At the age of continuous advances, the times of value added, the age of numerous activities with limited facilities, and finally, the times of productivity enhancement, an improper system of performance appraisal could be an important deficiency. In this article, in order to prevent the cosequences of the unfavorable appraisal system in East Azerbaijan Branches of Islamic Azad University, we have tried to present a model of fuzzy tree to investigate the methods of the performance appraisal of the employees and to select, on the basis of this model, the right performance appraisal method for each branch. To do this, first the researchers recognized the effective factors in identifying the method of the performance appraisal, and then, by using these factors, the performance appraisal methods of employees was investigated. In this regard, the viewpoints of professors and the experts of human resources management have been used. By using the knowledge obtained from the experts of human resources management, a knowledge base was created, and through the use of the knowledge base and algorithm ID3 and fuzzy sets, the model of fuzzy tree was offered. Then by distributing the questionnaire, the values of each variable (the effective factors in identifying the performance appraisal method) for each branch were identified. Ultimately, by using these obtained values, the priority of the methods of performance appraisal for each branch were specified. Later, by applying the fuzzy multi-criterion decision making, the researchers identified the priority of selecting the appraisal methods for each of these branches on the basis of decision value.