Chemical control of Geranium disectum L. (Gd) was investigated in the greenhouse and canola field in rotation with rice during 2010-2011. Two experiments were carried out in the greenhouse, arranged in Completely Randomized Design with 10 replications. First experiment included canola herbicides: trifluralin, clopyralid, metazachlor+quinmerac, dimethachlor+napropamide+ chlomazone, dimethachlor and weed free check. The second experiment included wheat herbicides: 2, 4-D + MCPA, tribenuron methyl, bromoxynil + MCPA, iodosulfuron + mesosulfuron, sulfosuluron + metosulfuron, and weed free check. Successful canola herbicides were then tested again, in a low land canola field. The experiment was carried out in a randomized completely blocks design with four replications and seven treatments. The results indicated that the best chemical control of Gd in canola fields was metazachlor + quinmerac at 2.5L/ha preemergence. To control Gd in wheat fields, use of 2, 4-D + MCPA, mecoprop + dichloprop-P+ MCPA, bromoxynil + MCPA or sulfosuluron + metosulfuron are recommended.