The new edition of Tarikh Beihaqi, the precious work by Abu Al-Fazl Beihaqi, was published by attempts of Dr. Mohammad Jafar Yahaqi and Mahdi Seyyedi, in the winter of 2010. Before this, famous masters such as Adib Pishavari, Saeed Nafisi, Dr. Qasem Ghani, and Dr. Ali Akbar Fayyaz had edited this prominent work. The new edition and the research, however, are of a special value, for besides the accurate contrastive study of several manuscripts and previous editions, and providing a critical edition for it, many of the defects of the previous editions are corrected. Among the significant advantages of the new edition, a comprehensive preface, abundant explanations and corrigenda, and various indexes are to be mentioned. This essay is to present some corrective suggestions by a critical study on this new edition, mentioning advantages and strong points, as well as some defects.