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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Use of municipal or domestic raw wastewater in order to irrigation is very important in arid and semi-arid regions. Application of municipal effluent, which was one of the pollution sources, as micro and macro elements has been used for a long time. The most factors for making difficulties in irrigation of soil with municipal effluent is the presence of heavy metals like Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu in municipal effluent and transformation of this pollution in food chain and threaten of healthy. The aim of the present study was to determine effect of irrigation with raw domestic wastewater effluent on concentration of young Olive plant (Olea europaea) and accumulation of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu) in roots, and leaves of Olea europaea. In order to study the soil – plant complex effects as the transformation of these pollutants and nutrients in soil as a result of irrigation with raw domestic wastewater, a series of lysimeter (120 cm height and 70 cm diameter) studies were carried out in Khoramabad region during 2008- 2009). The experiment was carried out factorial based on CRBD with three factors and six replications. Factors were considered as three irrigation treatment including drip irrigation with raw domestic wastewater (DI), subsurface drip irrigation with raw domestic wastewater (at depth of 15 cm, SDI15), subsurface drip irrigation with raw domestic wastewater (at depth of 30 cm, SDI30). The results indicate that treatment application significantly increased concentrations of heavy metals. Maximum shoot concentrations of Fe, Cu, Ni and Pb were achieved by treatment SDI30.

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    3 (19)
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In order to investigate the effect of tillage system and plant density on grain yield component in three varieties of corn, an experimental design was a split factorial based on RCBD treatments arrangement with four replication in north of Iran in 2009. Tillage system was selected as the main plot in three levels, conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT) and no tillage (NT). Other factors were plant density in three levels (65, 75and 85 plant/ha) and three varieties of corn ( 500, 540 and 370). The results indicated that different tillage systems on root dry weight at harvest, seed length were significant (p<0.05) but plant density on number grain in row, root dry weight, stem diameter, grain yield in the 1% level were significant (p<0.01). Also plant density on high plant was significant (p<0.05). Effect of varieties on grain yield was significant (p<0.05). Maximum grain yield 6.41 t/ha in SC540 and at least grain yield 3.53 t/ha in DC 370 were obtained.

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    3 (19)
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In order to investigation drought (water deficit) and Plant density on roselle (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) the research was conducted at research farm of Jiroft Islamic Azad University during 2009. The experimental design was split plot based on RCBD with three replications. Drought stress (water deficit) were selected based on different percentage of field capacity (FC), in 4 Levels (no stress, 75% FC, 50% FC and 25% FC) were selected as main plots and plant density Levels (20, 40, 60 and 80 plant per square meter) were arranged on sub plot. The results showed that, effect of water stress on calyx yield, weight fruit, dry weight, weight seed per plant and plant height were significant (a=0.01). Effect of Plant density on calyx yield, fruit number per Plant, Weight fruit and dry Weight were significant (a=0.05). Water deficit, significantly reduced calyx yield from 617.5 to 430.8 Kg/ha in 25% FC treatment. The highest calyx yield obtained from water deficit treatment 75% FC (660.8 Kg/ha). The highest amounts of calyx yield 576.7 Kg/ha were observed from plan density treatment (40 plants/m2) but No significantly with Plant density (20 plants/m2). Finally about roselle, irrigation in 75% FC and plant density 20-40 plants per m2 for the Jiroft region was recommended.

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    3 (19)
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In order to evaluation affect of different planting dates on quantity and quality characteristics and grain yield in spring cultivars of canola (Brassica napus L.), an experiment was carried out at split plot based on RCBD with three replications at Chaloos region in 2010. Main factor were selected planting dates (4 and 19 February, 5 March and 20 April) and sub factor was canola cultivars including Hayola 401, Sarigol, RGS003 and Zarfam. Results showed with delay in planting date, phonological traits including vegetative period long, flowering period long and growth period long were decreased. The maximum of grain yield (2325 kg.ha-1) were obtained in 4 February, because the most of the pod length, pod number per plant and seed number per pod due this treatment. Delay in planting date to cause of decreased significant different on quantity and quality characteristics and due to decreased grain yield. Hayola 401 and Sarigol cultivar had been the most grain yield (2136 and 2086 kh.ha-1), and RGS003 and Zarfam cultivars had been the least grain yield (1972 and 1904 kg.ha-1). The least of oil yield were obtained in 20 April and the most of oil yield were produced in 4 and 19 February. Hayola and Sarigol cultivars had been the most of oil yield and RGS003 and Zarfam cultivars had been the least of oil yield. Non significant between planting dates × cultivars for investigated characteristics were indicated traits in cultivars, all of traits had been same change due to in different planting dates. Therefore, planting date of 4 February due to as most of grain yield introduced the best of treatment.

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    3 (19)
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In order to study the effect of water stress, taking zeolite and salicylic acid on yield and yield components of spring safflower, an experimental was done in 2010. Experiment was performed as split factorial based on RCBD with 4 replications. Water stress was selected as major factor in three levels (I0 = Irrigation water requirement plants as control, I1= 85% and I2=70% of the amount of irrigation water requirements) in the main plots and consuming different amounts of zeolite at three levels (Z0=not taking zeolite as control, Z1= zeolite amount consumed 4 tons per hectare and Z2=zeolite consumption amount consumed 8 t.ha-1) and two levels of salicylic acid SA0= no salicylic acid and SA1=consumption and sprayed salicylic acid) as a minor factor in a factorial combination of sub-plots were placed. The results showed that the effect of different levels of water stress on traits such as plant height, boll number per plant, grain per boll, yield of boll grain and biological yield in sub-percent probability level was significant. Also, different levels of consumption zeolite on the characteristics such as, the number of boll per plant, seeds per boll, grain yield and biological yield in sub-attribute level and statistical plant height in a percentage level of 5% were significant. Salicylic acid also taking on the characteristics such as number of grain per boll and yield levels was statistically significant in a percentage. Among different levels of water stress, the highest and lowest average grain yield 954.75 and 455.29 kg ha-1, respectively, related to irrigation and 70% based on 100% water plant was needed. Also between different levels of maximum and minimum consumption of zeolite with an average grain yield 823.58 and 589.33 kg ha-1 respectively consumed 8 tons of treated zeolite and zeolite used was not treated.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (19)
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In order to determine the effect of biofertilizer (Thiobacillus thiooxidanc and Pseudomonas putida) and zinc foliar application (Zinc sulfate) on yield, yield components, oil and protein percentage of soybean cultivar (TMS) in summer cultivation in 2010 at Aleshtar, Lorestan, Iran. The experiment was carried out in farm condition, using completely randomized factorial design with 8 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments included Zinc sulfate at two rates, 0% (Zn0), 10% (Zn1), inoculation with Thiobacillus thiooxidanc (T1) and without inoculation (T0) and inoculation with Pseudomonas putida (P1) and without inoculation (P0). The results indicate that zinc foliar application significantly increased, plant height number of pods per plant, 1000-seed weight, grain yield and percent of seed protein (p<0.05). Biofertilizer Thiobacillus thiooxidanc significantly increased plant height and percent of seed protein. Maximum shoot percent of seed protein was achieved by treatment P1T1 (4109 kg/ha) and maximum shoot percent of seed protein was achieved by treatment Zn1T1 by 31.67%. Positive and significant correlation between seed yield, with seed protein and number of pod per plant with one thousand seed weight were observed.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (19)
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In order to study the effect of plants growth promoting rhizobacteria and nitrogen chemical fertilizer on quantitative and qualitative characters of sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) an experiment was conducted in Islamic Azad University-Karaj Branch in2009. Experiment performed factorial based on CRBD with three replications. Experiment in clouding of four levels of nitrogen fertilizers (0, 54, 108 and 161 Kg.N/ha) and four level of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria including control, Nitroxin (Azotobacter, Azospirillum), Biophosphorus (Bacillus, Pseudomonas) and also combined fertilizers (Nitroxin + Biophosphorus). Results showed that application of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria increased seed yield, biologic yield, and plant height in compare with control. Combined biological fertilizers increased higher under studied traits. Maximum seed yield (26.68% increased) obtained in combined biological fertilizer (Nitroxin+Biophosphorus) treatment with 2516 kg/ha in compare with control (1850 kg/ha). Nitrogen chemical fertilizers treatments showed significant effect on protein percent. Interaction of treatments showed significant effect on oil percent. Results showed application of PGPR agriculture has important role in improvement of growth and yield of sunflower.

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    3 (19)
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Gamma ray is one of the electromagnetic rays that has the capacity of ionization and inspiration and its penetrating power is more than that of beta and alphas. Therefore, To determine the effect of gamma ray on agronomic and morphological traits related to lodging in the rice (Oryza Sative L.) an experiment based on randomized complete block design (RCBD) was performed in four replications in the growth year of 1388 (2010) in the city of Qaemshahr. Treatments were rice seeds under different dozes of gamma rays (60 cobalt) in four levels (100, 200 and 300 Gy and control or without shining). The results showed that the bending movement of third and fourth inter nodes with an increase in the gamma ray doze up to 300 Gy in comparison with the control 27.4% and 28.1%, respectively had a decreasing movement. The maximum grain yield with shining 300 Gy (259 gm2) was obtained. Because the highest number of spikelet in panicle (170.15 ones) and number of panicle in a square meter (401.25) was obtained for the same doze of shining. The lowest grain yield (173.75 gm2) was obtained for the control group. The minimum plant height was obtained with shining 300 Gy that was equal to 145.01centemeters and the maximum plant height was for the shining of 100 Gy and control respectively that was 153.07 and 156.56 centimeters.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (19)
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In order to study the effect of drought stress, zeolitand and selenium on yield and yield components of sunflower a field experiment was carried out in factorial split plot using RCBD with four replications. Experiment was done at research farm of Arak Islamic Azad University in Iran during 2009-2010. The experimental factors included three levels of irrigations (irrigation equal to 100% crop water requirement as control, irrigation equal 75% and 50% of crop water requirement) and zeolit in three levels (0, 4 and 8 t/ha) and sodium selenit in two levels (0 and 18 g/ha). The result showed that, irrigation significantly effected on observed in irrigation equal to 100% crop water requirement + 8 ton/ha Zeolit + 18 g/ha sodium selenit, that with treatment of 75% crop water requirement + 8 ton/ha +18 g/ha sodium selenit with yield equal to 3000.2 kg/ha on significant. Application of 8 ton/ha Zeolit +18g/ha sodium selenit in irrigation of 75% crop water requirement, increased grian yield equal 34.16% as comprer with without zeolit and sodium selenit, also application of this treatment in condition of 50% crop water requirement increased grain yield equal 24.61% as compared with without zeolit and sodium selenit. It is concluded that with irrigation equal to 75% water requirement + 8 ton/ha Zeolit +18 g/ha sodium selenit obtain optimum yield.

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