To obtain superior genotypes from 30 advanced spring bread wheat cultivars a field experiment in RCBD in was carried out In 1388.Traits like yield, yield components, harvest index, peduncle length, awn length, number of leaf, plant height, flag leaf area, penultimate flag area, days to booting, days to spike emergence, days to flowering and physiological maturity were recorded in this experiment. Analysis of Variance showed significant difference among genotypes at %1 probability level. This indicates considerable genetic variation among evaluated lines. Cluster analysis through Ward method using all the traits, grouped lines into three clusters. Eight lines located in third cluster were superior with respect to grain yield and other important traits like biologic yield, number of seed per spike, spike length, peduncle length, plant height, flag leaf area, and number of spike per m² were superior. Factor analysis, five factors discriminated 78.99% of total variation. In this analysis, the first factor could determine 35% of total variation and nominated as effective factor on grain yield. Line with accession number N-75-5 was found to be highest yielding (289.5 g/m2). As compared with the other lines.