The aim of this research is to determine the relation of job satisfaction and self-efficiency of meshkinshahr guidance school teachers.Method of this research is correlational one. Statistical universe consist of who 1739 teachers of meshkinshahr guidance schools, 250 of them selected as a statistical sample, by classification random sampling. Two job satisfaction question arie smith, Kendal and hyaline, and self-efficiency test, dembo and chipson has been used to collect require data.The permissibility of these questionaries verified by specialists and the stability of job satisfaction and self-efficiency questionaries obtained, by using krounbakh alpha %88 and %62, respectively.For data analyzed using significantiblity fests of pierson correlation coefficient, multi regression, and test, to compare two independent group.Results show that there is significant correlation between job satisfaction and teacher's self-efficiency (r=0.29, p<0.01). Items of job nature (r=0.33), guardianship (r=0.34), salary and wage (r=0.17), among the items of job satisfaction, correlated significantly to self-efficiency. Results obtained by multi regression show that job satisfaction elucidate, so, significantly about 14 percent (%14) of variance changes in self- efficiency.(Rdj. R2=0.143).Items of job nature, guardianship and salary, from items of job satisfaction, are significant anticipator for self-efficiency, but items of interest. Promotions and communication with other colleague aren't significant explanatory. Also, based on findings of this research, there is not significant difference between man teachers and woman teachers in respect of job satisfaction and self-efficiency.