This article concerns Seyed Jamal-aI-Din Asad Abadi's views on the changes of power structures in the Qajarids. Seyed Jamal, like other intellectuals, pursued reformations that could occur from top to bottom. But, though his close contact with Naser-Al- Din Shah's court, he came to this conclusion that top to bottom reformations would not come about. His experiences of various Islamic countries confirmed this thought. His exile in 1308 AH paved the way to establish and plan the notion of changes in Qajarid power structures depending on mass movements. His letters to Mirzaye Shirazi and other clerics manifest such reflections. He supposed that if he wished for the abolition of the absolute power structure by mass movements, he would use the eloquence and influence of the clerics. He not only played a great role in Tobacco Movement, but also he regarded this movement as a verification of his vision. Subsequently, he urged the clerics to prolong their struggle till the absolute renunciation of the king and the amendments in the structure of his autocratic regime. He did not deem the assassination of individuals. Rather, he believed that Iranian intellectuals should put their attempt in mass awakening to topple down totalitarian regimes and not individual elimination.