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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In order to study effect of PGPR and water deficit on agronomical traits of wheat (cv. Shahriar), an experiment was conducted in the research station of Islamic Azad University- Arak Branch, Iran in 2009-2010. The experimental design was split factorial based on RCBD with three replications. The treatments including of water deficit stress in three level: 50%, 75% and 100% crop water requirement in were assigned to main spilt and plant grow promote regulators including of salicylic acid(without and with using) and CCC (Chlormequat chloride) (without and with using) as factorial were randomized to sub plot. Results showed water deficit stress reduced traits. Bat with sprayed CCC and SA in water deficit and irrigation equal 100% crop water requirement increased length ear weight ear per in ear weight and yield treats. In condition of irrigation equal 75% and 50% crop water requirement, application of along salicylic acid and CCC as compared without use these, increased yield and yield component. Using of together salicylic acid and CCC increased yield grain by 13.5% as compared with control. In general results this experiment showed that under water limitation condition, with irrigation equal 75% crop water requirements and use together salicylic acid and CCC can obtain to yield of acceptable.

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    4 (12)
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In order to study the effects of wastewater irrigation and foliar complete nutrient on grain yield and antioxidant-enzymatic active on Setaria a field experiment was conducted at the University of Zabol in Iran during 2009 growing season. The statistical plan selected was split plot design with three replications. The treatments were comprised of three kinds of irrigation water (W1=well water and W2=domestic waste water+well water and W3=domestic waste water) in main plot and three foliar complete nutrient (F1=control, F2=400 and F3=800 gr/ha) in sub plot. Results showed that irrigation with wastewater and 800gr/ha foliar complete nutrient significantly increased grain yield. In this study wastewater application decreased antioxidant-enzymatic activity of CAT, APX and GPX enzymes. Foliar complete nutrient except GPX enzyme decreased CAT and APX antioxidant-enzymatic activity.

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    4 (12)
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 The effects of water deficit stress and nitrogen on yield physiological indices of Calendula (Calendula officinalis L.), the experiment were carried out in a split plot design based on completely randomized block design with 4 replications. Treatments were three levels of stress and irrigation after 40, 80 and 120mm water evaporation from evaporation pan, and consumption of 0, 30, 60 and 90 kg/ha nitrogen. The results indicated that water deficit stress had significant effect on harvest index 50% flowering, flower weight to plant ratio 50% flowering, productivity effort 50% flowering, harvest index 100% flowering, productivity effort 100% flowering, harvest index 100% second flowering, flower weight to plant ratio 100% second flowering, productivity effort 100% second flowering, harvest index, flower weight to plant ratio, productivity effort. The highest harvest index (18.85), flower weight to plant ratio (13.15) and productivity effort (21.26) with irrigation after 40 mm evaporation. Nitrogen had signification effect on harvest index 50% flowering, flower weight to plant ratio 50% flowering , productivity effort 50% flowering, harvest index 100% flowering, productivity effort 100% flowering, harvest index 100% second flowering, flower weight to plant ratio 100% second flowering , productivity effort 100% second flowering, harvest index, flower weight to plant ratio, productivity effort. In water deficit stress nitrogen had significant effect on flower weight to plant ratio 100% flowering. The results indicated that the best time for harvest in Calendula is when 100 percent flowering irrigation after 40 mm evaporation and 90 kg/ha nitrogen. Also the best time for seed harvest in the last stage is irrigation after 40 mm evaporation and 90 kg/ha nitrogen.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (12)
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In order to evaluate the effect of water deficit stress (limited irrigation) on different traits of bean. Ten bean genotypes were planted in a randomized block design with three replications under non-stress and drought stress conditions (22 traits were measurement) in the Islamic Azad University of Arak. The results of stepwise regression are shown that the length of the longest pod, number of days to filling pod, number of days to Maturity, 100 weight seed and length of tap root under non-stress condition and number of seed on per plant, 100-seed weight and length of tap root under the stress condition had the most effect on the yield in white bean. Factor analysis showed in the normal condition six factors were identified that over 80% of the performance changes are justified and in the Stress conditions there are seven factors were identified that over 84% of the performance changes are justified. Geometric Mean Productivity (GMP), Stress Tolerance Index (STI) and Mean Productivity (MP) were the most suitable indicators for selecting drought resistant genotypes. Based on these indicators KS 41225, KS 41147, KS 41231 in White beans, were found as resistant genotypes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (12)
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In order to study the effect of different nitrogen and zeolite levels on qualitative and quantitative traits of potato Lcv. Agria this experiment was carried on factorial design based on CRBD with three replications, on Moradi farm located in 5 km far from Arak, in spring 2008. Factors were included three levels of nitrogen fertilizer rates (96, 184, 276 kg/ha) and four levels of zeolite rates (0, 2, 4, 6 t/ha). The results showed that consumption of nitrogen sulfate and zeolite was on number of stems per plant, main stem height of the tallest, shoot dry eight, total weight bulb weight; bulb diameter by more than 5.5 cm gland ha in the 1% level of probability was significant. Also, comparison of characteristics indicated that interactions on the total weight of zeolite and nitrogen Drbvth bulb weight, bulb diameter by more than 5.5 cm and bulb yield per unit area was significant. Gland with the highest amount of 276 kg of pure nitrogen and 6 tons of zeolite was 61 t/ha significant difference with the consumption of 184 kg N treatment and six tons of zeolite was not. So with less nitrogen fertilizer consumption to 184 kg/ha can function without a significant reduction in nitrogen fertilizer efficiency will to act.

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    4 (12)
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 In order to study of different effects of seed rates and nitrogen levels at the booting stage on the grain yield and yield components of N-81-18 line at the different conditions of Mazandaran clime experiment as split-plot at the random complete Blocks design at the four replication at 2009-2010 year at two regions of Gharakhyl and the Farim was executed in the Sari and Ghaemshahr agent. Main plot includes 3 levels of seed rates (200, 250, 300 kg/ha) and sub plot has been included 3 levels of nitrogen at the booting stage (0-17.5, 35kg of nitrogen or o-37.5, 75kg from urea resource). Results showed that bending moment at the Gharakhyl region (height from sea level is 14.7 meter) then pharim region (height from sea level is 725 meter) because of shortest internodes height, culm height, the number of internodes, weight of culm wet and spike weight was less. With excess of seed rate to 300kg/ha, bending moment for the most low weight of culm wet and spiek had reduction and nitrogen levels at the booting stage had not signification effect on the bending moment. Grain yield at the Farim region was 20.22% more than Gharakhyl reason of this was increase of the number tiller on plant, the number of spike at the grand unit, increase of 1000-grain weight and the number grain at the spike. Grain yield with a lot consumption of nitrogen at the booting stage than without consumption of nitrogen increased 10.8%. However seed rates was not signification effect of grain yield but was received the most and less number of spike at the grand level unit respectively as 300 and 200 kg, seed/ha.

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  • Volume: 

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    4 (12)
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In order to study effect of seed inoculation with nitragin and different levels of urea rate on physiological traits and biologic yield of maize (Zea mays L.), cv. 704, a factorial experiment was conducted based on RBCD. Treatments were six levels of urea rate (0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 kg/ha) and seed inoculation with nitragin or non-inoculation. Based on results, when seeds inoculated with nitragin, LAI in corn reduced from 2.4 to 2 in non-inoculated seeds. Treatment of inoculated seeds×application of 60 kg/ha urea had the highest LAI (3.4). The highest chlorophyll content index obtained from interaction of inoculation with nitragin+120 kg/ha urea. Treatments of 150, 120 and 90 kg/ha urea with 212, 202 and 191 g/m2 dry weight of ear had significant difference with control and 30 kg/ha urea rate. Ear weight in inoculated seeds was 10% greater than non-inoculated ones. Biologic yield in corn was affected by seed inoculation and urea rate. The highest corn biomass (27t/ha) obtained from treatment fertilized with 150 kg/ha urea. It is recommended that in order to improvement of forage yield, corn must be inoculated with nitragin and fertilized with 150 kg/ha urea.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

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    4 (12)
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This study was done in order to investigate the agronomical and economical aspects of saffron and chamomile intercropping was conducted in farm research of Khorasgan Islamic Azad University in 2008-2009. In this study intercropping of three kind chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla, Tanacetum parthenium, Anthemis nobilis) in two sowing date in a saffron farm with his three-year-old were investigated. Experimental design was Randomized Complete Blocks with split factorial layout in four replications. Treatments were considered as net saffron and net chamomile in main plots and factorial of three kind chamomile and two sowing date (late November after flower saffron harvest and early-march) as sub- plots. The results showed that have been possible chamomile cultivation inter rows saffron without any negative competition between plants, in a way that the yield of saffron in treatment net saffron and treatment mix of saffron and chamomile did not have meaningful difference. The best treatment of saffron and chamomile mix (saffron and autumnal German chamomile) possibility of producing simultaneously amount 1.83 kg/ha saffron flower and 1354 kg/ha of flower dry chamomile with a relative value total (RVT) 3.41 and a land equal ratio (ELR) there, that this amount of chamomile production with the amount of the production of German chamomile in treatment of net chamomile cultivation didn't have meaningful difference.

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