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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (پیاپی 77)
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کمک های حاکمان اوده (1274-1132/1858-1719) به عتبات و موقوفه اوده که ریشه در آن کمک ها داشت و از هر دو با عنوان «پول هندی» یا «پول هند» و یا «فلوس الهند» نیز یاد می شود، به طور کلی به پیامد پدیده مهاجرت ایرانیان به هند و در این مورد خاص به پیامدهای پدیده مزبور در دوره پس از سقوط صفویه تا عصر ناصری / به تقریب همزمان با دوره مغولان متاخر در هند، بازمی گردد. مهاجرت در این دوره که چندان مورد توجه پژوهشگران قرار نگرفته است، از جمله به علت افول قدرت های سنتی هند از یک سو و اهمیت یافتن قدرت انگلیسیان از سویی دیگر، یک دوره انتقالی در تاریخ مهاجرت ایرانیان به هند به شمار می رود. اگر به دوره های انتقالی توجه نشود، بویژه در فهم و تفسیر برخی پدیده ها در دوره های بعدی اشکالات و کاستی هایی پدید می آید. به نظر می رسد که شناخت و تفسیر «پول هندی» با وجود پژوهش هایی ارزشمند که درباره آن انجام شده، از آن اشکالات و کاستی ها برکنار نمانده است. هدف مقاله حاضر بازنگری مفهوم این پول در پرتو توجه به پدیده مهاجرت ایرانیان به هند، حمایت های مهاجران قبلی از مهاجران بعدی و پیامد مالی ـ مذهبی آن مهاجرت در ایران و مراکز مذهبی مربوط به آن و توجه به تاثیر تحولات ناشی از تکمیل فرایند افتادن هند به دست انگلیسیان بر آن پیامد است. این کار از طریق تمرکز بر حاکمان اوده، نقش مهاجران ایرانی در ایجاد و ادامه حکومتشان و حمایت های آنان از آن مهاجران و نیز حمایتشان از تاسیسات شیعی عراق صورت گرفته است. بدین ترتیب، سیر تحول پولی که امروزه از آن در پژوهش ها به «پول هندی» یا «پول هند» یاد می شود، ارایه و از جمله نشان داده شده که تنها برجسته کردن آن پول از دوره حکومت آصف الدوله یا از دهه هایی پس از آن به بعد و محدود کردن تاریخ آن به یک دوره خاص شناختی کامل از آن به دست نداده است. ناگفته نباید گذاشت که تاکید بر نقش مهاجرت تاریخی ایرانیان به هند در پیدایش «پول هندی» و سخن از پیشینه و تحول مفهوم آن به معنی نفی نقش سایر عوامل در پیدایش و تحولات آن نیست.

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    2 (پیاپی 77)
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حسن فرزند محمد حنفیه، از تابعان مدینه و از نوادگان علی (ع) بود. او عالمی فقیه و آگاه به اختلاف فتاوا و محدثی می دانند که بر عالمان عصر خویش برتری داشته است. مورخان از او به عنوان نظریه پرداز اندیشه ارجا یاد کرده اند که برای نخستین بار در یک محفل مناظره در شهر مدینه در باره کشمکش میان علی (ع)، عثمان، طلحه و زبیر و حق و باطل بودن آنها، پس از مدتی سکوت و شنیدن سخن دیگران، بهترین راه حل را در این دانست که حکم دوستی یا برائت از آنها را به تاخیر اندازیم و هیچ یک را رد یا قبول نکنیم. به دنبال این بحث، او نامه ای به شهرها نوشت که با قرائت آن در برخی بلاد اسلامی، تفکر ارجا قوت گرفت و در بسیاری از مناطق مسلمان نشین طرفدارانی یافت. طرح اندیشه ارجا در قالب یک نظریه کلامی از سوی فردی از خاندان علی (ع) برای معاصران وی دور از انتظار بود. بنابراین بررسی اصل نامه از جهت سند و محتوا و تحقیق در باره انگیزه وی از نگارش آن ضروری است.نگارنده پس از بررسی منابع مختلف که برخی به اجمال و برخی به تفصیل از نامه پسر محمد سخن به میان آورده اند، سند و محتوای نامه و احتمال دخل و تصرف در آن را بررسی نموده است. تحلیل انگیزه حسن بن محمد از نگارش نامه که برای وحدت میان مسلمانان یا جلوگیری از سب جدش علی (ع) بود و در نهایت چالش و نوع تعامل او با حاکمیت امویان از موضوعات اصلی این نوشتار است.

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    2 (77)
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In the Qajar era just as in the previous periods, women were limited in the rigid framework of the traditional system and only played a role as wives and mothers. The family framework, social norms and the legal system had created a kind of world in which women were not able to attain individuality. Under these relations women had to trespass a pre-destined path which would not enable them to realize their individuality. Tending to family, religious affairs, charity work and such like pre-destined tasks in a traditional society were all what a woman could engage in, which still would be meaningful only in a context related to her traditional roles. Even what she did in lieu of keeping busy herself would not provide her with a chance of being an autonomous agent. In the years prior to the Constitutional Revolution there are some faint indications of a critic of the traditional world in the ideas put forward by some pioneer women which is an indication of the beginning of a long challenge to criticize the traditional society.

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During the reign of Qajars, ravage and plunder and as a result, the captivity of a great number of Iranians, specially inhabitants of the border areas of the northeast of Iran by Turkmen, was always troublesome for the Iranians. Although Turkmen’s raids reduced further, after "Akhal Treaty" in 1873, but did not end and continued in the years after, in the northern regions of Iran.Turkmen treated savagely with their slaves (often including the peasants of regions neighboring to Turkmen, passengers and pilgrimage Caravans and soldiers and Iranian military forces who were captured by Turkmen in the course of wars). Such a treatment toward the slaves is pointed in the sources related to this period espacially in itineraries.In the present papar, the status of Iranian slaves captured by Turkmen and the circumstance of captivity and the policy of Qajarids’ government against this issue has been investigated.

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    2 (77)
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Saljukids provinces related to the level of their administrative relations with the central court of Saljukids government, are researchable in three contents; "Divani" (court) provinces, "Ikta'i" (Separated) provinces, "Tabe’e" (dependant) provinces. From the regions of Saljukids realm those were located Under direct order of administrative system of Saljukids government, were court provinces. The dispose and appointment of all official authorities and tax incomes of those provinces were in direct supervision of central court. However the "Ikta'i" provinces were in the indirect control of the central court organization and only the officer of 'mokta' dispose or appointed by central court and a little of tax revenues of this provinces would be transferred to the central treasury. In comparison with provinces that mentioned above, the taxation obligations of the dependant provinces corresponding to central court were limited and the governors of these provinces enjoy the right of hereditary governing.

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    2 (77)
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Gathering of the human societies around the water sources has always been one of the basic factors of the human civilization flourishing. The Iranian central plateau at Neolithic period enjoyed other climatic condition than present, and the surface runoffs were much more abundant than present. But the gradual climatic changes drove this area to be more arid.The dwellers of some parts of this plateau, who were dependant on surface water, gradually resorted to tapping ground water through the system of Qanat. The Iranian resident's need for reliable water source and the necessity of the invention of Qanat turned Iran into the origin of the Qanat technology.This study first examines the natural and geomorphologic conditions of Iran, then takes up the theory of "Urartu, Qanat origin" brought up by H.Goblot for the first time in 1960, and finally this theory will be analyzed based on the the view points of the historians as well as the existing documents, archeological studies and the last studies on Qanat.

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    2 (77)
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The Emergence of Qusayy ibn Kilab in Mecca and his efforts in gathering of Quraysh and founding social positions paved the way for Mecca toward civilization. The Meccan merchants’ activities were local.For the sancity of Kaaba and their religious loyalties, these merchants did not agree to travel to outside of Mecca trading. But in the shadow of Hashim ibn Abd Manaf’s wisdom in founding Ilaf, they left the local policies and opened their arms to the world trade. Soon, they could change the social and economic conditions of Mecca by their trading activities. This paper attempts to analyze the backgrounds of Ilaf and its process and aftermaths.

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Hasan Ibn Mohammad Ibn Hanifiye was one of Medina citizens and Ali’s (PBUH) grandsons. He is considered as a wise scholar with knowledge on differing between Fatwas and as a Mohaddes (a traditional writer) who had some privileges on his contemporary scholars. Historians have spoken of him as the first theorist of Implementation theory. This theory was born in one discussion meeting in Medina In which he listened to arguments between Ali (PBUH), Othman, Talhe and Zobayr and points about their Rightness and wrongness. After a time of silence Hasan Ibn Mohammad Ibn Hanifiye declared that postponing any judgment about their friendship or acquaintance would be the best choice and there’s no need to accept or banish one of them thus he wrote some letters to Islamic cities and with announcement of this idea in those cities Erja thought found a bunch of supporters. Announcing of the Erja idea as an scholastic theological theory from someone who belonged to Ali’s (PBUH) family was not anticipated in that time for his contemporary people. So investigating the original text ofthe letter as a document and its content to discover about Hasan’s motives is necessary.The researcher of this article after investigating several sources which pointed to Ibn Mohammad’s letter-some briefly and some conciselyresearched the text and content of the letter. Also, Analyzing Hasan Ibn Mohammad’s motives from writing the letter, to save Muslims unity and preventing from cursing of his grandfather, and his challenge and interaction with Umayyad rulers is one of the main subjects of this article.

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    2 (77)
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Awadeh rulers’Financial supports from Shi’i holy cities of Iraq and their shrines, including ‘Awadeh Bequest', or the so-called ‘Indian Money’ (‘Pul-i-Hindi’or 'Fulus ul-Hind’) was in fact one of the financial repercussions of Iranian emigration to India from the fall of the Isfahan to Nasir ud-Din Shah's reign (1135/1722-1264/1848) to an India which was Simultaneous in Moguls recent era. This period of the emigration has not attracted a sufficient scholarly attention due to its nature as transition nature which originated from decline in India traditional rulers and increasing importance on British influence. It seems that ignoring the history of that transitional period of Iranian emigration and its results as well as its financial, here financial -religious repercussions, more and less, have resulted in some misunderstandings about historical context and process of concepts such as ‘Pul-Hindi'. Available Persian and English narrations of "Indian Money" either did not dealt with what mentioned above, or even some Persianwriters deemed the money a political device devised by the English East Indian Company (EIC) authorities to influence Shi'I 'Ulama in Iran and Iraq.This is the case while we see either the concept of Zar-i-Hind in poems of the poets, like Muhammad Fudhuli (d.970) and Sa’ib Tabrizi (d.1081), permanent and temporal Persian emigrants to India during Safavid period, or mosques such as Hakim ul-Mulk's mosque in today Isfahan; the mosque which built by Hakim's financial support, sent from India, in the same period, i.e. more than several decades before using "Indian Money" by the English as a political device.In the present article, appreciating some valuable researches has been done about the subject, Indian Money has been viewed in the context of Iranian emigration to India, its repercussions in Iran and related centers to it, and its evolutions. Therefore, there has been presented a wider concept of ‘Indian Money', including its precedence, context, and some of its transferors toAtabat before the coming of the British East Indian Company on the scene of the action.It should be added that emphasizing on the role of Iranian emigration in developing ‘Indian Money’does not mean denying the role of other factors in its development.

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