Silk Road highway is unique in the ancient world for centuries, and for many years was in the East and West together gave the world those days. The link between East and West in the ancient world was not a safe and easy way of air, sea punishment our day, thousands of shipments daily and easy to carry material and spiritual ways Azmhdvd took place only towards the support and cooperation of governments Drblad Vfvrkala plurality of traffic and then, they had become known ways Vrsmy Vmqbvl. Specification of Silk Road, with all its features, climate, social and economic will over time became a commercial thoroughfare and the Nations became world famous. It's about the ancient civilizations of three continents of Africa and Eurasia were linked together. Diversity of natural, cultural, and economic realms renowned numerous road they went, led Vjabjayy addition to cargo shipments requested material Vblad lands on both sides of the way, intentionally or unintentionally, beliefs, customs, valley, many of the ideas in one of the world's land is transferred to the other side and thus belief in the people of other beliefs vote and rich nations are affected. If the Christian west, along the Silk Road and passing through the lands surrounding the Mediterranean, Black, Caspian, Aral, Baikal and Balkhash Vara’ and ideas found in the Far East, Zoroaster, Buddha, Mani, Mazdak, Confucianism, Islam and the mystical movements.