The Rapid urban growth, as a result of industrial revolution and technological progress, significantly has effected on the old and historical textures and has disturbed the environmental and social balances. Simultaneous occurrence of numerous problems and their effects on various areas, the attention to damaged and old fabric and eliminate of their instability has become a serious and central issue and leaded the related organizations to organize and regeneration of the mentioned textures and has indicated the necessity of interference in these textures in various periods of time. Urban improvement and renewal, especially since nineteen century till now, shows that in each period, based on the conditions of that time, a Certain approach and attitude has dominated in interference in the old and historical textures and the cooperative in each time with the knowledge of each approach weaknesses, without a complete rejection attempted to correct and perfect them. Thus, the approaches of urban renovation and improvement in their way to change and evolution has been perfected from urban reconstruction, revitalization, renewal and redevelopment to urban regeneration and renaissance and in its path, it has experienced a passage from the only attention to the framework to the emphasis on social, economical, art and cultural aspects. The hypothesis of this study can be considered as the following: -The urban improvement and renovation has passed some periods of change and evolution and nowadays it is in a position which is called “urban regeneration” and its recent procedure is called “urban renaissance”.-In these periods, urban renovation and improvement are considered as an integrated performance with social, economic, environmental and framework aspects and providing proper circumstances for reaching development with sustainability and sustainable developments.This study follows two main paths: The first, the way which connects the urban improvement and renewal to urban regeneration and renaissance and transforms it to an all aspect interferer procedure which can be contemporized. The second way is the conceptualizations if urban regeneration approaches and declaration of rules, strategies and processes.