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The purpose of this article was to review the biocompatibility, physical, and mechanical properties of the polyamide denture base materials. An electronic search of scientific papers from 1990-2014 was carried out using PubMed, Scopus and Wiley Inter Science engines using the search terms “nylon denture base” and “polyamide denture base”. Searching the key words yielded a total of 82 articles. By application of inclusion criteria, the obtained results were further reduced to 24 citations recruited in this review. Several studies have evaluated various properties of polyamide (nylon) denture base materials. According to the results of the studies, currently, thermo-injectable, high impact, flexible or semi-flexible polyamide is thought to be an alternative to the conventional acrylic resins due to its esthetic and functional characteristics and physicochemical qualities. It would be justifiable to use this material for denture fabrication in some cases such as severe soft/ hard tissue undercuts, unexplained repeated fracture of denture, in aesthetic-concerned patients, those who have allergy to other denture base materials, and in patients with microstomia. Although polyamide has some attractive advantages, they require modifications to produce consistently better properties than the current polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) materials. Moreover, since there is a very limited knowledge about their clinical performance, strict and careful follow-up evaluation of the patients rehabilitated with polyamide prosthesis is recommended.

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Statement of the Problem: Soft tissue reactive lesions are the most common lesions of the oral cavity. Although many studies have shown the interaction of mast cells with fibroblasts and their participation in fibrosis, the role of mast cells in these lesions is not well understood.Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the mast cells (MCs) count in oral soft-tissue reactive lesions including peripheral giant cell granuloma (PGCG), peripheral ossifying fibroma (POF), irritation fibroma (IF) and normal oral mucosa.Materials and Method: In this cross-sectional study, 50 samples including IF, PGCG, POF (14 cases for each group) and 8 cases of normal oral mucosa were stained with tryptase antibody through immunohistochemistry. The number of mast cells was counted in 5HPF containing maximum counts for each section stained with tryptase. Statistical analysis including Chi-square test and Tukey test with a significance level of 0.05 were considered.Results: The number of MCs was found to have increased in reactive lesions compared with normal oral mucosa. MCs count in the POF group was higher than the others.Conclusion: These findings suggest a possible role of mast cells in the pathogenesis of reactive oral lesions and induction of fibrous tissues. Chemical mediators released from mast cells might influence other cells, especially fibroblasts, to induce fibrosis.

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Statement of the Problem: Frictional forces are considered as important counterforce to orthodontic tooth movement. It is claimed that self-ligating brackets reduce the frictional forces.Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the resistance to sliding in metallic and clear Damon brackets with the conventional brackets in a wet condition.Materials and Method: The samples included 4 types of brackets; metallic and clear Damon brackets and metallic and clear conventional brackets (10 brackets in each group). In this study, stainless steel wires sized 0.019×0.025 were employed and the operator’s saliva was used to simulate the conditions of oral cavity. The tidymodified design was used for simulation of sliding movement. The resistance to sliding and static frictional forces was measured by employing Testometric machine and load cell.Results: The mean (±SD) of resistance to sliding was 194.88 (±26.65) and 226.62 (±39.9) g in the esthetic and metallic Damon brackets, while these values were 187.81(±27.84) and 191.17 (±66.68) g for the clear and metallic conventional brackets, respectively. Static frictional forces were 206.4 (±42.45) and 210.38(±15.89) g in the esthetic and metallic Damon brackets and 220.63(±49.29) and 215.13 (±62.38) g in the clear and metallic conventional brackets. According to two-way ANOVA, no significant difference was observed between the two bracket materials (clear and metal) and the two types of bracket (self-ligating versus conventional) regarding resistance to sliding (p= 0.17 and p= 0.23, respectively) and static frictional forces (p= 0.55 and p= 0.96, respectively).Conclusion: Neither the type of bracket materials nor their type of ligation made difference in resistance to sliding and static friction.

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Statement of the Problem: Advances in computer science and technology allow the instructors to use instructional multimedia programs to enhance the process of learning for dental students.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a new educational modality by using videotapes on the performance of dental students in preclinical course of complete denture fabrication.Materials and Method: This quasi-experimental study was performed on 54 junior dental students in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBMU). Twenty-five and 29 students were evaluated in two consecutive semesters as controls and cases, respectively for the same course. The two groups were matched in terms of "knowledge about complete denture fabrication" and "basic dental skills" using a written test and a practical exam, respectively. After the intervention, performance and clinical skills of students were assessed in 8 steps. Eventually, a post-test was carried out to find changes in knowledge and skills of students in this regard.Results: In the two groups with the same baseline level of knowledge and skills, independent T-test showed that students in the test group had a significantly superior performance in primary impression taking (p= 0.001) and primary cast fabrication (p= 0.001). In terms of anterior teeth set up, students in the control group had a significantly better performance (p= 0.001).Conclusion: Instructional videotapes can aid in teaching fabrication of complete denture and are as effective as the traditional teaching system.

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Statement of the Problem: Some children do not show an appropriate cooperation with their dentist. A number of them cannot be managed by local anesthesia and the usual techniques used to control behaviors, so further steps are required to control their pain and anxiety. Pharmaceutical control is recommended through sedation or general anesthesia.Purpose: This study was aimed to evaluate two groups of drugs in intravenous sedation method.Materials and Method: In this clinical trial intervention study, patients were randomly divided into two groups of 18 and 20 and each group received either intravenous midazolam-ketamine or midazolam-fentanyl. During the procedure, 0.25mg midazolam was administered to both groups if needed. The scores of intraoperative sedation and operation conditions were evaluated and recorded by dental sedation teacher groups (DSTG) system in the 10th, 20th, 30th and 40th minutes of the operation. The results were analyzed by SPSS (version 16) using independent T-test, Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney and Pearson Chi-Square tests as appropriated.Results: There was no significant difference between the two groups in sedation period (p= 0.55), recovery time (p= 0.18), Frankl score (p= 0.83), score of intraoperative sedation and operating conditions (p> 0.05), and sedation complications (p= 0.612). In addition, no complication occurred in recovery.Conclusion: There was no significant difference between the two drug groups; both were appropriate in controlling children’s behavior.

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Statement of the Problem: A major objective of investigators is to clarify the role of metabolites in achievement of maximum tooth movement with minimal root damage during orthodontic tooth movement (OTM).Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of administration of thyroid hormone, prostaglandin E2, and calcium on orthodontic tooth movement and root resorption in rats.Materials and Method: Sixty four male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 8 groups of eight rats each: 1- 20mg/kg thyroxine was injected in traperitoneally after installation of the orthodontic appliance. 2- 0.1 ml of 1 mg/ml prostaglandin E2 was injected submucosally. 3- 10% (200 mg/kg) calcium gluconate was injected. 4- Prostaglandin E2 was injected submucosally and 10% calcium was injected intraperitoneally. 5- Thyroxine was injected intraperitoneally and prostaglandin E2 was injected submucosally. 6- 20mg/kg thyroxine with calcium was injected. 7- Prostaglandin E2 was injected submucosally with calcium and thyroxine. 8- Distilled water was used in control group. The orthodontic appliances comprised of a NiTi closed coil were posteriorly connected to the right first molar and anteriorly to the upper right incisor. OTM was measured with a feeler gauge. The mid-mesial root of the first molar and the adjacent tissues were histologically evaluated. The Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Student-Newman-Keuls test.Results: The highest mean OTM was observed in the thyroxine and prostaglandin E2 group (Mean±SD = 0.7375±0.1359 mm) that was significantly different (p< 0.05). A significant difference (p< 0.05) in root resorption was observed between the prostaglandin E2 (0.0192±0.0198 mm2) and the other groups.Conclusion: It seems that the combination of thyroxine and prostaglandin E2, with a synergistic effect, would decrease the root resorption and increase the rate of orthodontic tooth movement in rats.

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Statement of the Problem: Due to shortage of ICU beds in hospitals, knowing what kind of orthognathic surgery patients more need ICU care after surgery would be important for surgeons and hospitals to prevent unnecessary ICU bed reservation.Purpose: The aim of the present study was to determine what kinds of orthognathic surgery patients would benefit more from ICU care after surgery.Materials and Method: 210 patients who were admitted to Chamran Hospital, Shiraz, for bimaxillary orthognathic surgery (2008-2013) were reviewed based on whether they had been admitted to ICU or maxillofacial surgery ward. Operation time, sex, intraoperative Estimated Blood Loss (EBL), postoperative complications, ICU admission, and unwanted complications resulting from staying in ICU were assessed.Results: Of 210 patients undergoing bimaxillary orthognathic surgery, 59 patients (28.1%) were postoperatively admitted to the ICU and 151 in the maxillofacial ward (71.9%). There was not statistically significant difference in age and sex between the two groups (p> 0.05). The groups were significantly different in terms of operation time (p< 0.001). Blood loss For ICU admitted patients was 600.00±293.621mL and for those who were hospitalized in the ward was 350.00±298.397 mL. Statistically significant differences were found between the two groups (p< 0.001). Moreover, there was a direct linear correlation between operation time and intraoperative estimated blood loss and this relationship was statistically significant (r=0.42, p< 0.001). Patients with maxillary impaction and setback plus mandibular advancement plus genioplasty were among the most ICU admitted patients (44%), while these patients were only 20% of all patients who were admitted to the ward. As a final point, the result illustrated that patients who were admitted to the ICU experienced more complication such as bleeding, postoperative nausea, and pain (p< 0.001).Conclusion: Orthognathic surgery patients (maxillary impaction and setback plus mandibular advancement plus genioplasty) due to more intraoperative bleeding and postoperative nausea and pain would benefit from ICU admission after surgery.

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Statement of the Problem: Vertical root fractures are catastrophic events that often result in tooth extraction. Many contributing factor are associated with increasing incidence of vertical root fracture. Root canal preparation is one of the predisposing factors which can increase the root susceptibility to vertical fracture.Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of three different instrumentation techniques on vertical root fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth.Materials and Methods: In this study, 120 freshly extracted mandibular premolar teeth of similar dimensions were decoronated and randomly divided into control (n=30), nickel-titanium hand K-file (HF, n=30), BioRaCe rotary file (BR, n=30), and WaveOne reciprocating single-file (WO, n=30) groups. After cleaning and shaping the root canals, AH26 was used as canal sealer, and obturation was completed using the continuous wave technique. The root canals were embedded vertically in standardised autopolymerising acrylic resin blocks, and subjected to a vertical load to cause vertical root fracture. The forces required to induce fractures were measured using a universal testing machine. ANOVA and Tukey’s post-hoc test were used to analyse the data.Results: All experimental groups showed statistically significant reductions in fracture resistance as compared with the control group. There was a statistically significant difference between the HF and BR groups. The WO group did not differ significantly from the HF group or the BR group.Conclusion: All three instrumentation techniques caused weakening of the structure of the roots, and rendered them susceptible to fracture under lesser load than unprepared roots. The fracture resistance of roots prepared with the single-file reciprocating technique was similar to that of those prepared with NiTi hand and rotary instrumentation techniques.

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Statement of the Problem: Demineralization of enamel adjacent to orthodontic appliances frequently occurs, commonly due to insufficient oral hygiene.Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare two microabrasion techniques on improving the white spot lesions as well as subsequent enamel discoloration.Materials and Method: Sixty extracted premolar teeth without caries and hypoplasia were selected for this study. White spot lesions were artificially induced on the buccal surface of each tooth. Teeth were randomly assigned to three treatment groups, each treated with pumice powder as the control, microabrasion with 18% HCl, and microabrasion with 37% H3PO4. Subsequently, the three groups were daily immersed for five minutes in a tea-coffee solution for a period of one week. Colorimetric evaluation was done before and after formation of white spot lesions, after microabrasion, and after immersion in the colored solution; then the color differences (DE) were calculated. Statistical analysis was performed by multiple measurement analysis and the Tukey’s test.Results: This study showed that ΔE between the stages of white spot formation and microabrasion for H3PO4 was more than other groups and for the pumice powder group it was less than the others. Furthermore, there was a significant difference between DE of the three study groups (p= 0.017). Additionally, DE after placing the teeth in the colored solution and microabrasion was the highest for the HCl group and the lowest for the pumice powder group. There was also a significant difference between the three groups (p= 0.000).Conclusion: Pumice powder alone had similar effects as 18% HCl on removing the white spot lesions. Nevertheless, 18% HCl makes the enamel susceptible for subsequent color staining more than the other microabrasion methods.

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Statement of the Problem: One disadvantage of cement-retained crowns is the lack of predictable irretrievability. This problem can be overcome through designing a screw access hole in the metal substructure of cement-retained restoration and using porcelain stain to define this area.Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the influence of existence of screw access hole on porcelain fracture resistance of metal-ceramic implant-supported crowns.Materials and Method: Thirty six standardized metal-ceramic crowns were fabricated and divided into 3 groups (n=12); group 1 conventional cement-retained metalceramic crowns as control group, group 2 cement-retained MC crowns in which porcelain stain was used to define the location of screw access channel, and group 3 cement-retained metal-ceramic crowns in the metal substructure of which a hole and ledge was designed in the location of screw access channel. The specimens were cemented (TempBond, Kerr) to their dedicated abutments. A hole was made in the location of screw access channel in group 2 and 3 and filled with photo-polymerized composite resin (3M; ESPE). All specimens were thermocycled and loaded in universal testing machine at crosshead speed of 2mm/min until fracture. Mean values of load at fracture were calculated in each group and compared with One-way ANOVA (a=0.05).Results: Mean value of the load required to fracture the restorations was 1947±487 N in group 1, 1927±539 N in group 2, and 2170±738 N in group 3. No statistically significant difference was found between the fracture resistance values of the three groups (p> 0.05).Conclusion: Presence of screw access channel in cement-retained implant restorations does not compromise fracture resistance.

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Statement of the Problem: Implant-retained overdenture can improve the stability of dentures and prevent bone loss. Overdenture-wearing patients need special hygiene care.Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of various denture cleansers on the retention of Dio orange O-rings.Method and Materials: In this experimental study, 40 Dio orange O-rings were divided into 4 groups (10 O-rings each) and each group was soaked for equivalent of 6 months in the following solutions: 5.25% NaOCl (1:10 dilution), Corega cleanser tabs, Professional cleanser tabs and water (as the control group). After 6 months, O-rings were tested for 2inch/minutes of tensile force. The peak load-todislodgement was recorded. Data were imported to SPSS18 and were analyzed by One-Way ANOVA and Tukey HSD test (p≤0.05).Results: Denture cleansing solutions have significant effects on the reduction of retentive value of O-rings (p≤ 0.001). Corega tabs caused the reduction of 15.7% (9.91±0.53 N) in the retentive value of O-rings and Professional tabs caused 15% (10.00±0.86 N). NaOCl caused significant decrease (48%) in retentive value of O-rings (6.10±0.91 N in comparison with the control group (11.76±1 N).Conclusion: This in-vitro study demonstrated that the retention of O-rings was affected when soaked in cleansing solutions. NaOCl caused more reduction in retentive value compared to effervescent cleansers and would not be recommended for cleansing O-rings. These results should be interpreted clinically and the role of other factors in the retention of O-rings should be considered in order to recommend the best cleanser for O-ring overdentures.

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Elastofibroma is a rare neoplasm that characteristically occurs in subscapular area in response to microtrauma. There are some reports of this tumor in other sites of the body but, up till now, there has been no report of elastofibroma in the face. A 20-year-old man presented with a slow growing painless mass in the face without any history of trauma. Histopathologic examination revealed a soft tissue mass composed of eosinophilic fibers admixed with aggregation of fat cells, capillary blood vessels, and fibroblasts. Elastic stain and Masson’s trichrome stain confirmed the nature of elastic and collagen fibers. It was a case of elastofibroma in the face.

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