To identify drought tolerant genotypes, by using different indices and presenting the best indices, four separate trials at the Agricultural Research Stations of Miyandoab, Mashhad, Hamedan, and Ardabil, were conducted with 18 wheat lines and two checks in a randomized complete block design with three replications during 2006-2007, under fullirrigation and exposing the lines to drought stress at grain filling stage. Result showed that lines 2 (C-80-4) and 8 (Bkt/90-Zhong 87), also named as Mihan variety, having the maximum values of MP, GMP, STI, HARM, RDI and the least values of TOL and SSI indices, identified to be as high grain yielders in both full irrigation and water deficit at grain filling stage. The significant and positive correlations of YP and YS with MP, GMP, STI, and HARM, indicated that they are the proper indices to select high yielding wheat genotypes under stress and non-stress conditions. According to principle component analysis, two components justified 99.83% of all variations. First vector showed 70.85% of variations, yield potential component and drought tolerance indices (MP, GMP, STI, HARM and RDI) and the second rector justified 28.98% of total variations which would be named as “drought susceptible components (TOL and SSI indices). According to results of cluster analysis, MP, GMP, STI, HARM indices are found to be in one group, and TOL and SSI indices in the other group.