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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Lee Jung Hoon

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Sir, Numerous studies have reported on the results of applying kinesiology taping (KT) for various symptoms; the use of KT is gradually increasing in sports competitions, such as the Olympic Games or football leagues, as well in clinical medicine. An article titled “ Is application of Kinesio tape to treat hyperlordosis more effective on abdominal muscles or hamstrings? ” that was recently published in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences was reviewed with considerable interest. ...

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Background: Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are drugs that are primarily used for the treatment of malaria and are also recommended for treating connective tissue disorders, autoimmune diseases, and some dermatological and inflammatory diseases. Treatment with these drugs has potential risk for the development of retinopathy, clinically characterized by bilateral pigment changes in the macula, as one serious ocular complication. The aim of this research was to evaluate the parafoveal and perifoveal macular retinal thickness, as central foveal thickness in adult patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) on chloroquine therapy using optical coherence tomography (OCT). Materials and Methods: In this cross‑ sectional study, 56 RA patients (56 eyes) were included and examined. All patients were treated with chloroquine (tablets resochin or delagil) at a dose of 250 mg/day without treatment with steroids and other immunosuppressive drugs. Patients were divided into two groups, namely, Group I patients ‑ no visible changes in the macula (26 patients) and Group II patients‑ with visible changes in the macula (30 patients). The central fovea thickness and parafoveal and perifoveal retinal thickness in all quadrants were measured by OCT and compared in both groups. Results: There are a significantly higher number of eyes without thinning of the macula in Group I patients than in Group II (P < 0. 001) patients. There are a higher number of patients with recorded parafoveal thinning in Group II patients, especially in the inferior, nasal, and temporal sectors, respectively (P < 0. 05). Conclusion: Maculopathy is the main side effect of chloroquine therapy in RA patients that can be detected by OCT in the early stages of the macular involvement.

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Sir, Gallstone ileus induced by bilioenteric fistula as a true mechanical obstruction, [1] includes 1%– 4% of mechanical bowel obstructions[2, 3] can occur in any site of small bowel (SB), especially in the terminal ileum. [1, 3] In modified jejunoileal bypass (MJB), first described by Iraj Fazel in 1982, two points of SB, 15 cm after Treitz’ ligament and 45 cm proximal to illeocecal valve, are resected and anastomosed, and the remaining resected bowel is anastomosed to the gallbladder and cecum[4] that acts as a bilioenteric fistula and can lead to gallstone ileus due to an increased risk of gallstone formation after severe weight loss. . . .

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Background: Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is characterized by hyperglycemia and insulin deficiency. Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), serving as a deacetylase, is critical in the regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism. Recently, a number of studies have been conducted to investigate the role of SIRT1 in the pathogenesis of T2DM. However, there are no sufficient data about the relationship between SIRT1 and T2DM. The aim of this study was to analyze the expressions of microRNAs (miRNAs) (miR‑ 34a, miR‑ 9, miR‑ 132, and miR‑ 181a) involved in SIRT1 regulation and SIRT1 protein in the serum of T2DM patients and controls. Materials and Methods: miRNA expressions were determined by real‑ time polymerase chain reaction, and enzyme‑ linked immunosorbent assay was used to measure the SIRT1 protein levels in 25 T2DM patients and 25 controls. Results: Fasting blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin levels were significantly higher in patients when compared with controls (P < 0. 001). There was no difference for miRNA expressions between the groups (P > 0. 05). SIRT1 protein level was significantly increased in patients as compared to controls (P = 0. 044). Moreover, SIRT1 was negatively correlated with miR‑ 181a (r = − 0. 558, P = 0. 005) and miR‑ 132 (r = − 0. 435, P = 0. 034) in patients. Conclusion: Obtained results indicate that serum SIRT1 may be a potentially new biomarker for T2DM and also miR‑ 181a and miR‑ 132 may be involved in the development of T2DM by targeting SIRT1. This is the first study reporting on the effects of SIRT1 and related miRNAs in Turkish T2DM patients.

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Background: Despite the available data on demographic information of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), the changing trend of histopathologic pattern of OSCC has not conducted yet, in Iran. The aim was to investigate the pattern of histopathologic features of OSCC in Iran by analyzing the patients referred to Cancer Institute, Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, during 2006-2015. Materials and Methods: The study was a retrospective institutional study. The pathology records with the diagnosis of OSCC were retrieved from Iran National Tumor Bank, Cancer Biology Research Center, Cancer Institute of Iran, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, during 2006-2015. The demographic characteristics and histopathologic features were recorded and analyzed for possible trend. Descriptive analysis was used for statistical interpretation. Results: The data showed an increasing number of moderately and poorly differentiated OSCC. Accordingly, higher increasing rate in tumor size and vascular, perineural invasion was detected. Conclusion: On the basis of histopathologic features, moderately differentiated OSCC with increasing rate of tumor size and vascular, perineural invasion was indicated in recent decade. Based on the findings, lower differentiation potentially is compatible with worsen prognosis.

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Background: We aimed to study the anatomical, physiological, and cognitive function of healthy individuals practicing fasting during the month of Ramadan. Measurements were taken 1 week before and 2 weeks after Ramadan fasting. Materials and Methods: Twelve healthy male individuals (mean age ± standard error of the mean: 34. 3 ± 2. 9 years; body mass index: 26. 26 ± 1. 4 kg/m2) were assessed for various parameters before and after Ramadan fasting. All the tests were performed in the morning. Body composition characteristics were assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis using a commercially available body composition analyzer. For neurocognitive analysis, participants underwent the stop signal task (SST), pattern recognition memory task (PRM), and spatial working memory strategy (SWM) from the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery. T1‑ weighted, 1 mm‑ thick magnetic resonance images were also acquired. Results: Anthropometric analysis showed a significant decrease in body weight, fat‑ free mass (FFM), trunk FFM, and trunk predicted muscle mass, while the other body composition parameters did not exhibit any changes. The stop signal reaction time (SSRT) latency (ms) (P > 0. 05) and PRM did not show any significant difference before and after fasting. SWM task (P < 0. 05) improved significantly after fasting. Cortical thickness data of the whole brain were not significantly different after fasting at any brain location. There was a significant correlation between the left amygdala and the SWM strategy (r2 = 0. 518) and between fat and brain segmentation volume (r2 = 0. 375). Conclusion: Our pilot data suggest that Ramadan fasting leads to weight loss and FFM reductions and improve cognitive function.

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Background: This study is to evaluate swallowing problems (dysphasia) in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients; the importance of using tools that are durable and appropriate is well understood. One of the most trusted tools is the dysphagia in multiple sclerosis (DYMUS) test. The aim of this study was to prepare a Persian version and to evaluate the validity and reliability of the test. Materials and Methods: This methodological study was conducted on 236 MS patients in Southeast of Iran from August 2015 to February 2016. After translation and cultural adaptation of the test in Persian, the validity of this test was determined using expert opinions accordance with the International Quality of Life Assessment Project. In addition, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed with varimax rotation. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted and the goodness of fit indices was calculated. Moreover, to test the reliability, Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were used. Results: In total, 236 MS patients were included in the study (81 males and 155 females). All the questions in the test’ s Persian version obtained an acceptable face and content validity (content validity ratio = 1, Scale content validity index/Ave = 1). EFA revealed that the scale has two factors (solid– liquid) with 67. 5% cumulative variance. CFA indicated a good fit to the intended two‑ factor structure, and the ratio of Chi‑ square to the degree of freedom was 1. 79, and the root mean square error of approximation was 0. 058. The internal consistency of total test indicated the appropriate level (Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient = 0. 775), and test– retest reliability total questionnaire was found to be ICC = 0. 985, indicating its high reliability. Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that the Persian version of the DYMUS questionnaire had good reliability and validity for patients with MS.

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Background: Allergic Rhinitis (AR) is the most common allergic disease worldwide. The present study, evaluated effects of synbiotic on gene expression of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ ), interleukin-4 (IL-4), interleukin-10 (IL-10), interleukin-17 (IL-17), transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β ), and forkhead box P3 (FoxP3) in AR patients who received concomitant immunotherapy in a placebocontrolled clinical trial. Materials and Methods: Twenty AR patients were randomized in synbiotic and placebo groups and received cluster immunotherapy for 2 months. RNA was extracted from peripheral PBMCs, then the cDNA synthesized. Subsequently, SYBR Green real-time Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction technique was employed for studying the expression of mentioned genes. In addition, SNOT-22 and mini-Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire questionnaires were completed by patients. Data were analyzed before and also 2 and 6 months after intervention. Results: Clinical symptoms and quality of life were improved with immunotherapy, but there was no significant difference between the placebo and synbiotic groups. Gene expression of IFN-γ , TGF-β , and FoxP3 was increased whereas the gene expression of IL-4 and IL-10 decreased, but not significant. Interestingly, the gene expression of IL-17 in the synbiotic group was significantly decreased versus placebo after 2 months (P = 0. 001) and also at the end of intervention (P = 0. 0001) comparing with the time zero. Conclusion: Significant reduction in the IL-17 gene expression following administration of synbiotic versus placebo shows the importance of synbiotic in control of the immunopathogenesis of AR. Further studies with more samples are recommended. In addition, evaluating the effects of synbiotic in patients who do not undergo immunotherapy is suggested to get a better conclusion.

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