Information Journal Paper
CopyTrenkic Bozinovic, Marija S., Babic, Gordana Stankovic, Petrovic, Maja, Karadzic, Jelena, Vulovic, Tatjana sarenac, & Trenkic, Milan. (2019). Role of optical coherence tomography in the early detection of macular thinning in rheumatoid arthritis patients with chloroquine retinopathy. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MEDICAL SCIENCES (JRMS), 24(6), 0-0. SID.
CopyTrenkic Bozinovic Marija S., Babic Gordana Stankovic, Petrovic Maja, Karadzic Jelena, Vulovic Tatjana sarenac, Trenkic Milan. Role of optical coherence tomography in the early detection of macular thinning in rheumatoid arthritis patients with chloroquine retinopathy. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MEDICAL SCIENCES (JRMS)[Internet]. 2019;24(6):0-0. Available from:
CopyMarija S. Trenkic Bozinovic, Gordana Stankovic Babic, Maja Petrovic, Jelena Karadzic, Tatjana sarenac Vulovic, and Milan Trenkic, “Role of optical coherence tomography in the early detection of macular thinning in rheumatoid arthritis patients with chloroquine retinopathy,” JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MEDICAL SCIENCES (JRMS), vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 0–0, 2019, [Online]. Available: