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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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This study investigated the relationship between management styles (traditional, moderative and participative) with creativity of public high school's teachers; the type of this research is survey-correlation. The statistical community includes all teachers of high schools in the Sanandaj city during 2006-2007.Using Stratified random sampling based on the formula of Cocran 275 people as sample were selected. Management Semantic differentiation Scale and creativity questionnaire were used for data collection. Validity and reliability of these instruments were obtained by Using Item analysis and Cronbach Alfa. After gathering and analysis of data, it was found that there is significant positive relationship between management styles and creativity which the more participatory behaviors the more relationship. The amount of Beta that is obtained between management dimensions (decision making, communication, leadership, structure and control) and creativity of teachers showes that Using of (monitoring of teachers by themselves, open mutual communication; friendly intimacy relationship and delegation of authority to teachers) increased the amount of creativity. In addition the results of study showes a significant difference between the two groups of male and female managers in their management styles, ie women have more participatory management style rather than men.

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The main purpose in this study is to determine the gaps between students’ expectations and perceptions in higher education centers, in Tabriz (Islamic Azad University, Industrial Management Organization, Alghadir Non-profit Higher education Institution, Aras Non-profit Higher education Institution). For this purpose SERVQUAL scale’s generic questionnaire adapted for the higher education service sector and used to evaluate the gap of service quality. SPSS software has used for data analysis. Results of study indicate that, higher education centers in Tabriz, have not fulfilled the students’ expectations. The smallest gap is related to security and the biggest one to dimension of empathy. In addition, students have given most of the importance to dimension s of empathy and Responsibility. Also the results of EXPERT CHOICE show that Industrial Management Organization is the best and Aras Non-profit Higher education Institution is the worst of the centers in the service quality.

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The purpose of the present research was to study the faculty’s use rate of electronical information banks in educational and research activities. The method of research was descriptive – scanning and the statistical society of this research was all members of faculty of Isfahan university (655) in educational year 1387-1388 the sample volume was selected 260 bodies according to Morgan and Krijcie table by random classificatory sampling method.the tool of collecting information was a verified questionnaire with justifiability 0/84 and reliability 0/85 consists of 3 parts. the first part is related to individual information, the second and third parts, respectively, dealt with study of the use of electronic informational banks by faculties in educational and research activities. in order to analysis the information, descriptive statistical methods include percentage of frequenty mean and standard deviation and the level of inferential of uni variable t – test and post _hoc (LSD) test were used. the study of significance of test at the level a=0/05 and bigger t obtained from critical value of table according to faculty showed all research indices represented with average (3/84) higher than middle level (3).the most use of electronic information resource was in compilating articles with average (4/12) by faculty. about educational activities all cases presented with average (3/47) were affective of electronic informational resources too. and the use of educational softwares with average (3/68) has the higher rate among educational activites based on electronical information banks.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study was to identify and then to rank the standards for the performance of the elementary schools leaderships. First the literature was reviewed in detail and 6 criteria including 40 sub-criteria were extracted and then we asked some experts to evaluate and approve them. Then a questionnaire is developed and 80 leaders were asked by face-to-face interview to answer for the questions. They should first rank the criteria based on their preferences and then answer for 40 questions about the existing situation of these criteria. The reliability of the questionnaire is approved by three experts and then its validity and reliability is checked. The data are analyzed by calculating the following statistics: average functions, standard deviation and t-student test using the SPSS software. The results show these ranking for main criteria of the standard: 1) ethics and values, 2) obligations, 3) characteristics, 4) skills, 5) roles, 6) achieve results. There are some discrepancies among the preferences of the leaders and what they experience in action and it is discussed in detail in thesis.

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The aim of this research is to determine the relation of job satisfaction and self-efficiency of meshkinshahr guidance school teachers.Method of this research is correlational one. Statistical universe consist of who 1739 teachers of meshkinshahr guidance schools, 250 of them selected as a statistical sample, by classification random sampling. Two job satisfaction question arie smith, Kendal and hyaline, and self-efficiency test, dembo and chipson has been used to collect require data.The permissibility of these questionaries verified by specialists and the stability of job satisfaction and self-efficiency questionaries obtained, by using krounbakh alpha %88 and %62, respectively.For data analyzed using significantiblity fests of pierson correlation coefficient, multi regression, and test, to compare two independent group.Results show that there is significant correlation between job satisfaction and teacher's self-efficiency (r=0.29, p<0.01). Items of job nature (r=0.33), guardianship (r=0.34), salary and wage (r=0.17), among the items of job satisfaction, correlated significantly to self-efficiency. Results obtained by multi regression show that job satisfaction elucidate, so, significantly about 14 percent (%14) of variance changes in self- efficiency.(Rdj. R2=0.143).Items of job nature, guardianship and salary, from items of job satisfaction, are significant anticipator for self-efficiency, but items of interest. Promotions and communication with other colleague aren't significant explanatory. Also, based on findings of this research, there is not significant difference between man teachers and woman teachers in respect of job satisfaction and self-efficiency.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present research has discussed the relationship between personality characteristics and mental health with emotional intelligence of girls high school third grade students of Tabriz in 1388-89. The research is a description- correlation type. Statistical analysis has been conducted by SPSS soft ware. The volume of sample studied included 177 persons. The sampling method is multi- stage random. The data were collected by questionnaire of GHQ, NEO-FFI-R and Emotional intelligence syber yashring scale. Results indicated that there was a significant positive relationship between extroversion and consciousness and mental health with emotional intelligence and a negative significant between neuroticism with emotional intelligence. In addition the result on multiple regression analysis showed that in total neuroticism, extroversion and consciousness %62 can predict emotional intelligence. Therefore, it can be concluded that personality characteristics and mental health can promote emotional intelligence.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1994

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the present study tries to find remedies to reduce people's resistance against the changes and innovations from the view point of the faculty members and staffs in Islamic Azad university of Izeh.This is a descriptive study, and data gathering tools are researcher made questionnaire "Factors that reduce resistance to changes" that has a reliability coefficient of 89/0 using Cronbach Alpha method. For analysis of data, T-test (one samplet Test) was used.The result shows that from the view point of the faculty members and staffs in Islamic Azad university of Izeh, paying attention to Their feelings, consulting with them, trusting in them and empowering them could reduce their resistance against changes, so the university chairmen must provide the necessary contexts and requirements before any changes in the system in order to achieve their goals.

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Using bibliometric, the history of overall circumstances of translated books in I.R.Iran have been portrayed based on variables such as: subjects, reprinted, publishers activity, publication time, gender, translators activity at different areas of physical education and sport sciences (physiology, sport management, psychology, biomechanics, motor learning and etc.) by 2009. The results shows that from 479 titles according to congress-sorting, there are 253 titles in sport, entertainment, games and dances category, 146 titles in medical, 58 in science, 11 in psychology, 3 in social sciences, 4 in housekeeping and finally, education category with 4 titles. It is concluded that, during different years by 2007, there was an improved trend in publication but after this period, publication process was decreased.

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