Introduction: Patient Safety Culture (PSC) is one of the indicators in the quality of care and services. The nurse has an important role to promote and improve PSC in the hospital. As a developing country, Indonesia still struggles to improve quality health care by increasing PSC among health professional including nurses. This systematic review aims to identify Indonesian nurses’ barriers and strategies to promote and improve PSC in hospitals. Method: This systematic review study used the PRISMA protocol to select appropriate resources. Nine journal databases of CINAHL, DOAJ, GARUDA, Google Scholar, MDPI, Medline, Proquest, PUBMED, and Science Direct were searched in this regard. Results: The barriers that nurses faced in PSC promotion and improvement in the Indonesian hospital settings were nursing capabilities, regulation, organizational culture, equality, equally and supports, and natural resources. While the strategies are incorporating patient safety topics into the nursing curriculum, leaders’ supervision, integrative team, and regular training and workshop. Conclusion: This review finding both the barriers and strategies in PSC promotion and improvement differ among Indonesian nurses. The maj or barrier was predominantly related to nurses’ capabilities and competences. Hence, the strategies were related to improving nur ses’ capabilities and competences in patient safety both through improvement nursing curriculum, and continuing nursing education programs.