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The present study aims to explore, the Dohezar river biological diversity and abundance of Macro benthos using demographic indicators from October 2010- 0ctober 2011. Samples of macroinvertebrates were collected monthly from 7 stations designated as station 1 (upstream of the river course) to station 7 (downstream of the river course) for a period of 12 months. A combined total of 60 families and 18 orders and 7 class species of macroinvertebraits were encountered in the study. with the sampling of benthic fauna of some physic-chemical factors such as temperature, BOD5, DO, pH were also measured at the station in that the above factors does showed significant difference at the probable level of 5% (P<0.05) Except DO that does not showed significant difference at the above-mentioned stations. The fauna data surveyed with using SHANON and EPT & EPT/Ch biological index. One-sided variance analysis test of index indicates existing a significant difference among the stations in probable level of 5%( P<0.05).According to EPT index, the highest mean belongs to station 3with 70.66 score mean possibly due to minor contamination and the lowest score belongs to station 7 with 22 mean score which has the average level of organic contamination. The EPT/Ch index, the highest mean belongs to station 1with 1.11 score mean possibly due to minor contamination and the lowest score belongs to station 7 with 0.31 mean score which has the average level of organic contamination. The SHANON index, the highest mean belongs to station 2with 2.27 score mean possibly due to minor contamination and the lowest score belongs to station 7 with 1.77 mean score which has the average level of organic contamination.

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In a study to identify the plant parasitic nematodes of pistachio and vine yards in Qom province, 125 soil samples were collected from different regions during 2008 and 2009. Nematodes were extracted from soil, fixed and processed to anhydrous glycerin, permanent slides were prepared from the fixed specimens. After microscopic consideration, the morphological and morphometric characters were studied, and identification was done based on these characters. A part of the identified species belonging to Pratylenchidae family including Pratylenchus thornei, P. neglectus and Zygotylenchus guevaraei are presented and their morphological and morphometric characteristics are discussed.

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Rana belongs to the Family Ranidae which is a cosmopolitan family including, six subfamilies, 30 genera and 500 species. Regarding ecological literature, studies on the diet of the genus Rana are rare; moreover, there is no study surveying other ecological and geographical aspects of this genus. Family Ranidae is represented in Iran by two genus and four species including, Rana ridibunda, Rana Camerani, Rana macrocnemis , Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis. No study has been conducted to survey the effective factors on the geographical distribution of these species. The aim of this study is to investigate the effective factors on the geographical distribution of these species. Sampling has been conducted from 19 provinces of Iran and four mentioned species have been caught. Ecological factors of every sampling location including, precipitation, temperature, vegetation, latitude, longitude, attitude are recorded. The relationship between ecological factors and occurrence of these four species has been analyzed employing SAM v4.0 (P<0.05). According to this study, the most relevant factors to the occurrence of the distribution of genus Rana are vegetation, latitude, and attitude. The most effective factors on the distribution of Rana macronemis are latitude, attitude, and vegetation. The most effective factors on the distribution of Rana camerani are attitude, vegetation, and latitude. The most effective factor on the distribution of Rana ridibunda is latitude. The most effective factors on the distribution of Rana (Euphylectis) cyanophlyctis are latitude, precipitation, and attitude.

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This study was carried out in order to survey of temperature changes on masculinization Sword fish (Xiphophours helleri) in Aquarium in aquarium at Natural Resource faculty of Guilan University in 2008. 120 Xiphophours helleri (10-day-old) were evaluated on four treatments (21oC, 24oC, 27oC and 30oC) and three repetitions. After  six weeks, their sex was determined according to their shapes(prolonging of caudal fins bottom rays, which the name of sword fish was derived from this character).The statistical analysis was done by SPSS, Tukey test and One way ANOVA(P<0.05). Regarding to the analysis, that was no significant variation in total length and weigth (P<0.05). The least and most length and weight growth were revealed respectively on treatment 1(21oC, 2.84 cm 0.30 gr), treatment 3(27 ºC, 2.98 cm, 0.34 gr), treatment 2(24oC, 3.05 cm, 0.33 gr) and  treatment 4(30oc, 3.04 cm, 0.36 gr). During these treatments survey and sex determination CF, BWI and SGR, treatment 1(21oC) showed the significant variation (P<0.05). The most and least making male percentages were achieved on treatment 4(30oC, 70%) and treatment 1(21oC, 46.6%).

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