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To move forward along nation building project, the ideologues and policymakers of the Administration founded their idea on applying radical changes in the old Iranianism and creation of a new Iranianism idea based on modern Iranian model. To fulfill this objective, the administration used ideological organs such as Training and Education Department and educational Materials such as textbooks. This articles aims at studying the focal facets of new Iranianism by using statistically-based quantitative content analysis method. The findings indicated that the focus had been on Persian Language as the national language as well as national traditions and rituals, Iranian art, Iranian literary figures etc., and relating to the ancient Iran has always been the focus of attention, in this line, the most focus is on common letters (literary texts and literary figures) and Persian language seconded it.

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Constitution movement became cause encounter between both thought and method in government. Although source it was in Tehran, but created encounter between despotism and constitution and their adherents in capital that cause reactions became in other Iran cities. Certainly this encounter appeared with due attention to level of social that in various cities was and to form contrast was with city despotic governors. Result riots and disturbances of this contrasts in city surface became cause people lost, but don’t turn Kermanshah people back of constitutionalist and consistently of chiefs and leaders Kermanshah constitutionalist followed. Although despotic chieftains and city governors with tribes could crowd prepared that riots expanded. This research to deal with situation Kermanshah city in periods that constitution command issued and Until at bombard assembly continued. Question propound that whether did attend in Kermanshah city with constitution revolution or differences between constitutionalist and opponents were tensions that between tribes. It deals with, in Kermanshah, situation of city convulsed by reason of attendant with constitution revolution, so that collation between specter constitutionalist and despotic of city had begun of selection for deputy of the parliament.

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The most important factor of sudden death in Naseri era in Iran (1264-1313A.H/1848-1896A.D) was the repeated outbreak of contagious diseases including the endemic cholera due to economic backwardness, insufficiency of the most basic sanitary facilities and absence of public health program in particular. The spread of cholera triggered maximum fatalities in infected areas. Hence, the main causes of population decline were the inadequate food supply in extreme cases such as persistence famine as well as wheat hoarding which brought about malnutrition; in addition, the spread of contagious diseases and lack of possibility of job creation which caused massive immigration. All the mentioned factors in turn had a negative impact on population and resulted in economic, social and cultural problems. The main objective of this research is studying the social and economic influence of endemic cholera on Iranians’ daily life and its causes and reasons. The central question of this paper is: what was the impact of repeated outbreak of cholera in the second half of 19th century on the governing economy and relations of the Naseri era’s markets? This paper uses a descriptive-analytical method to answer this question and also its impact on Iranian’s life of that era.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Safavid dynasty was established in 907 by Shah Ismail while entering Tabriz and announcing his kingdom. This dynasty was abolished by Nadir Shah Afshar. This dynasty confronted with a great number of problems in different realms such as internal differences, internal war, and external war, their stance toward the economy, architecture and foreign relationship. However they are well known in theosophy. It is surprising that ascetics seeking eternity had been enticed by power and they managed to abuse religions so as to achieve their mundane goals, however it is not determined whether they planned to go through such an event intentionally or heyday of times led them through. If it is so, what is the reason behind ignoring abstinence and asceticism and tendency toward mundane aspect of life? What is the role of theosophy behind such a magnificent change; the change that not only sacrificed new meaning to theosophy but also it has significant effect on both Iran territory and countries around Iran. It is axiomatic that such an authority was really demanding and clergy man who came to power at first years went through hardship and tolerated a lot of problems. This article is going to evaluate whether this clergy man in Safavid dynasty seeked sovereign intentionally or heydays of times led them in this way. If it is so, what is incentive and which elements played an important role.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Kelileh-o-Demneh is regarded significant from various aspects in the history of Iran, India and other Islamic societies. This book vividly presents different approaches to human being and society in traditional communities before the Renaissance. The above-mentioned book, due to being blended and combined with various Eastern cultures, embodies different cultural layers, to the extent that at least the role of three great civilizations of East, namely Iran, India and Arab, can be easily traced and detected in. Most tales of this book have allegorical functions and are expressed in the language of animals. It is said that conveying political content has most probably been the main reason of using animal characters. This kind of characterization has enabled the author to put forward certain issues that otherwise would have made some problems. Due to enjoying unique and specific features, this didactic and entertaining book has gained particular credit and popularity both in Persian literature and in the history of the world’s literature. This book is regarded as the cultural outcome of great Eastern civilizations (i.e. Iran, India and Islam), and this article attempts to demonstrate the immense effects of its content on the other authors of various nations followed by providing documents and evidences, reflection of knowledge, insistence on positive moral ethics, opposing negative moral features, presenting philosophical advices, and scrutinizing the fictional characters. Moreover, the article aims to study the reasons and consequences of ethical challenges as much as possible.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In all of the history of Iran after Islam, governance and domination of the Safavid dynasty, in many ways, is the most important era of the history of Iran after Islam, such as revival the national sovereignty, development and growth of trade, effectiveness on international trade, religious freedom of other non-Irany muslim nations, integrity and solidarity in political structure, purposefulness of growing economic activities, securance of public security and long periods of governance era. except from factors that their total resultant, led to, formation, establishment and continuity of the Safavids dynasty, some clear and unclear factors frequently also advanced independence and domination of the Safavid to extinction, that among of kings premature death, empowerment, growing demand of Qizilbash and tribes and their affiliate forces, mismanagement and the lack of king power and the ruling system, territorial expansionism and the expectations of non-conventional competitor countries such as the Ottoman and Uzbeks. and some European governments and intervention of power competition instituations in country, were all factors in phases sometimes acute, prepared fall of the Safavid, and finally, certained and confirmed this destruction, the resultant of its factors set. This study has designed and developed to seeks the answer of this question that which is the Safavids vanishing preventing factors that on the other side also has been causes of their continuity and domination? And they what origin and cause had have? And approach of Shah Abbas 1, as most important king of this dynasty, what consequent had have his rationality and wisdom property to continuity or vanishing this dynasty? Certainly, mentioned the kings outlook, approach and practice in this process, particularly in the some distinct cases, has been a strategic and effectiveness factor and is reasonable and analyzable the recognizing and understanding of the aspects and its outcomes and consequences.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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