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This article addresses the debate within geography and the other disciplines studies of rural development in relationship between environment, space and development. It revolves around two arguments: first, the relationship between the above three categories which should be seen not only as a question of abstract linkage, but should be considered as a linkage which based on a structural-functional dynamism. second, it is argued that though practically there is an independent practice between the three fields, theoretically they are of a common nature and should be seen as one. These arguments are developed through many-years of experiment in rural settlements around the country. Finally, the spatiality dimension between environment and development is considered, infact, not only it emphasis in exceetance of relaition ship between these two in the level of specific regions, but it considered as interferer elements in production of space in different scales. The auther knows that he is convinced in acceptance of this fact which is not simple by the circles practicing “rural development”, but believes it would be very helpful not to deny the faction.

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The concept of "house" as a family residential center has been treated differently in various times and places depending on residents' expectations and responses. Meanwhile, rural housing not only is a place for living, but also provides necessary spaces for work and production, all gathered in a certain area. However, in the historical village of Abyaneh the concept of house, locally called "Kaya", totally differs from the general understanding of familiar mentioned rural housing. Thus the Kaya is not just a closed and bounded area within four walls. Rather for Abyanehians, house is not merely a room for dwelling, sleeping, cooking, settling, entertaining guests and setting necessities of life, but in fact a combination of some spaces dispersed among or even around the village. Abyanehian families make their bread in the public bakery. They store their equipment, supplies and foodstuff in a room far from their residence. Their fireplace may be located out on the side of alley. Their animals are kept in a shelter in some other part of the village. The farming equipment and husbandry requirements, timber and firewood are stocked in a hand-excavated space called "Kande" on a mountain slope, out of the village. Thus a “combination” of all of these different spaces means the “house” for them.In other words, the group of these detached and spread spaces among the village which belongs to a family forms the "Kaya" or house. From this point of view, an Abyanehian family wherever posses or builds a new space, is expanding his house. This life style has established a most complicated law and regulation system of ownership in the village, which is still ongoing and alive. In this article the concept of "house" is described through considering the life style of abyanehian people, their daily activities and spatial needs. For this purpose, a very precise plan was surveyed from the village's fabric and its different functions. Also plans of more than 60 residential units and some building blocks were provided. At long last, the concept of "house" has been inspected by verifying people's life and various spaces of their houses. Understanding the concept of Abyanehian house leads to have a right perception about this special and complicated type of settlement and its specifications. This might be helpful in probable future physical interventions not only in this village but also in other rural settlements.

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The rural architecture is all about house; it starts with a house and yet it ends with a house. The rural house is quite simple and calm, but in the meanwhile it enjoys some complexity in the sense of wisdom. On one hand, the simplicity of a mud house is visual; it comforts the eyes through to the use of simple, low-contrast, colors. On the other hand, the complexity of a rural house is mysterious; it requires deep vision and through understanding.The mysteries of rural architecture are being studied and glorified by those who enjoy the wisdom of understanding, however, there are many who look at this architecture only through their eyes and don’t see anything especial about it. They find these houses are made from cheap mud, yet they don’t think that their sole was made by mud to begin with.Behind the worthless materials used in a rural house, (the soil and the mud), there is a secret message. A message which has become a mystery for the contemporary man. A man who is reluctant to see or hear the meanings and/or the values of the world surrounding him. A man who is involved in his materialistic values in life, and judges everything through his misdirected knowledge. In this battle, the man finds his body more important than his spirit, and he gives more credits to the image than the sole. In this contest, the individual has been defined more privileged over the group of people, and the appearance (which is based on an individual’s preference) has become against the mystery of the vernacular architecture of Iran. The bases of architecture are: the place, form, space, and the man. The place is about where the architecture is located on; the form is the way that architecture is demonstrated through and shelters the man; the space is inside or outside of the architectural form in where the man lives in it. The way the man behaves, gives meaning and content to the architecture. In this sense, the man builds architecture and the architecture influences the man’s being. One good question could be asked: where do knowledge, sincerity, affection, beauty, and bravery root in? Where do they grow? And where do they fertilize? This article pays a close attention to investigate about the place, the space, and the form.

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The scope of the present study is the determination of the Energy Efficiency National Building Codes position in the upgrading process of rural housing, and the formulation of fundamental key points for an easy and appropriate application of the related codes in the construction process.Nowadays, the importance of Energy Efficiency in buildings has become a clear priority for specialists, directors and ordinary people, and a considerable effort for the dissemination has been elaborated. Most of the specialists agree that this will be the key factor for the Sustainable Development of the Building Construction Industry. In this regard, in the last decades, taking into consideration the environmental issues and the limitation of energy resources, in most of the countries, the energy efficiency of the building sector has become a top priority in building codes.Regarding the multiplicity of influencing factors in energy saving, and taking into consideration the important differences between rural and urban housing, in design and construction phases, it is necessary to prepare rural codes with a different approach. It is obvious that clear codes adapted to rural housing expectations can’t be obtained, if there is no precise and sufficient knowledge about the existing situation in such regions.In this paper, thanks to the experiences of foreign energy efficiency codes, taking into consideration major topics in energy codes, and existing restraints in design and construction, the structure of the energy efficiency regulation for rural buildings has been proposed.  

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spatial texture of Iranian villages consists of aesthetic and visual patterns, coincidence with natural environment, co-ordination (harmony) with living and livelihood function, the utilization of local knowledge and equipment alongside having architectural values such as simplicity and honesty. Spatial texture of some villages of the country can be regarded as a precious heritage remained from our ancestors due to their specific architectural, cultural and historical characteristics. The maintenance of these heritages is of great importance. Therefore, there is a necessity for appropriate implementation for rehabilitation and maintenance of spatial reserves and cultural wealth of these villages. In this regard, according to the 3rd development plan with new approaches aiming to keep the cultural, historical spatio temporal of these villages, Housing Foundation of Islamic Revolution as the responsible organization for spatial development of rural areas of the country has completed the texture rehabilitation of 20 selected villages This was followed by the study of 35 more villages in the 4th development plan. The main aim of reconstruction designs of valuable rural textures is the preparation for attaining the identity and the provision of the possibility of maintaining and keeping the textures, valuable rural architecture with recreating the physical textures and with the modern ideas and approaches for supplying demands, thoughts, and new ways of peoples' living, finally with respect to the originalities of physical aspects and existing of social relations within the rural areas. It is noticeable that in the selection of rural areas, those factors are involved that essentially relate to their history and cultures. Villages have been included in this national project which can be located in the context of "a memoir from the past and a herrit for the future". The present article attempts to overview and orientation of Settlement Foundation in residential sector and rural development adapting an analytical- descriptive method, Documentary the goals, indexes and implemented affairs as the strategies in the line of Housing Foundation in the field of rural housing and development.

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In recent years tourism industry has been considered as a profitable and entrepreneurial industry. Iran has a large number and wide variety of tourism attractions that give it a strong potential for tourism development. To reach the goal of a successful sustainable tourism development, Iran needs careful planning, systematic implementation of the plans and continuous and effective management. As tourism industry is interdependent and multidisciplinary, close cooperation and coordination among government and all other stakeholders is required and vital for sustainable tourism development in Iran. Priotorizing to rural development is recognized as one of the fundamental principles in Islamic Republic of Iran from the beginning to now. With respect to estimates that have been carried out and because of especial climate conditions in Iran; specially frequent droughts in recent years, foundation of such development can't be based on agricultural sector development exclusively. Experiences of successful countries in attaining to sustainable rural development such as India and China, show high importance of industrialization of rural areas in creating new opportunities of employment, income generating and finally preventing of rural people emigration to urban regions and its negative consequents in all parts of the country. Author in this article study and recognize one of the most important duties in rural development, namely recognition and transfer appropriate technologies into agriculture and rural societies. In this article after explanation the absolute need to development and comprehensive definition of development concept and its availability of necessary elements, concept and importance of employment, definition of economic development and its difference to economic growth, importance of creating job opportunities in developing countries and role of small rural industries in this process, characteristics of appropriate technologies in development of rural regions in developing countries, reasons for attendance to small industries and middle technologies in these countries, reasons for attendance to indigenous knowledge and technology in rural development process, importance of extension appropriate technology and its diffusion foundations in rural development process, experiences of India and China countries in this process, and finally stating role of small rural industries and middle technologies in rural regions in development of economic affairs and its advantages and limitations. In the end of the article, concluding from the following cases and presenting applicable and appropriate alternatives in conditions of Iran and developing countries. Finally, this article presents some suggestions for improving the existing situation of tourism in Iran. For instance, introducing a representative from the Tourism Organization to every individual ministry is suggested to act as a means for collaboration and harmony among different ministries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Villages as vital living spaces of a large number of people in developing societies encounter with many difficulties such as lack of resources and capital for respondent of their needs and improvement of the quality of their life, employment and improvement of socio-economic of residence of these settlements which in the passage of time they need growth and development. Since the poorest villagers are those without any agricultural land or those with small cultivated lands, there is a possibility to create some varieties and carry out non-agricultural activities to provide job opportunities, reducing poverty and making a relative social welfare for these small population centers. Therefore, the policy makers have made decisions and proposed different solutions to reach a sustainable development in rural areas which can refer to the expansion and development of tourism industry. This is an economic-human activity to provide job opportunities and income and result a two-side relation between the villagers and other people with different cultures. In this study it has been tried to speak about the principles and the concept of rural tourism and its close relation with rural development according to the library studies and conceptual analysis while introducing the natural-historical potentials and attractions of tourism in Fahlyan village which is related to the central section of Mamasani County. Finally, different solutions have been proposed to provide possibilities for tourism plans and expansion of this activity in the aforesaid village in the line of multisided development.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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