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A glimpse at the grammatical qualification of Ibn-e- Hashem in his description of the ode “Banat Soad” of Ka’b ibn-e- Zohair reveals that this one is quite distinguished among the most prominent Arabic literary works as it was read before the Islam’s holy prophet, and that it was for this work that the holy prophet forgave Ka’b ibn-e- Zohair after he had ordered his life to be taken. The description of the above-mentioned ode by Ibn-e- Hashem Ansari, the author of the valuable book “Moghni Al-labeib”, is among the best works left from him. He decorated the 57-stanza ode with detailed and comprehensive descriptions based on Quran verses, prophetic narratives and Arabic literary grounds. The ode, also involves rhetorical ornamentations along with syntactic and lexical commentaries, as well as the commentaries and theories of other grammarians.This article investigates, in particular, the methodology and grammatical approach used by Ibn-e- Hashem in description and explanation of the said ode.

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In this section, we will study Malekoshoara Bahar and Jamil sedghi Zahavi’s point of views about sacking. In consider to this subject whom these two poets live in the same time, their ideas are the same. The relationship between different nations especially the nations which are neighbor to each other were from the ancient time. The cultural relationship between Iran and Iraq nation were more than the other nations. In fact, the literature of every nation shows the social political situation of thoughts and literal subjects in addition to influence on poets and writers shows the needs and problems of that society.This article is written in the library way which at first it has been summarize and categorized then described its materials. In this article, after the brief discussion about literature and social and political situation in Iran and Iraq and these two poet’s life, consider to sacking and disagree with enemies’ interference in their poems. One of the most important benefits of these studies more than showing the close relationship between literature and social-political situations is showing the relationship between Persian political and social situation with Arabic countries.

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Although Ayn al-Quzzat doesn’t have any independent interpretations of the Quran, his works are full of verses and their interpretations. He outlined four steps in understanding of Quran: a) observation of words as connected letters. b) Presentation of the Quran beauty as detached letters. c) The transformation of letters to the points. d) Disappearance of points and reading the white of Quran.Understanding these processes requires comprehending the meaning of the letters from his points of view. In this article we try to shed light on his scattered phrases about letters. Also we are going to see whether his view about letters and points is relevant to what the commentators and mystics have said before him?

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لسان مبین

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    3 (دوره جدید)
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با نگاهی گذرا به توانایی نحوی ابن هشام در شرح قصیده «بانت سعاد» کعب بن زهیر معلوم می شود که بی شک این قصیده در میان قصاید عربی و در میان شاهکارهای ادبی زبان عربی از جایگاه ویژه ای برخوردار است؛ زیرا این قصیده در محضر پیامبر اسلام (ص) قرائت شده است؛ قصیده ای که به وسیله آن کعب بن زهیر توانست عفو پیامبر را بعد از اباحه خونش به دست آورد.شرح قصیده یاد شده به دست ابن هشام انصاری، صاحب کتاب ارزشمند «مغنی اللبیب»، یکی از بهترین آثاری است که از او برجای مانده است؛ زیرا او این قصیده 57 بیتی را با تفصیل هرچه تمامتر و با استشهاد به آیات قرآنی، احادیث نبوی، شواهد شعری و امثال عرب به زیور شرح آراست و در آن در کنار بیان نظرات نحوی و لغوی از ذکر زیبایی های بلاغی موجود در این قصیده فروگذار نکرده و علاوه بر ذکر آرا خود، از آرا دیگر نحویان نیز استفاده نموده است.این مقاله سعی دارد تا نگاهی گذرا به شخصیت علمی ابن هشام به ویژه اسلوب و دیدگاه نحوی او در شرح و توضیح قصیده یاد شده داشته باشد.

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Phonetic analysis of Arabic language has been begun with the publication of Khalil-Ibn- Ahmad’s book, “Al-Ayn”, in the second century A.H. The presented paper is a research on description of Arabic phonemes and vocal organs according to phonetic opinions of Khalil-Ibn- Ahmad. This great literary man as a founder of phonology in Arabic language influences ortheopy researchers in later ages and helps to presentation of descriptive phonetics. Finally we conclude that Quran ortheopy have been accomplished in the context of Arabic linguistic.

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Arab land in the age of Deterioration٫ was under the dominance of Tatar and Turk rulers. The significant feature of these governments was oppression٫ offense conspiracy and chaos. In such situation٫ the society lost its unity and solidarity and approached eruption step by step. Ethnic conflicts and political- religious struggles increased again. Scholarly writings started to fade and the poems of poets became weak and meaningless. This literary weakness and social and economic disorder rooted in the political situation of the days that Moguls٫ Turks and Mamlukis had created in Arab lands. In this study٫ it has been tried to investigate the reflexion of social situation in the poetry of the age of Deterioration. The main points of this research include: Analysis and investigation of the society in this period. The reflexion of social situation in the poetry of this period and its role in the creation of poetic themes.

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Although in recent decades the term of intertextuality has been suggested, but this phenomenon has been used in Islamic literature. Arab and Persian poets in past had directly and indirectly have been borrowed from the Holy Quran and we know that poetry is closely related to Quranic heritage. Badavi Jabal, Syrian poet, was born in 1903. He is also one of the poets. This paper will study concepts of intertextuality in Badavi Jabal’s poem, his use from rich culture of Quran and influence of Quranic phrases in his poem. Perhaps it is said Quran heritage reflects in the Muslim poets is not far from the mind, be said that in addition to the natural rate reflects in Badavi’s poetry, his use of the Quranic culture was done with specific objectives, Among which can be pointed to these cases: use of Quranic symbols in his poetry (because of the inability for expression of national and political demands), to create Spirit epic in his poetry and to make beauty the poem.

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Simultaneous with genesis of rhetoric in Arabian and Persian language, and with this assumption that skill in rhetoric be shown and cause a altitude for poet, some Iranian and Arabian poet, designed poetries that poet force himself to coming one or several rhetorical art in every verse of that and really present a concise collection of rhetoric by his poem. Thereafter this kind of poem named “badi’ieh” prevails first time in Persian poetry and then in Arabian poetry. In these two languages this kind of poetry has difference quality and traits. This article is explanatory of composing of “badi’ieh” in Persian and Arabian literature, historical progress and their differences and similarities.

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Abd al-aziz Ibn Saraya Al-Hilli so-called “Safi al-Din” is one of the great Shiite poets in the seventh century. After Busiri, he was the first poem who composed in Embellishments and has made it as a technique. Some features of his poetry are eloquence and beauty of style. He has experienced various forms of poetry and his epics are of good fame. Cause of multiplicity of epic poems in his poetical works is his warlike spirit and his uncle’s death. The main axis of these epics is his glory in himself and his people. He is hardly influenced by Mutanabbi in his Epics and Boasting Poems and in other subjects has imitated of past poets. It can be said that poet’s Epics and Boasting Poems are inseparable. The poet, in his epics, employed Quranic tales and verses. He has largely show different facts of his days in his poetry. This article is concerned to study in a part of his court.

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Nahj-ol-belagha” has been studied from various perspectives, but an important rhetorical feature of this text, namely “the method of Ghasr”, has often been ignored. In Arabic, various emphatic strategies are employed to highlight the significance of topics, the most important of which is “Ghasr”. “Ghasr” means “to dedicate something to something else and to deny its counterarguments using a specific method”. The emphatic point about “Ghasr” is that two sentences are compacted and reduced to one sentence. There are six well known strategies to achieve this as follows: denial and “ella”, “pronoun of fasl”, “ennama”, “taghdim”, “bal, laken, and la”, and “al of jens”, which have been used in “Nahj-ol-belagha”. In the present paper, after a brief explanation of technical and aesthetic features of “method of Ghasr”, an attempt will be made to highlight Imam Ali’s (AS) concerns regarding power, government, and politics. Imam Ali (AS) has employed this rhetorical strategy to discuss and emphasize the following issues: regarding power and governance as tools to materialize justice, security and awareness, propagating justice, ignoring power and worldly benefits by rulers, truthfulness, accepting criticism, humbleness, having a sound command of religion, appointing truthful advisers, avoiding dictatorship and unjust taxes, etc.

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Psychology critique investigates essentially the literal work as expression of author mind states and personal structure presented in a story form. This appeared early in 19th century, and was part of a current during which the expressional approach of literature nature substituted romantic approach and previous attitude towards literature being imitational and practical. In 1827, Toms karloyal stated that usual matter near the our best critics in present age is a question essentially psychological that must be answered by discovery and known definition of unique nature of the poet from his poem. During history, Feroid and young theories always have been considered the most principal theories on psychology and psychiatric. These two had different imaginations of unconsciousness, and had very important theories on this. In this article it has been attempted to analyze the poet traces from his internal trip in respect to self revolution Torfe-Ebn-Abd in one of his odes (Al-ghazal and Al-fakhr).also by adapting these signs to Feroid and Young psychological instruction, the poet position determined in each verse and a psychological critique occurred on whole poem.

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Abol-Hasan Mohammad Ibn Ismail Lameie Gorgani, who lived in the mid-5th century, is one of well-known poets that his works are based on the style practiced in early Ghaznavid dynasty. Some of his poems are a response to the odes of that period. His poems describe nature or eulogize the elite of his time may be, indeed, considered as an imitated amalgam of Farrokhi, Onsori and Manouchehri’s anthologies. The reader reminds Manouchehri’s works by his metaphorical descriptions of deserts, horses and other manifestations of nature. However, he outdared Manouchehri in using obsolete Arabic words in some of his odes. Lameie has composed 56 couplets in the honor of Abol-Hasan Ali-Ibn Mohammd Lamiehi. These verses are somewhat like Emra-al-Qeys’s Moallaqheh with 82 couplets. Structure of his odes like a vulgar poet who moaning over the relics of his beloved’s deserted home, goes on by singing in the memory of good old days while shedding tears of regret for missing his beloved and ends in taking a leave with a final eulogy. Emra-al-Qeys’s Moallaqheh being composed of these three basic parts too, namely standing on the relics of the beloved’s home while wailing, telling love stories especially on Darat Joljol day and describing his experience of vagrancy. The present article aims at the structure, theme and imagery of Lamei’s poems in comparison and contrast with Emra-al-Qeys’s Moallaqheh.

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Among different languages of the words, Arabic language and literature has the greatest impact on the Persian literature. After entrance of Islam to Iran, Arabic words gradually entered to Persian language. At first, this process was mutual and both languages lent words to each other and borrowed from each other. Over the time, this process changed and many idioms, compounds, concepts and poetic meanings entered to Persian literature. Ibn Motaz Abbasi is the famous poet of the middle third century and very influential in the field of describing. This poet was very good at simile and composed poetry in ten components of Boasting Poem, Ghazal, Panegyric verse, Motebat, Rejections, Description, Anacreontic Verse, Death-Elegy, asceticism and Syllable. Amir Moezi Neyshaboori the famous poet of the fifteen century was completely familiar with the poetry of Ibn Motaz. He has used many concepts and similes of Ibn Motaz in his poetry. This research by using a comparative approach has tried to study the common concepts in the poetry of Amir Moezi and Ibn Motaz.

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