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The novel "The Idiot" by Fyodor Dostoevsky's work (born 1821), author of the famous Russian novel "special" that M. Instructional new translation of it in 1381 as "Idiot neighborhood" has been published, a work of Christian Bobin (b. 1951. . ), contemporary French writer. In this paper, the authors have attempted to compare the adaptive character of Prince, hero of Dostoevsky's novel The Idiot, and Albin, the main character of the novel, especially, the same visual angle, to the question whether the name change, the translation of the above, depending on the grounds that Translator with perceived similarities between the two main characters, has been presented, essentially logical, plausible or not. Rvankavanh this research approach is based on the fact that both the author's personality and psychological aspects of the process and the shaping of the main characters and their stories have paid special attention. The results of this study demonstrate the fundamental differences between the two main characters, the interpreter can not explain the scientific basis and logic.

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In view of the formation of texture of the personality of everyone at the first ages of his life, it is the child who is placed at the center of the education. Jean-Jacque Rousseau, the great philosopher of the eighteenth century, is the one who discovered rightly the child and the importance of his education. His educational theories, explained in Emile in form of imaginary stories have achieved a prominent position in literature and also in child psychology because of their novel feature and presenting innovative viewpoints in educating an imaginary student. The main method used by Rousseau in his pedagogical directive is that of negative education which is based on freedom and on the concept of “ live fully as a child” . This article is proposed to examine the theory of the negative education of Rousseau while following his footsteps in modern psychology to estimate the impact of his ideas on those of pedagogues and psychologists of twentieth century.

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RAMIN ZOHREH | Hassanzadeh Javanian Mohammad Reza

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Chronotope and heteroglossia are two significant terms in Mikhail Bakhtin’ s dialogism. Although most of Bakhtin’ s ideas are drawn into the study of novel, drama with its high potentiality for establishing dialogues between characters can create and maintain a new context for Bakhtinian studies. This article endeavors to use chronotope and heteroglossia as two analytical tools for studying Eugene O’ Neill’ s much-acclaimed play The Iceman Cometh and by doing so provides a Bakhtinian reading of this play. Through chronotope, we can investigate the significance of time and place and their reciprocal effect in order to explain the main concepts which Eugene O’ Neill wished to deal with and convey. Also, heteroglossia shows why and how O’ Neill brought all his characters with different and at times opposing backgrounds together in one single saloon and allowed them to have a voice of their own; a voice which even the playwright’ s voice can’ t control or suppress.

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"Oedipus on the road" is the story of the path Oedipus roams on to get from Thebes to Colonus, from the city where his sin is revealed to him, to the city which will at the end become his tomb. The path which, in the narrative’ s timeline, lies between two plays of Sophocles and thus joins "Oedipus the King" to "Oedipus at Colonus". In fact, by exploring this void in the timeline of the plays, Bauchau imagines the path which will allows Oedipus to meet his wretched condition and to overcome it. Based on what precedes and based on the author’ s experiences in the field of psychoanalysis, it is possible to consider Oedipus’ path as a metaphor for a successful psychoanalytical treatment. This will allow us to study this work in light of some of the psychoanalytical concepts and thereby not only to achieve a deeper understanding of these concepts, but also to follow their embodiment in a narrative-fictive setting.

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Malakoot" written by Bahram Sadeghi and "The Metamorphosis" written by Frantes Kafka, With an interval of half a century, Represent nihilism and existential point of view of their authors. although, These two works are similar together in some points in the meaning, they are different, Especially in the characterization. The Character is one of the important elements of the story and Aristotle proposed and considered it, first. Theorists and critics of the story believe that the character, have immediate and deep connection with other elements of the story. According to this theory, methods of characterization in the story is selected according to the other elements of the story. By comparing methods of characterization in the two story, we're going to find an evidence for this theory in the eternal story and Prove that the difference in elements of the story, makes a difference in the characterization. For this purpose, we have studied various methods of characterization in each story and we have turned Frequency of each of these methods.

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In this study we aim to examine the theme of death in the works of Philippe Jaccottet; in whose earliest writings and poems one can spot a sensitivity to human pain and death. Jaccottet’ s writings though simple in form, raise many vague questions in the reader’ s mind, for the poet wants to contain in his poem what speech can’ t express. The universe and human life to Jaccottet are mysteries. Death – the subject of this article – is also part of this mystery. Analyzing his 3 collections of poems “ Lessons” , “ Chants from below” and “ In the winter light” reveals the importance of this theme, which has an essential place in the poet’ s works. This also creates an opportunity for unveiling his mysterious and piercing works; which deserve to be read and reread, as it suggests to the reader to reconsider the world and the new style of living in harmony with the universe and with himself.

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This research work tries to focus on cultural conditions and literary activities during the Thirties of the Twentieth century, when the work of Italo Svevo was received and revised by critics and those who were writing on Solaria magazine. No doubt, Svevo’ s work provides a new model that following various European theories like those of Nietzsche, Freud, Karl Marx and finally Darwin, presents to us man with his general inability to create an satisfactory and normal relationship with others. Elio Vittorini is one of the Italian literary critics of the Twentieth century who feel the need for a renewal and radical literary innovation in the novel genre. He searches a radical change in the genre of the Italian novel in accordance with european models which can express various existential problems of modern human society where man finds himself involved in many difficulties every day. So, the absolute model of a psychoanalytic novel is offered by Italo Svevo.

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This thesis is primarily concerned with Edward Bond and Caryl Churchill’ s attempts to implement Bertolt Brecht’ s methods of Verfremdungseffekt with the same artistic intent of social change in their plays, Red, Black and Ignorant and Mad Forest. In order to provoke critical and objective thinking, and action for positive change, both of the playwrights make use of Brechtian Verfremdungseffekt techniques of episodic structure, characterization, audio-visual aids, and open-endedness. These techniques let the playwrights present familiar situations, actions and attitudes as if they were unfamiliar so that they could be alienated and evaluated with a critical eye by the audience and the reader. In addition to studying the Brechtian elements in these two plays, this thesis argues that there is a point which drifts Bond’ s Red, Black and Ignorant from Brechtian dramaturgy and Churchill’ s Mad Forest; the point is that Red, Black and Ignorant includes non-Brechtian character design aspects and lack of Brechtian audio-visual aids.

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Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821-1881) is the 19th century writer of the realism school and is among the pioneers of the existentialism philosophy. He became famous in Russian literature by the Poor People novel. Since the Dostoevsky’ s approach in this novel is mostly detailed descriptions of individual mental and psychological world of the novel's characters, we try to analyze to analyze the novel and the world's main characters as potential killers. Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin, one of the most prominent critics of the twentieth century that the value of many of his works until his death on Russian society was not obvious. Bakhtin wrote "Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics" and "Problems of Dostoevsky's works" with a new approach to Dostoevsky's works. In this article we will try to analyze characters in "The Brothers Karamazov" and emotional ups and downs of a potential murderer rely on Bakhtin's ideas.

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Black humor, has mocking look to illness form, terrible and horrible situations and is often with presentiment, pain, fear, sadness and absurdity associated. The prevalence's of this type of humor in the West, were political and social situation, Hegel's philosophical views and black novels. The term black humor (from the French humor noir) was coined by the surrealist theoretician, André Breton in 1935 to describe the concept of Hegel's «objectify subjectivity» and he introduced Jonathan Swift as pioneer of this type in anthology of black humor. According to the ideas of the Surrealists, about black humor, the important features of it in fiction literature include: conflict, exaggerated, metamorphosis and transformation, deviation of issue(subject), description and gothic atmosphere. These characteristics, seems in stories of pioneer writers; Sadegh Hedayat, Gholam Hossein Saeedi and Bahram Sadeghy. This article whit descriptive-analytical method defines black humor and studies it's prevalences and features in West and Iran fiction literature comparatively.

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The structure, manner and common habits of society have always been reflected in the literature of all regions to the extent that recurrent themes in literature can be considered as echo of the common culture of the community in the form of literature. Recurrent themes in literature, among the various ethnic groups, sometimes due to the origin of similar sources and sometimes because of parallel traditions, are remarkably similar to each other. Different types of reflections of this subject in the ethnic classical literature, which have been observed in cultural exchange from the past, can be studied by looking at the oldest sources and following the course of reproduction of a theme. The present article tries to review one of the most common tricks in the field of literature of West and Persia, which is also observable in the ancient culture of Mesopotamia and ancient Semitic traditions: the bed trick that means switching female lovers or character's disguise, is one of the main themes of many notable literary texts.

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MEHRVAND AHAD | Emami Shirin

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This present article aims at examining a narratological study of the inner plot of selected stories of Masnavi-Ma’ navi – namely, “ The Parrot and the Merchant” , “ The Snake and the Snake-Catcher” , and “ Students and their Teacher”-on the basis of Aristotle’ s theories as discussed in his seminal work Poetics. Introducing Aristotle as the founder of narratology and using his ideas about an effective plot as discussed in Poetics, we aim at investigating the moral lessons conveyed through the use of the two Aristotelian concepts of Peripetia and Anagnorisis. The selected stories contain the fifth and sixth forms of Aristotelian discovery, the most effective forms of discovery, which are formed either through the natural sequence of events, the false inference, or deception of the characters. The article tries to answer the question: Are Aristotelian theories of Peripetia and Anagnorisis applicable to Mowlana’ s narrative poetry? This research has profited from comparative and analytical methodology.

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Mirzahesabi Jafar

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This research discusses the two demotic tales, two human spirits, and two apparently different constructions though the same in depth. And it also attempts to seek the concealed soul of these two Iranian and French tales beyond them. No word said either intentionally or unintentionally is in vain and there is always a reason behind each single word. Everyone is a text and each text has something to say and within each saying there is guidance. No phenomenon is useless and we consciously or sub-consciously have an objective for our behavior. Therefore, through telling a story we speak our minds. Protagonists and antagonists are our characteristic aspects and numbers are femininity and masculinity inside us. Now with a comparative point of view, we move towards a collective sub-conscience which is reflected in a simple, beautiful and pleasing way in stories.

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nikjoy tabrizi rahele

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Realism school is one of the schools of European literature that emphasizes on expressing objective facts of life as it is without intervening in abstract thoughts of artist and it seems that in the field of Poetry, which has more illustration capacity, expression of dreams, imagination and the metaphysical ideals – doesn’ t have any suitable efficacy and influence. But at least in Nima'i Poetry (New Poetry), the trace of the philosophy of history and also objective and Subjective facts in the society could be seen clearly and the part of the social reality of his time is depicted and showed by expressing of how and why in thinking and imagination in Poetry What is certain is that the poets of this type of Poem with a realistic attitudes tend to show real objectives of people life and socio-political events in order for promoting the awareness level, achieving receivable individual and social rights of their society. Sometimes, their poetic logic language is mixed with allegory and symbolism that with Indirect and Interpreting expression use it in order to proceeding to the poems with the aim of acquainting the thoughts. Thus, can be said Symbolism Placed in the Realism service in the Nima'i Poetry. This article reached to this entry that the social symbolism or New poetry (Nima'i) that Socialism and Symbol-ism is the main components of that, has the nature of realism or likewise, the realistic attitude within itself.

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