Kermanshah County is located in the west of Iran. It has 857 villages and its area is 5615 Km2 that is equivalent to 22.9% of total area of Kermanshah province. This region is portion of thrust and folding zone. In view of, significance of recognition of natural factors role on the emplacement to rural habitat ant and role of these factors to create an environmental prone circumstances and/or vice versa, in his research try to study on the effective physical factors to settlement of rural places and county zonation on the basis of each of those factors. Thus, 9 factors note as effective factors to zonation including to: karstic springs, major rivers, faults, climatic elements (for example: precipitation, evaporation, temperature), elevated, radiant, litho logy. This factors statistics analyzed in G.I.S. environment to get a map that showed rural situations at suitable, normal and unsuitable. From these results can recognize villages holding different situation (suitable, normal and unsuitable) using to produce maps. This map can help to prevention or decline of likely hazards from unrespectable accidences and also different planning.