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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Aims Due to the terrible effects of 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on health systems and the global economy, the necessity to study future trends of the virus outbreaks around the world is seriously felt. Since geographical mobility is a risk factor of the disease, it has spread to most of the countries recently. It, therefore, necessitates to design a decision support model to 1) identify the spread pattern of coronavirus and, 2) provide reliable information for the detection of future trends of the virus outbreaks. Materials & Methods The present study adopts a computational intelligence approach to detect the possible trends in the spread of 2019-nCoV in China for a one-month period. Then, a validated model for detecting future trends in the spread of the virus in France is proposed. It uses ANN (Artificial Neural Network) and a combination of ANN and GA (Genetic Algorithm), PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization), and ICA (Imperialist Competitive Algorithm) as predictive models. Findings The models work on the basis of data released from the past and the present days from WHO (World Health Organization). By comparing four proposed models, ANN and GAANN achieve a high degree of accuracy in terms of performance indicators. Conclusion The models proposed in the present study can be used as decision support tools for managing and controlling of 2019-nCoV outbreaks.

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Aims Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is a common neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of various interventions on the improvement of symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Materials & Methods Participants were 52 attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder children who were assigned to four experimental and control groups of 13. Data were gathered with strengths and difficulties questionnaire, n-back test, and continuous performance test. Findings The findings showed that the effect of therapeutic interventions on behavioral symptoms, attention, and working memory was significant. The maximum useful size was observed to be 0. 66 on reaction speed, 0. 57 on the correct response, and then 0. 52 on Omission error. The sustainability of interventions in the next stage was significant and different. Conclusion The results indicate that most of the components of attention, working memory, and behavioral symptoms in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder have been improved in all experimental groups.

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Aims This study was done to investigate the Effectiveness cognitive effect of visual and auditory memory on improving the cognitive flexibility of children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Materials & Methods This study was a quasi-experimental one, which was done by the pretestposttest with the control group. The statistical population of this study was all students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Kermanshah in the academic year of 2018-2019. The sample consisted of 34 people who were selected by randomized sampling and replaced in two equal groups of experimental (17 subjects) and control group (17 subjects). The research tools were: SWAN Questionnaire and Stroop Color-word Test. Data were analyzed using the mean and standard deviation of the Levine test and homogeneity of slope from regression and covariance analysis to study the research hypotheses. Findings The results of this study showed that the cognitive effect of visual and auditory memory could improve the cognitive flexibility with effect size 0. 45 in children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder at the significant level (p<0. 01) Conclusion It can be concluded that cognitive and auditory memory training may enhance certain skills in ADHD children, but more research is required to generalize the positive effects of these programs on the other clinical features of ADHD.

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Aims Addiction is a physical, psychological, and social illness, where shocking behavior that has destructive consequences, repeats constantly. Addiction is one of the problems of human societies and combat this problem always many losses a lot of energy and money. Jealousy is an unpleasant feeling and inclusive. The nature and the core of jealousy is wishing and trying to lose favor others. Jealousy is one of the emotions that disrupt the normal functioning of a person’ s life are sometimes endanger her physical and mental health and it is almost important. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine the effect of jealousy on the causes of tendency toward addiction. Instruments & Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted on 100 male addicts referring to addiction treatment centers in Mashhad were selected using random sampling. The instrument was the jealousy and the tendency to an addiction questionnaire. The data were analyzed using SPSS 20 software and ANOVA, Pearson and Spearman correlation analysis. Findings The results depicted that the mean age was 32. 3± 8. 5 years and the mean duration of addiction was 10. 42± 6. 8 years. Also, the average scores of them were jealous of 102± 21. 5 and the average score tendency to addiction was 40. 3± 7. 6. Spearman correlation tests indicated that there was a significant correlation between the tendency to addiction and jealousy (p<0. 001). Conclusion The results suggest that jealousy can predict some addiction tendencies. Therefore, in order to reduce people’ s desire for addiction, it is recommended to implement religious, cultural, and educational programs.

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Aims Spirituality can be an important source of coping with the disease, reduce feelings of suffering and improving the quality of life in patients with chronic diseases. The purpose of the current study was to determine the relationship of spirituality with the perception of suffering and quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes. Instruments & Methods This was a descriptive-correlation study. Participants were 145 patients with type 2 diabetes of rural health clinics and the valley hospital in Khorramshahr city which were selected via stratified random and available sampling methods. Data collection tools were version of 29-item of the spiritual questionnaire (Parsian and Dunning), experience and perception of suffering questionnaire (Schulz) and version of 26-item of the quality of life questionnaire (WHO). Data were analyzed using SPSS 16. 0 software and Pearson’ s correlation, T-test, ANOVA, Post Hoc, and stepwise regression analytical statistics. Findings The spirituality average scores were 79. 41± 15. 82, perception of suffering average scores, 54. 89± 2. 14, and quality of life 74. 44± 1. 65. There was a significant negative relationship between spirituality and feelings of suffering (p<0. 05) and a significant positive relationship between spirituality and quality of life (p<0. 0001). Conclusion A strong correlation between spirituality with quality of life and suffering in patients with type II diabetes demonstrates the roles and responsibilities of healthcare providers, including physicians and nurses and the patient’ s family in meeting the varied spiritual and religious needs of patients along with therapeutic actions. Paying attention to improve spiritual health is also important in education programs for these patients.

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Aims Epidemiological transition of acute and infectious diseases to non-communicable ones, aging population, together with rapid lifestyle changes all have given rise to prevalence rate of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Thus, it is of utmost importance to reflect on lifestyles, especially in this period. The main purpose of the present study was to assess lifestyle in patients affected with myocardial infarction (MI). Instruments & Methods This study was a cross-sectional study examining health-related lifestyle behaviors in patients with MI in 2019. To this end, a total number of 176 patients were selected using purposive and convenience sampling methods. The research instrument was also the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II (HPLP-II) as a standardized self-report questionnaire. The data analyzed using IBM SPSS 22 and the generalized linear models were used. Moreover, coefficient at a significance level less than 0. 05. Findings The results of Wilks’ lambda distribution revealed that the effect of gender on the linear combination of the dependent variable (i. e. lifestyle) was significant and 11. 4% of changes in this variable had resulted from variation in gender. Besides, the results demonstrated that health responsibility scores in men were on average 2. 703 lower than those obtained by women. This relationship was also significant and its effect size was by 3. 3% (p= 0. 016). Conclusions It was concluded that the concept of lifestyle can be an analysis tool to better understand differences between genders, as an effective variable in adopting a healthy lifestyle, especially in patients suffering from MI.

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Determining the Contribution of Quality of Life for Addicts based on Family Communication Pattern and Spiritual InteAims Quality of life is a variable that can be related to a variety of psychological variables. The present study aims to investigate the relationship between the family communication model and spiritual intelligence and quality of life among addicts, as well as predict their quality of life based on family communication model and spiritual intelligence. Instruments & Methods This study is correlational. The study population consisted of all addicts of Tehran. The sample size was 150 addicts who were studying in 2019. They were selected by a purposive sampling method. Data were collected by King’ s Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaire (2008), World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale (WHO) and family communication patterns questionnaire (Fitzpatri & Ritchi, 1994). For data analysis, correlation and regression have been used. Data were analyzed using software SPSS 22. Findings The findings indicated that there is a significant relationship between family variables or family patterns, spiritual intelligence, and their components with quality of life and its components. 16. 8% of the variance in quality of life variables is explained by two variables of family communication patterns and spiritual intelligence. Conclusion It is possible to predict the quality of life of students through two variables of family communication patterns and spiritual intelligence. Many of the psychological, environmental, and family factors are related to the quality of life of students and one of the most important ones, as the results of this study suggest, is family communication patterns and spiritual intelligence. lligence.

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Aims Mobile phone use has become increasingly popular among university students. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the status of mobile phone use among university students and its relationship with demographic characteristics. Instruments & Methods In this cross-sectional study conducted in 2016, 272 students of Yazd University of Medical Sciences were selected using a stratified random sampling method. The data collection tools included demographic information and excessive mobile phone use questionnaire. The data were analyzed by SPSS 16 software using Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Findings There was no significant relationship between students’ age, gender, education level, and residence place with mobile phone use total score (p>0. 05). However, there was a significant relationship between the variables of cigarette smoking, coffee consumption, and listening to music before bedtime with the mobile phone use total score among university students (p<0. 05). Moreover, there was a significant relationship between the education level of university students’ parents and mobile phone use score (p<0. 05). Conclusion High value of adequate and correct education of students towards Internet and social media addiction, in addition to increase the level of media literacy are critical issues to consider in this regard.

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