Drought is the most important a biotic stress which play an important role in decreasing genetic variation and crop yield in the world. This investigation was carried out with complete series of substitution lines (lA, 2A, ... 7A; IB, 2B, ...7B and ID, 2D, ... 7D) and T. aestivum cv. Sheynne and T aestivum cv. Chinese spring as donor and recipient parents, respectively received from Agricultural Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Science, Martonvasar, to analyse genetic control of drought tolerance in Sheynne cultivar. Results showed genetic" variation among substitution lines: Genetic variation indicated genetic differences among chromosome locations. This made it easy to screen chromosomes having drought tolerance QTLs; Substitution lines having chromosomes No. 6D, 2D and 5A showed maximum relative water content (RWC). Substitution lines having chromosomes No. 7A, 2A, 4D, 6D, 1D and 2B showed maximum drought tolerance index (DTI). Chromosomes No. 7 A, 2B, ID, 2D, 6D, 3D and 4D showed high multiple selection index (MSI) and MSI had significant high correlation with DTI and physiological indices including RWC and relative water loss (RWL). Results of genomic analysis in Sheynne cultivar indicated that D genome with 43.11 % selection efficiency based on MSI had the most influence on controlling drought tolerance. Results of cluster and discriminate analyses based on DTI and MSI indicated that chromosomes No. 7A, 4D, 6D and 2D are the most important cluster in controlling drought tolerance. Conclusion is that chromosomes No. 7A, 4D, 6D and 2D had the most drought tolerance QTLs in Sheynne cultivar.