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The fans are very suitable for humanities settlements and agricultures activities.Knowledge processes and characteristics these landforms for determine land use abilities are very important for stable development’s aims. In this research we studied geomorphological characteristics of Malekan plain in East of Uromiye Lake for land use planning. The evaluation landforms on this plain effective by Mardagh Chay River and water level changes of Uromiye Lake. Studies shows the level of ground salty waters is about 1.5 to 5 meters. For determine the agricultural land uses, we used zoning method by overlying data' s. The soil, geology, ground water qualities, ground water levels and slope and height of fans surfaces are important factors in this study. These factors classified in five group and then overlaying to gather by GIS software' s. The result shows 18% of lands are very low abilities and 16% low, 25% moderate, 26% good and 13% have very good abilities for agriculture. Land use map shows the 60% of lands have moderate qualitative, and this problem shows the effects of salty ground waters for essential factor in land use planning and agriculture activities in this area.

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This research tries to display the effect wind companent producing the wheat product in the to stations of Kermanshah and Shiraz. In this research the statical duration between 1984-2006 for the climatical wind component, rain, relative humidity, temperature and sunshine duration and the produce of wheat product were utilized. Many methods in this research and technical antropy of Pearson correlation coefficient theory were used; Finally the findings in some occasions specially in the case of Shiraz stations relating the meaningful connection between component of wind velocity with the produce of the wheat production.

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Saqqez, is located at specific geographical area with topography & climate systems of effective ecology has cool weather. Having long lasting frosts, it has special bioclimatological circumst ances. On the basis of the results derived from the effecten tive; it was determind that the weather in Saqqez is definitely cold about 54.9 percent of the year, and there is a mmoderate comfort in the shad only about 15.6 percent of the year and 29.8 percent of the time, one enjoy a good weather in the sun.Therefore, for the maximum utilization of this environmental conditions in designing the open spaces and passages; the different types of yard and passages were drawn on the diagram of optimum location of yard is east–south with an inclination in the direction of west-south. As for the streets and the passages, and lanes the optimum direction is south-west with 30º to take full advantage of 2 factors of sunlight, and temperature. This prevents cold wind currents and as a result long frost and ice cover over the surface of the passages and streets.

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Kuhbanan fault system, as one of the major of intracontinental faults system in southeast of central Iran.This fault system caused most of earthquake evidences in North Kerman and south Yazd with strike–slip (reverse component) motion.Morphotectonic evidences along this fault system confirm recent activities.According to the geomorphic and kinematics data, Kuhbanan fault has divided into 38 segments.The mean calculated values of mountain front sinuosity (Smf) and%facet, V and Vf Ratios, for different segments of fault are 1.058, %87.57, 0.7466, 1.8399 consequently.Regarding to these geomorphic indexes, this region is a high tectonic activity region and denudation rate of about 3±1 mmyr-1 is suggested for this fault system.

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Besides earthquake, flood and volcano, landslide is a disaster which causes considerable damages in mountains areas every year. Nowadays in countries involved with landslide problem, there is an increase trend to evaluation and zonation of risk and damage of this phenomenon. There different cause and in different ways for instability of slope such as topography, litology, climate and etc. In these research, Haeri-Samie model has been used for landslide risk zonation in Safiabad watershed in east of Golestan province. Hence, to analyze main causes of landslides, effective factors such as slope angle, litology, fault, road, and river, rainfall figures, rainfall intensity and earthquake was considered. Afterwards data layers for each of effective cause in landslide was prepared using GIS and then effective cause were quantified and weighted and Landslides was registered by field work and GPS. Analysis show that the watershed has not areas with extremely high risk class even the 6 registered landslides were in medium risk class moreover any landslide was not distinguished in high and very high risk zones. So, this model has not suitable efficiency in this watershed and its applicability needs more investigations and study.

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Optimum management of water resources in order to increase and preserve water quality requires sufficient data of the location, value as well as spatial distribution of the chemical factors. Water salinity and decrease of water quality are major concern for agricultural development plans especially in arid regions. This research was conducted in Arsanjan plain located in the northeast of Fars province to investigate the spatial variation of groundwater quality parameters such as EC, PH, NO3, TDS for agricultural and domestic drinking purposes. The results showed that EC and TDS have an increasing trend from northwest to the south and southeast of the plain while NO3 has increased from the south and southeast to the northwest.Also the research showed that the classification of the drinking water according to the Schoeller diagram is 17% as "Good", 48.22% as "acceptable", 31.71 as "unsuitable" and 3.07 as "bad". Meanwhile the quality classes for agriculture were as follow: Good (14.5%), acceptable (66.14%), (15.71%) and bad (3.65%). The results also showed revealed that more than 75% of groundwater resources of Arsanjan plain have low to moderate class of limitation for agriculture.

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Foot of mountain and Eastern Slope of Sabalan are as a port of Sabalan highland in west of Ardebil province (Ardabil township). The area that is studied is Sabalan mountain, that is port of large unit of Geomorphology, and has Alpine cold climate.This area is influenced by various changes from its existence until now.These changes have effects in different forms and began from the beginnings of Quaternary. In this region, erosive systems depend on Ecological data, and are influenced by it. In this manner that in each period, some erosive factors are dominant and that is on the basis of particular ecological conditions and has effect in changing of form of earth surface. In fact, interface surface causes some Geomorphological phenomena in this unit and isn’t as a result of present erosion, but as a result of ancient or old forms, the forms have caused under the influence of morphoclimatic conditions that are different with present conditions. The study of these phenomena is a good guide in reviewing of Quaternary events. In fact, we can discover factors that were active in environment during time and under take production mechanism and that is based on these forms and symmetrical deposit in region.Now, Geomorphological evidences about climate changes of upper Pleistocene in Eastern slope of Sabalan are: Glacial Circus, Glacial accumulation residual like Moraine, polished rocks and Lahar flowing. These forms are morphological effects of climate changes of upper Pleistocene in eastern slope of Sabalan. These forms are influenced by Nivation process during cold season, and they are under the influence of running water erosion (as a result of raining or melting of show) and wind process during warm season.The research did on the basis of some observation, the studying of aerial and satellite photographs and topographical and geological surveys and finally, climate changes of upper Pleistocene were introduced on the basis of geomorphological residual and global model.

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The topography of earth surface is not always fix because erosion always acts on it Among the different kinds of erosions, the water erosions that works on the slopes is very important. Based on this, the most important emotional outcrops and the affecting- factors on forming and strengthening of different kinds of erosion are recognized in this paper. The aim of this study is to introduce the strategy of control and combating the erosion in the study area. For this purpose the topographic maps, landsat images (ETM Plus) of the year 2002, GIS and ILWIS software were used to recognize the geomorphological characteristics and erosional outcrops and the relationship between them from the point of view of correlation and making regressive correlation. So form, slope, slope orientation, the amount of precipitation, vegetation tpe, and the land use in the loess territory as the independent variables and each one of water erosion including sheet erosion, rill erosion, gully erosion, valley erosion and finally rock outcrop as the dependent variables were considered. The results show that, the geomorphological characteristics of loess territory in the past, in the future too. Considering the change of misland use by human beings and the reduction of vegetation cover especially reduction of density leads to the strengthening of water erosion and forming and spreading of different kind of erosional outcrops especially gully erosion and the increasing the immensity of rock outcrop in the study area, so that this leads to the clear change of the situation of the slopes in the loess territory.

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