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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

ERCI BEHICE | Erisik Ela

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Introduction: Food additive is an important reason for health risk. The hazards that most people were concerned about in relation to food additives were the risks of developing allergy, cancer and disturbing the hormone balance. The aim of this study was to develop and assess the validity and reliability of the scale of knowledge and behaviors related to food additives. Methods: This study had a methodological design. The population of this study consisted of mothers with 1-to 12-year-old children in Ağ rı , Turkey. A convenience sample was recruited from the mothers attending two primary health care centres in the town. The sample size was determined to be 413 mothers by conducting power analysis. Data were collected using a questionnaire including demographic characteristics and the scale of knowledge and behaviors related to food additives. The researchers visited the primary healthcare center and conducted interviews with the mothers. The questionnaire took 15-20 min to complete and could be understood by people with minimal reading ability. Pearson’ s product-moment correlation, factor analysis and internal consistency reliability were used to determine the validity and reliability of the tool. Results: Factor analysis showed that two factors were the behavior related food additive subscale and the knowledge related food additive subscale. The two factors together explained 53. 7% of the variance. Internal consistency reliability of the whole questionnaire was 0. 74. Conclusions: The scale of knowledge and behaviors related to food additives is very important because it provides standardized data for mother’ s knowledge and behavior regarding a child’ s health for food additives. The tool predicted mother’ s feeding behavior about their children above and beyond existing measures of eating pathology. The tool is a sound tool for identifying eating patterns.

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Introduction: Despite the agreement regarding the significance of the concept of compassion fatigue (CF) in nursing, it has been unrecognized and there is no clear definition of CF in the context of nursing. The aim of this study was to inductively develop or formulate a clear and uniformed definition of compassion fatigue in the context of nursing. Methods: This study was conducted using the Rodger’ s concept analysis, literaturebased method and thematic analysis. Steps of the Rodger’ s concept analysis encompass identifying the concept and associated definition, attributes, antecedents, consequences, surrogate terms, related concepts, and a model case exemplar. A literature search was performed from 1992 to 2016. Finally, 45 references were selected. A thematic analysis was conducted for data analysis. Results: In this analysis, after defining attributes such as cumulative and progressive process, individualized, self-absorption, and comprehensive, CF can be defined in this way: “ CF is a cumulative, progressive, and individualized process that is caused by prolonged exposure to patients in pain, suffering and distress and threatens integrity of nurses’ life. Nurses with CF lose their caring or nurturing ability and then they will not able to care own selves and others (patients, organization and members of the family)” . Conclusions: This analysis demonstrated that the concept of CF consists of excessive empathy, symptomatology of secondary traumatic stress, problematic work environment of burnout and coping mechanism deficit.

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Introduction: Excessive and problematic use of mobile phones could have several negative effects on different aspects of students’ lives. The current study aimed to explore the relationship between excessive mobile uses and sleep quality among nursing students considering the mediating role of perceived stress. Methods: In This descriptive study with a correlational design, 138 nursing students (103 females, 35 males) were selected using the random sampling method. To collect the data, cell-phone over-use scale (COS), Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI), and Cohen› s perceived stress scale were used. The data were analyzed using Pearson product moment correlation, Independent Samples t test, and hierarchical regression analysis by the SPSS 22 software. Results: The mean scores of students’ mobile use, sleep quality, and perceived stress were 52. 17 ± 14. 70, 11. 8 ± 2. 69, and 22. 60 ± 6. 45, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference in the aforementioned variables among male and female nursing students. The results of hierarchical regression analysis showed that mobile use in the first model could predict students’ sleep quality (β = 0. 38). By entering the perceived stress to the equation, β of mobile use decreased, which showed the incomplete mediating role of perceived stress. Conclusions: Problematic mobile use has not only direct adverse health consequences but also indirect negative effects on students’ sleep quality through perceived stress. The findings yield significant insights for parents, education practitioners, health specialists, and policy makers in making interventions regarding the excessive, and problematic mobile use among nursing students.

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Introduction: Increasing information and recognizing its values in personal and professional life bring challenges and barriers for each person that how people can access to information and it is necessary for them to obtain some special skills in information-seeking process. This study aimed to examine information-seeking methods of nursing students of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences and to identify their barriers to access to information. Methods: In this applied and descriptive cross-sectional study., statistical population included all 366 bachelor and master nursing students of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences (two faculties of nursing in Sari and Behshahr cities). To collect data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used, which had 5 sections including demographic information, motivations of information seeking, resources and channels of obtaining information and also barriers of access to information. The questionnaire distributed among all the students in 2016 and 310 ones, which answered completely, were analyzed. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics by the SPSS software. Results: Results showed that the most important motivation of the students to access and search their own information was “ performing their homework (educational activities)” . The results of this study showed that “ Books” and “ Journals” with averages of 4. 10 and 3. 91 and also “ general searching engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN” were identified as the most important resources and channels to access information. Also, “ university equipment problems” were mentioned by the nursing students as the most challenges in their information-seeking process. Conclusions: This study shows that nursing students need to receive information from the formal and valid channels to increase the quality and quantity of suitable information, related to their personal, educational, and professional life. Planning and making policy by management and masters of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences can be useful for student access to information by developing banks and channels of information.

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Introduction: Concerns about death may negatively affect the health-related quality of life. The relationship between death anxiety and spiritual well-being in lifethreatening diseases is still a matter that needs to be addressed, especially in patients with gynecologic cancer. This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between death anxiety and spiritual well-being in patients with the gynecologic cancer. Methods: This descriptive-correlational study was conducted on 230 women with gynecologic cancer selected through convenience sampling from Shohada-e Tajrish Hospital, affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, in Tehran, Iran, from April to May 2016. The data collection instruments included a demographic questionnaire, the 15-item Templer Death Anxiety Scale and the Spiritual Well-Being Scale. The data were analyzed using descriptive (mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage) and inferential (Pearson’ s correlation coefficient and the linear regression model) statistics by the SPSS 22 software Results: The mean scores of death anxiety and spiritual well-being were 48. 57 ± 12. 55 and 95. 27 ± 14. 40. There was a significant relationship between death anxiety and spiritual well-being (r =-0. 35, P = 0. 001). The results of the regression analysis showed that age (b =-0. 23, P = 0. 001) and stage of cancer (b =-5. 176, P = 0. 001) are the only significant predictors of death anxiety. This model explained 40. 3% of the variance in death anxiety. In this model, age (b = 0. 220, P = 0. 021), marital status (b = 2. 985, P = 0. 043) and stage of cancer (b = 2. 649, P = 0. 001) were significant predictors of spiritual well-being. The model explained 18% of the variance in spiritual well-being in the patients. Conclusions: This study shows a significant relationship between death anxiety and spiritual well-being in patients with gynecologic cancer. It is therefore necessary for healthcare providers to address certain demographic variables such as age, marital status and disease progression for regulating death anxiety and improving the patients’ spiritual well-being.

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Introduction: To promote normal childbirth the care during childbirth should be on evidence-based care. Eevidence-based care practices promote physiological birth. This study aimed at examining midwives’ awareness and performance about physiological childbirth in Ahvaz public maternity services. Methods: In this descriptive study, 128 midwives were selected from the maternity units of Ahvaz hospitals using census sampling. The researcher-made questionnaire was used for self-reporting of awareness and performance of midwives. Results: Most of the midwives (86. 7%) had a bachelor degree, and 1-7 year work experience (64. 1%). The results of this study showed that the midwives of the Ahvaz hospitals had relatively good awareness of physiologic labor items; however, the performance of them was not as ideal as their awareness. Conclusions: Iranian midwives are informed about evidence-based practice in childbirth, which indicates that attempts to promote physiologic childbirth have been useful. However, appropriate interventions are necessary to promote the use of evidence-based practice in clinical practice.

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Introduction: Social support has a key role in improvement of quality of working life of nurses. The present study aimed at measuring the quality of nurse’ s working life and perceived social support and examine their relationship in neonatal intensive care unit nurses. Methods: In the present descriptive-correlational study, the statistical population consisted of nurses working at neonatal intensive care units of selected hospitals affiliated to Ahwaz University of Medical Sciences, selected by census. Overall, 98 nurses were selected. Since the number of employed nurses was approximately the same, all nurses were selected by the census method and based on the inclusion criteria. Tools used included the "Demographic Questionnaire” , “ Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support" and "Quality of Nurses' Work Life". Validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by 12 experts, and its reliability was confirmed by the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Data were analyzed using the SPSS-20 software. Results: The highest mean value in social support belonged to the "family" dimension (5. 19± 1. 05) and the lowest to "friends" (4. 50± 1. 11), and overall mean social support value was 4. 78 ± 0. 99. The quality of working life had the highest mean value in the "working life" dimension (3. 67± 0. 72) and the lowest in "personal life" (3. 38± 0. 89), and overall mean value of quality of working life was 3. 57± 0. 57 in nurses. The obtained results showed a positive correlation between social support and the quality of working life in nurses (r=0. 25, P=0. 02). Conclusions: The obtained results showed a significant and positive relationship between perceived social support and quality of nursing working life. However, the relationship between subscales of these two variables was mildly confirmed. Generally, the present study results are in accordance with the results of previous studies.

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