In the present paper, the effect of combined cooling, heating and power generation systems(CCHP) in the reduction of pollutants emission has been investigated and a hotel with 80 rooms in Zahedan has been selected as case study, also gas engine (with part-load operation) as prime mover for designed CCHP system. In this work it is assumed that selling electricity to grid is possible. In the first phase, optimization for access to maximum reduction of pollutant emissions has been done. In the next phase, a multi-criteria function has been introduced and the optimization process, with Percentage of Relative Annual Benefit (PRAB) has been investigated and the results of these two phases have been compared. Results show CCHP systems have significant effect in reducing environmental pollutants emissions of CO, CO2 and NOx, as the percentage of reduced pollutants emission is positive in an extensive range of nominal power of gas engine. Also, results show that, for access to maximum reduction of pollutant emissions CO2, CO and NOx, Enom,max (RCO2)=1975KW, Enom,max (RCO)=2875kW and Enom,max (RCOx)=4975kw are needed. However, for annual benefit, as multi-critria objective function, a gas engine with nominal power Enom,max(PRAB)=2050kW is needed. In this case, in addition to the most annual benefit also have a good effect for reducing emission of pollutants. In the end, the effect of the number of prime mover as designing parameter assessed with increase from one into two and three numbers. Results show increasing prime mover causes Relative Annual Benefit and emission of pollutants to decrease.