Rural tourism has long been one of the largest industries that has been considered as a means of achieving economical and social development and regeneration. This industry has a great effect on host communities and tourists as well as on tourism places. Coastal region has been widely affected from this industry. Although the most researches have emphasis on the rural tourism benefits, but evidence show that tourism are benefiting the tourist, but not rural communities. This research analyses residents, perceptions of the effects of tourism economic, social, cultural and environmental effects are identified as determinates of residents, attitudes towards tourism development and planning. The research has been established in coastal village of Chamkhale, that is in north of Iran. The method used was based on 100 questionnaires, handed to the rural families. The questionnaire focused on the Likert case. Our results support our basic hypothesis: resident level of personal benefits especially economical benefit from tourism, influence their perceptions. Meanwhile the cultural, social and environmental effects of tourism could not satisfy the rural communities.