House is one of the human fundamental needs that in terms of development and change in living level has different and various dimensions. In this case, house is the most skeletal element of village and it is a parcel of village total identity and yet it reveals functional accretion of village context consisting elements. Therefore, rural house building method helps to villages' classification based on social groups and assessment of their archaism and establishment time.Meanwhile, rural house form and function in the world is affected by different factors, which rather originate from natural, social, economical, and political properties of countries. In this relation, rural houses distribution method and dominant architecture of this phenomenon in rural regions affected by factors such as coordinated actions adjacency, irreconcilable actions differentiation, maximum use of natural environment properties, hierarchy preservation of actions and spaces. Meanwhile, in study of rural houses, some aspects could be considered, such as expanse and form of free space (i.e, court and garden space), house building method and used materials relation with environment, building position and its situation toward public lands (for example, pathways network), infrastructure and useful area based on residential areas, economical used space, stores area and similar cases, houses height or number of building floor, number of rooms and their function, parts with special function, construction method, and architecture. In this article, regarding research main path, means geographical analyses of rural house form and function in Miyanband Villages, some major objects are considered, such as rural house dominant types' recognition and its differences in geographical area of various regions, study of new rural houses function differences compared with previous rural houses function in the region, study of house events qualitative and quantitative changes in considered region. According to the last formal census, Miyanband Villages of Noor County includes 29 villages with population of 7805 in 1518 household. This population lives in 1557 housing unit.These houses have special diversity regarding geographical condition and economical-social structure and they were selected according to study objects and considering geographical properties of 6 villages and their houses dominant conditions were studied. According to region villages' sprawl, results of this study could be considered as a diagram of total region. In line with rural house form analysis and in order to reach to above objects, we have used descriptive analytical method in 2 forms of documents-library and field study (questionary, interview, and observation). Conclusions of this research show that geographical factors such as topography, wind direction, and other continental elements are very effective on house parameters such as infrastructure, houses settlement direction, roof cover type. Meanwhile, houses form and function indifferent geographical districts of study region has obvious differences with each other regarding proper communication network and distance from urban centers.