Aerosols have influenced many provinces of Iran for several years. In addition to its adverse effects on humans, it seems that it has impacted the physiological conditions of plants and domestic animals in affected areas.Therefore, in this study we are investigating the short- term effects of aerosols on vital signs and some hematologic and serologic factors of holstein cows in Ilam province. In this study, 80 healthy and mature female cows were selected. At the beginning of our study and two days before the exposure, we recorded the cows’ vital signs including; temperature, heart rate and respiratory rate, we also took 5 ml jugular vein blood samples (before exposure group). Then, after exposure over four separate times (once in three days) the aforementioned vital signs were recorded and the blood sample was taken. The obtained data before the exposure was then compared to the recorded data after exposure. The results showed that aerosols significantly increased the cows HR and RR. And the level of RBC, PCV (%), total WBC, NEUT and EOS were also increased significantly (p<0.05).Also, the data indicated that aerosols caused an increase in serum factors such as CHOL, TG, LDL, HDL, TP and CRP. However these differences were only significant in TG, TP and CRP (p<0.05). The result s showed that aerosols caused changes in the vital signs and the number of WBC in the exposed group.Conflict of interest: None declared.