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To obtain high yield and stable genotypes, 18 durum wheat cultivars and promising lines along with two commercial durum (Behrang) and bread wheat (Chamran) as check cultivars, were evaluated in four warm and dry regions in Iran including Darab, Ahvaz, Khoramabad and Dezful during two cropping seasons (2013-2015). The experiments were conducted as a RCBD with three replications. Seed yield and some agronomic characteristics were recorded in each location. The results that first two bilinear AMMI model terms were significant and of which the first two terms explained 85. 17% of the genotype × environment interaction. Also the results of AMMI model (AMMI1 and AMMI2) indicated that lines no. G5 (DW-93-5), G10 (DW-93-10) and G12 (DW-93-12) were the most stable lines with high mean yield performance. The polygon-view of GGE biplot recognized five superior lines (lines G5 (DW-93-5), G9 (DW-93-9), G13 (DW-93-13), G16 (DW-93-16) and G17 (DW-93-17)) and two mega-environments so that the best genotypes within each environment were determined. Simultaneous evaluation of yield and stability through average environment coordinate (AEC) biplot showed that line no. G5 (DW-93-5) with the highest seed yield and stability was the most stable line. Biplot analysis of correlation among environments revealed that environmental vectors of Khoramabad with three locations including Darab, dezful and Ahvaz were near to 90◦ so; these three locations were different from Khoramabad. Totally, Khoramabad, Darab and dezful locations had high discriminating ability so that were be able to show differences between lines and cultivars at ideal environment, so they had the highest discriminating ability and representativeness. Finally, lines no. G5 (DW-93-5) and G10 (DW-93-10) with high yield, broad adaptability, relative resistance to foliar diseases and seed quality were selected as best line for further investigation and to be candidate as commercial durum wheat cultivars.

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Among different environmental stresses, drought is of great importance that induces a highly negative effect on crop production. In order to evaluate drought tolerance in dryland wheat genotypes, 36 genotypes were studied in a randomized complete block design with three replications under rainfed (drought stress) and supplemental irrigation conditions during 2016– 2017 growing season in Research Farm of Moghan College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Results showed that there are significant differences among genotypes for grain yield in both rainfed and supplemental irrigation conditions. Combined analysis of variance over two experiments showed that drought stress significantly increased grain yield. Under supplemental irrigation conditions, the genotypes 22, 34 and 21 had the highest grain yield by an average of 3. 143, 3. 089 and 2. 921 t/ha and under rainfed condition, genotypes 20, 22 and 27 produced the highest grain yield with an average of 2. 647, 2. 610 and 2. 558 t/ha, respectively. In order to identify drought tolerance genotypes, drought resistant indices such as tolerance index (TOL), stress susceptibility index (SSI), mean productivity (MP), geometric mean productivity (GMP), stress tolerance index (STI) and yield stability index (YSI) were used. GMP, MP and STI indices were highly correlated with grain yield under both stress and non-stress conditions. Therefore, they were introduced as suitable indices to identify superior genotypes for both environmental conditions. Based on principal component analysis and three dimensional graph, genotypes 22, 34, 33 and 15 were identified as drought tolerant genotypes and 7, 17, 14 and 1 were identified as drought sensitive genotypes. Cluster analysis with Ward's method based on grain yield under supplemental irrigation (Yp) and rainfed (Ys) conditions and drought tolerance indices divided the 36 genotypes into four major groups. Therefore, this result was consistent by results from principal component analysis.

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Radish belonging to the Brassicaceae family, contains some componds such as cineol, malvin Chloride, Sapogenin, Sulforaphane and Raphanin and has many therapeutic properties. In this study, IRAP retrotransposon marker was used for evaluation of genetic diversity in seven commercial and native populations of Radish herb. The least number of bands (1) were produced by LTR2 & LTR15 (primer combinations) and the highest number, (16) were produced by LTR23 primer. The mean number of bands in all sites was 6. 39. the most diversity index (0. 41) was found for Sukkula primer and the least diversity index (0. 18) was related to LTR2-LTR15 primer and also the mean diversity index was 0. 28. The highest marker index (4. 1) was related to the LTR3 primer and the least marker index (0. 18) was related to the LTR15 and LTR2 primer combination. The most number of effective bands, the Shanoon diversity index and the Nei diversity index were 1. 82, 0. 64 and 0. 45, respectively and all belonged to Sukkula primer. The least number of effective bands, the Shanoon diversity index and the Nei diversity index were 1. 18, 0. 27 and 0. 15, respectively belonged to the rtdk primer. Among radish populations, the most percentage of polymorphic location, effective band, the Shanoon diversity index and the Nei diversity index were 46. 85, 1. 305, 0. 17 and 0. 26, respectively. Molecular variance analysis among and between populations showed that 59% of the total genetic diversity was among populations. The results of this study showed that the population of Profit could be used as a parent or maternal parent or gene selection provider in Iran's radish breeding, since it showed the most polymorphism, the Shanoon diversity index and the Nei diversity index and number of effective bands.

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Baking quality is one of the most important traits in wheat quality breeding. In the present study, allelic diversity of the genes encoding glutenin with low molecular weight (LMW-GS) was evaluated in 15 good, average and poor cultivars in term of baking quality using SRAP markers. Further, morphological traits, including 100-seed weight, spike number per plot, seed number per spike, plant height and spike length were investigated in order to identify possible correlation with molecular markers. In this experiment, two SRAP markers were designed based on repetitive region in LMW-GS. The ANOVA results of morphological traits revealed that all cultivars were differently at 0. 01level. Additionally, the correlation analysis between grain yield and other morphological traits indicated a high correlation between yield and spike number per plot. In morphological traits, the cultivars were grouped in three cluster using WARD method and CCC plot cutoff. The product size ranged from 200 to 3000 bp and 90 to 2500 bp for SRAP1 and SRAP2 markers, respectively. In total, 19 bands were produced among the cultivars and polymorphic percentage was 42. 1. SRAP2 produced the highest number of bands (11). Polymorphic information content (PIC) was 0. 11 and 0. 39 for SRAP1 and SRAP2 markers, respectively. Cluster analysis based on Jaccard’ s coefficient and UPGMA algorithm by NTSYSpc 2. 2 software related that the cultivars were allocated in four clusters. The results showed that SRAP marker could approximately group the cultivars according to baking trait and this classification can be compared with morphological data.

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In order to study tuber yield stability of 15 potato genotypes, this research was carried out using randomized complete block design with three replications in three different research stations in Iran during two growing seasons. The combined analysis of variance indicated that the main effects of genotype (G), environment (E) and their interactions genotype and environmen (G×E) were highly significant (p < 0. 01). The principal component analysis (PCA) based on rank correlation matrix indicated that the first two PCAs explained 86. 7% of the variance of original variables. Based on bi-plot analysis, the stability parameters were classified into four groups. Clustering of the genotypes according to the mean yield and nonparametric stability statistics showed that there were two main clusters. Overall, according to mean rank of nonparametric stability parameters, G1, G15, G5, G6, G12 and G13 had the lowest variations and were recognized as the most stable genotypes. Genotypes G9, G11, G14, G3 and G7 had the highest values of mean rank of parameters and therefore, would be considered to be the most unstable. According to the present study, the stability measures Ysi, R, TOP and LOW were associated with mean yield (MY) and the dynamic concept of stability. Therefore, these procedures were suitable for selecting stable and high yielding genotypes. Based on these parameters, genotypes G5 (45. 57 t/ha) and G1 (39. 99 t/ha) were identified as high yield stable genotypes.

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Finding association between molecular markers and agronomic traits provides an excellent tool for indirect selection of a trait of interest in the population. In this study, stepwise regression analysis was used to estimate associations between ISSR and RAPD markers with some agronomic traits in 12 lemon balm ecotypes. Markers or bands were considered as independent variables and traits were considered as dependent variables. The results analysis revealed significant associations between the traits and some of the studied loci. For all the traits more than one informative marker was detected. Totally 90 informative markers including 48 ISSR loci and 42 RAPD loci were identified. Four RAPD markers (SA-R-10, OPA-01-15, OPC-04-7 and CS-56-8 markers with 54%, 0. 7%, 0. 4% and 0. 2% phenotypic variation, respectively) and four ISSR markers (UBC826-1, UBC812-9, UBC813-10 and UBC825-4 markers with 29%, 7. 5%, 5% and 3% phenotypic variation, respectively) showed a significant correlation with Essential oil percentage and controlled 99. 8% of the phenotypic variation. These markers are considered to be relatively more reliable. Among the RAPD primers, special attention should be drawn to primer SA-R, which had the highest associated fragments with the traits including days to 50% flowering, number of branches per plant, vegetative fresh weight and dry weight. Some of these markers (SA-R and UBC813 primers) were associated with more than one trait that these traits had very close linkage together or possibly were controlled by pleiotropic effects. These primers have been found useful for improved lemon balm breeding programmers.

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Genetic improvement of crop plants such as wheat, relies on genetic diversity. In the current investigation, the genetic diversity of 99 wheat lines and 49 cultivars were assessed using 20 SSR primers. Out of the primers used, 19 were polymorphic among studied lines and cultivars and a total of 67 alleles were amplified. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 1 (Xgwm44) to 7 (Xgwm47), with a mean value of 3. 5. The mean of expected heterozygosity (He) ranged from 0. 71 (Xgwm149) to 0. 27 (Xgwm469). The mean of polymorphism information content (PIC) and the maximum value of Shannon’ s information index (I) were 0. 52 and 0. 88 respectively. The number of alleles (Na), Shannon’ s information index (I) and mean of expected heterozygosity (He), for lines were slightly more than those of cultivars. Average of gene differentiation coefficients (Fst) and gene flow (Nm) for all primers were 0. 067 and 6. 96 respectively. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed a higher level of genetic variation within lines + cultivars (89%) compared to among lines and cultivars (11%). Cluster analysis using UPGMA method and simple matching coefficients placed the lines and cultivars in five groups. Similarity coefficients ranged from 0. 40 to 1 with a mean value of 0. 70. Some cultivars with the same geographic origin were located in the same cluster. The high level of genetic similarity detected in cultivars may demonstrate the narrow genetic base of Iranian wheat germplasm. However, according to the genetic distance between different groups, lines in divergent groups could be potentially used as parents in wheat breeding programs.

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In order to study the drought stress in soybean (Glycin max L. ), experiments with two stages and 25 soybean genotypes based on Simple Lattice Design 5×5 with two replications in two locations (normal and drought condition) were carried out in Bojnourd. Also evaluation of germination traits with three replications based on Completely Randomized Design has performed. Drought stress was applied in farm after plant establishment at second trifoliate (V2) by irrigation period and in germination experiment, drought stress, has been applied in two levels (normal and-9 bar). Results revealed that among 20 measured traits in field condition, the most reduction in yield components were related to biomass with 32. 6% and number of seed per plant with 26. 6% respectively. Also drought stress caused a reduction in yield in area by 46. 7% and single plant yield by 35. 2%. Korona genotype with 69. 9% had the highest reduction and Capital genotype with 10. 7% had the lowest reduction regarding final yield. Germination assoys showed that plumule with 83. 3% and seed length index with 80. 44% had the most significant reduction. Considering the Total Ranking Index (TRI), Capital, Chaleston and Jame×Williams genotypes were more resistant to drought stress and Korona and Amuroska were more sensitive to drought stress. Ranking was done by two methods: SDI, TRI. Mann Whitney nonparametric test did not show significant differences among genotypes ranking in these two methods.

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Rice is one of the most important food crops, thus identification of definitive traits on the yield can be used in breeding programs. In order to determine the best suitable morphological markers for selection of superior genotypes, seeds of 15 rice genotypes including 5 varieties (namely: Binam, Dasht, Neda, Mashhad Domsiah and IR62871-175-1-10) and their 10 F1 hybrids of corresponding variates from a 5 × 5 one-way diallel cross were evaluated using a randomized complete block design with 3 replicates. This research was performed at Gonbad Kavous University Research Farm in 2016. Twelve traits including plant height, length and width of flag leaf, panicle length, number of unfilled and filled grain, days to 50% flowering, 1000 grain weight, number of fertile tillers, panicle weight, number of spikelets per spike and yield were evaluated. Results of correlation analysis showed that the grain yield had significant and positive correlation with flag leaf width, number of filled grain and panicle weight, while showed a negative significant correlation with flag leaf length. Stepwise regression analysis (correlation coefficient 69%) indicated that panicle weight and flag leaf width are the most important components of grain yield. Also, path analysis revealed that the number of filled grains per panicle (I=1. 27) showed the highest positive direct effect on yield. Despite this, the panicle weight (I=-0. 81) showed the highest negative direct effect, however, this trait had the highest indirect effect through number of filled grain. Genotypes were clustered in 3 groups based on UPGMA method. Also, cophenetic correlation coefficient (0. 86) indicated a high correlation between similarity matrix and the matrix resulted from the cluster analysis. Overall, the characteristics of the studied traits such as flag leaf width, number of filled grain and panicle weight can be important criteria for selection of high yield genotypes.

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Survey of genetic diversity is essential for breeding program. The genetic diversity of A. andreanum, 10 cultivars were analyzed using seven Start Codon Targeted (SCoT) and 40 RAPD markers in which 22 RAPD markers and all of SCoT marker produced polymorphic bands. Matrix genetic distance ranged from 0. 01 to 0. 37 for RAPD and from 0. 02 to 0. 52 for SCoT marker analysis. Polymorphism percentage generated by SCoT markers (100%) was similar to RAPD markers. In order to determine genetic relationships, cluster analysis was performed using Neighbor-joining with Splits tree software. Cluster analysis for RAPD and SCoT markers revealed that cultivars were grouped in three clusters. Results from the present study revealed the superiority of SCoT over RAPD markers due to their high resolution and high variability in detection of genomic information. This is the first report of using SCoT marker for genetic diversity analysis in anthorium. Overall, results showed that these markers provide useful information to protect A. andreanum germplasm resources and also useful for breeding programs.

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In order to evaluate the grain yield and other agronomic and qualitative characteristics of foreign corn hybrids, this experiment was conducted with 13 new maize hybrids and two commercial hybrids (BC-62, BC632, BC-621, BC628, BC-512, BC-595, PL-472, BC-525, Valbum, BC-626, BC-585, Torro, Simon, KSC 704 and KSC 703), in a randomized complete block design with four replications in Mahdasht research station in 2016. Analysis of variance showed that the effect of cultivar on grain yield, yield components and grain yield was significant at 1% probability level. The BC-621 was the best hybrid with a 100 seed weight of 359 gr, very low percentage of cob weight (12. 4%) and high grain yield (15. 060 t/ha) and shorter physiological maturation time (137 days). The BC-512 and BC-626 hybrids with physiological ripening time (138 and 136 days) and 1000 kernel weight (331 and 324 g) and cob (13. 5% and 16. 7%) and grain yields (14. 430 and 13. 830 t/h) were superior hybrids. The Torro hybrid was also a good cultivar with a 1000 kernel weight of 396 grams and a cob percentage (15 %) and a grain yield of 12. 980 t/h and a physiological ripening time of 137 days. These hybrids are high-yielding and compatible and very suitable for cultivation in the temperate regions of Kermanshah province. These hybrids were a very suitable in terms of type, plant height and low leaf shade in the plant, and the ability to penetrate sunlight on the lower leaves. The four hybrids yields were about 3 to 5 t/h higher than the KSC704 and KSC703 controls. Also they had more tolerance to corn common disease.

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Evaluating the promising genotypes in different years and locations is performed to identify stable and adaptable genotypes with high yield potential. For this purpose, three genotypes of rapeseed derived from crossing of three varieties named Foseto, Option 500 and Goliath were planted with check variety (Hyola 401) in three locations (Sari, Behshar and qarakheil) using randomized complete block design with 3 replicates from 2012 to 2014 cropping season. Results indicated that the average of grain yield in of: 5616 kg. ha-1 for genotype 43 in Sari, 3871 kg. ha-1 for genotype 43 in Behshahr and 3550 kg. ha-1 for genotype 29 in qarakheil were recorded. The yield of these genotypes was higher or did not have significant difference than check variety (Hyola401). Generally using stability analysis and yield mean, it can be suggested that genotype 43 with the least stable and high yield in Sari and Behshar is a good candidate for these regions. In addition, genotype 29 with good general adaptation and in next priority, 28 with average general adaptation are suitable candidates for all three locations.

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For QTL mapping of related salt tolerance QTLs and determining the contribution of each QTL to phenotypic variation, a population consisting of 96 F2: 3 families derived from the cross Kharchia (parent tolerant) and Gaspard (susceptible parent) were evaluated during 2 years. Of the 92 microsatellite markers used to evaluate parents, 32 markers were polymorphic which were used for analysis. Three QTLs were found according to mapping composite interval method for plant height trait, which were located on chromosome 7D, 3B and 4B. In total, these QTLs explained 37 percent of phenotypic variation. Also, 3 QTLs were found on chromosome 7B and 7D for the size of seedling, which accounted for 38 percent of phenotypic variance were identified. For number of grains per spike and grain weight per main spike traits, 2 QTLs on chromosome 7D and 2 QTL for seed number trait on chromosome 4B. One QTL was found on chromosome 7D for each of the internode number and internode length traits which explained 12 and 11% of the phenotypic variance, respectively. For each of the number of spikelets, fertile tiller and spike length traits 1 QTL was found on chromosome 4B which explained 12% of the phenotypic variation. Genetic analysis of complex traits such as tolerance to salinity and identification of genetic locations controlling quantitative traits allow marker-assisted selection and ultimately improve the selection efficiency.

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In order to evaluate the genetic diversity of oily sunflower lines, screening drought tolerance indices and identification of drought tolerant lines, 100 oily sunflower lines were evaluated in a simple lattice design under both well-watered and water-limited stressed conditions in 2016. Based on the potential (Yp) and stress (Ys) yield, quantitative drought tolerance criteria such as: mean productivity (MP), tolerance index (TOL), geometric mean productivity (GMP), harmonic mean (HM), stress susceptibility index (SSI) and stress tolerance index (STI) were calculated. Generally, the line with code number of 8 with average yield of 81. 25 gr/plant and line 66 with average yield of 5. 43 gr/plant showed maximum and minimum seed yield, respectively. Correlation analysis between drought tolerance indices with well-watered and water-limited stress yields revealed that indices such as MP, GMP, HM and STI are the most suitable criteria for screening sunflower lines. In well-watered and waterlimited stressed conditions, the highest value of MP, GMP, STI and HM were observed in line 8. Regarding these four criteria and high values of Yp and Ys, line 8 was chosen as the best line for using as a parental line in hybrid varieties production and development of segregating populations.

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This study was conducted to evaluate the genetic diversity of sugar beet half sib inbred lines (48 lines and one control cultivar) under water stress (200mm of class A evaporation pan) in field conditions in a randomized complete block design with three replicates in Khorasan Razavi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center in 2015. In this research, traits such as root yield, raw sugar yield, sugar content of root, leaf number, index of difference between the temperature of environment and leaf, succulence index, leaf relative water content, specific leaf weight, leaf color score, leaf growth score, leaf architecture, root growth score and ratio of length to width of root were measured. Results showed that there were significant differences (p≤ 0. 01) between studied genotypes for all traits. Results showed that, there were significant positive correlations between root yield and sugar yield, leaf color score and root growth score, while, significant and negative correlations were observed between root yield, leaf number and ratio of length to width of root. The dendrogram generated from the cluster analysis for sugar yield classified genotypes into four main groups. Factor analysis led to introduction of four main factors which explained 73. 2 percent of total variation. Hf4 s1 genotype showed superiority for root yield, sugar yield and leaf color score than other studied genotypes, indicating that, this genotype has a high potential for drought tolerance.

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Increasing rate of extinction of valuable plant species such as Thymus daenensis Celak due to various biological and non-biological factors requires an overview of conservation and preservation methods. In this regard, cryopreservation techniques are one of the most important methods for preservation of seeds in non-habitat conditions. In the present study, the effects of different plant vitrification solutions (PVS2 and PVS3) were evaluated using two methods of vitrification (encapsulation-vitrification and droplet-vitrification) on the longitudinal and germination indices of T. daenensis seeds. Results showed that the highest viability rate (98%) and seed vigor index (26) was obtained after droplet-vitrification method using PVS3 (p ≤ 0. 05). Also, the lowest seedlings height was observed in encapsulation-vitrification method using PVS2 (17/33 mm; p ≤ 0. 05). Therefore, droplet-vitrification method using PVS3 is more favorable for the long-term preservation of T. daenensis seeds.

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Development of germplasm resources through importing new genotypes could improve the efficiency of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L. ) breeding programs. During 2014-2015 season, 82 imported safflower genotypes were evaluated in randomized complete block design at the research station of ORDC (Oilseeds Research & Development Company) in Sari. In this plan, six important quantitative traits related to grain yield were recorded for all genotypes. For modeling of stepwise regression PCA (Principal components analysis) were analyzed by PROC MIXED, PROC GLM and PROC IML methods, respectively. The results of PCA showed that grain yield and thousand grain weight components were correlation in linear combination. It was found 68% of the total variation justified with the three first components. The regression coefficients were significant for grain number per head and thousand grain weights at 1% and 5%, respectively indicating that these two mentioned traits had an effective role on increasing grain yield. The number of grain per pod and thousand grain weights remained in the model of Stepwise regression and for showed a signification with grain yield. Therefore, for increasing grain yield in breeding programs and producing high potential genotypes, the studied traits would be of great importance.

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Development of high yielded varieties is important to balance between production rates and grewing food needs of human population. For genetic analysis of yield and some important traits in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. ), We conducted line×tester analysis with ten lines and ten testers (three winter parents and seven spring parents). First generation hybrids as well as 20 parents (120 genotypes) were cultivated as a alpha lattice design with two replications under two different conditions (normal and delayed planting date) and days to flowering, flowering duration, plant height, number of primary branchs in plant, thousand seed weight and yield were studied. The results showed that the difference between genotypes is significant and the environment had a different effect on genotypes. High levels of broad sense heritability (from 73. 65% for number of primary branches in plant to 87. 65% for grain yield) showed that the genetic variance was more than environmental effect. Estimation of less than unit for the mean squares of the general combining ability to the mean squares of thespecific combining ability ratio and low to moderate value of narrow sense heritability (from 29% for plant height to 70% for grain yield) showed that non-additive variance is the major factor in controling of studied traits. The spscific combining ability of hybrids and hetero estimation showed that introduced hybrids in this study could be successfully used in breeding programs and improve the oilseed rape traits. The T9 × L2, T3 × L2, T3 × L9 and T3 × L5 hybrids in normal condition and T3 × L5, T7 × L6, T5 × L10 and T7 × L7 in delayed planting conditions with maximum heterosis for yield were potential hybrids for using in breeding programs for increased yield.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Seed germination has an important role in the life cycle of plants and critical stages of the growth cycle, establishment and final yield. Seed germination is the most critical stage of seedling establishment which ultimately determines the successful production of the product. Salinity is one of the environmental factors reducing crop production in the world. Saline soils or irrigation the plants with saline water has the potential to dramatically reduce plant production. To study the effect of different levels of salinity on the germination of 11 soybean genotypes, a factorial experiment in a Completely Randomized Design with three replications was performed in the greenhouse of Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University in 2013. In this experiment the first factor was salinity levels (zero, 3, 6 and 8 dS. m-1) and the second factor was genotype and eight different traits including germination percentage, germination rate, root length, root fresh weight, root dry weight, shoot length, shoot fresh weight and dry weight of shoot were evaluated. Analysis of vari ance showed that the effect of salinity and genotypes in all studied traits were significant at 1% probability level. On the other hand, with increasing levels of salinity, all traits in all genotypes decreased. Also interaction of salinity and genotypes for all traits showed significant differences. In total, in the highest levels of salinity, the highest rate and percentage of germination, root length and shoot and shoot and root dry weight were achieved in tolerant genotypes of Forrest, Hill, 032, Cokerstoart and BRAZIL17, while the lowest amounts were observed in sensitive genotypes of Bau08, Mangar and 3 COH obtained.

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Identification and introduce of high potential and water deficit stress tolerant is one of effective methods that caused to economic production beside other methods of water deficit management. In order to identification of barley lines, 9 barley elite lines and Bahman variety (check) studied under full irrigation and water deficit stress conditions in season cropping years 2013-2015. The results of combined variance analysis showed that the interaction effect, line × year was significant for grain yield. Under full irrigation condition, in first year, significant difference between Bahman (check) variety with other assessed lines was not seen, but in second year, the highest grain yield was belong to line no. 5 (6. 81 t. ha-1), that showed significant difference with Bahman variety. Under water deficit stress, in first year, Bahman variety showed the highest grain yield (4. 80 t. ha-1) that was situated in same statistical group with lines no. 2, 3, 4, 5. 7 and 8. But in second year, the highest grain yield was belong to line no. 9 (Jolgeh) with 5. 18 t. ha-1. Results of two years mean for grain yield showed under full irrigation condition, lines no. 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 (Jolgeh) and 10 (Mahtab variety) had grain yield by 10-35% greater than Bahman variety. Under water deficit stress comparison with the full irrigation condition, promising lines no. 2 and 7 by 15% and 19% respectively, had atleast reduction grain yield among studied barley genotypes. The path analysis result showed that under full irrigation condition, traits flag leaf photosynthesis and biomass had a positive and significant direct effect on grain yield, while traits spike weight and grain number per spike had a negative and significant direct effect on grain yield. On the other hand, traits 1000 grain weight and grain number per spike had a positive and negative significant direct effect on grain yield under water deficit stress condition, respectively. Finally, based on the ranking of assessed lines, we can recommend the elite lines no. 5 and 10 (Mahtab variety) for full irrigation condition, line no. 7 for water deficit stress condition and line no. 9 (Jolgeh) for both conditions.

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