In different periods of Iran's history, ownership of land and buildings has left a great impact on rural communities. However, in rural areas it is hoped that implementation of the plan of issuing title deeds for rural real property could help decrease the unorganized physical conditions of the villages. The study area having a long history in being chosen for residence in Iran plateau, was one of the areas in which the plan of issuing title deeds for rural real property has begun in 2000's and ever-since this area has taken the consequences of the plan. This study aims to examine the social and economic impacts of this plan in Eghlid County. With regard to the aim of the study, this study was an applied one, but considering the methodology, this was a descriptive-analytical study. The statistical population of the study included 3,270 households in 10 villages, and based on Cochrane formula, 247 questionnaires were filled out according to systematic random sampling method. The study results showed that there is a relatively good correlation between the plan of issuing title deeds for rural real property and changes in social and economic aspects throughout the villages of the region. Intensity factor of the variable of the plan of issuing title deeds for rural real property on social changes in villagers' life was 0.309 and indicates that variable parameters of the plan explain 31% of changes in the social aspects of villagers’ life. Accordingly, the variable of rise in investment in the villages with the co-efficient of 35 % was the strongest predictor of changes in social aspects of rural life. In other words, the more the rural land is established by the plan of issuing title deeds, the more the chances for rise in investment in the rural areas, and the more the social changes in rural life. On the other hand, using the coefficient of determination in regression model, the plan of issuing title deeds only explains 25% of variation in the economic dimension of villagers’, life. Accordingly, the effect of the variables of rise in investment and getting real estate into economic cycles respectively explain 32.5% and 27.6% of variation in the economic dimension of rural life. Based on LISREL causality test, the plan of issuing title deeds for rural real property has a direct effect of 0.32 on the economic dimension of rural life. According to the research findings, the following guidelines were suggested: to exempt certain social classes from the charges of the plan, to observe the coordination of reviewing Guide plans and the plan of issuing title deeds, to develop a comprehensive database of rural properties, to facilitate lending banking loans by the relevant organizations and their management by rural governor, and to modify the charges of issuing title deeds in villages with respect to the actual price of rural real estate, etc.