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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


سلول و بافت

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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سلول و بافت

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سلول و بافت

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim: This study was done to evaluate the therapeutic effects of Curcuma longa L. rhizome powder and bovine ghee mixture on experimental stomach ulcers in rat.Material and methods: Stomach ulcer induction was done in 48 food deprived male rats (250-300 gr) using orally Indomethacin (50 mg/kg suspended in 1% carboxymethyl cellulose. Animals divided randomly into five groups. The normal and untreated (Indomethacin) group just received normal saline. The treated groups received different doses of C. longa and bovine ghee (500 and 750 mg C. longa in 10 ml ghee/per kg) for three successive days. On the third day, the rats were killed and their stomachs were removed for histological studies. Stomach ulcers number and length were measured and also ulcer index was calculated.Results: Results showed that the mixture of C. longa and bovine ghee is significantly caused decreasing gastric ulcer index, inflammatory cells, blood capillaries densities (P<0.001) and increasing mucosal layer thickness (P<0.001) and secreted mucus (P<0.05) in treated groups in comparison with untreated group.Conclusion: According to the results, the mixture of C. longa and bovine ghee is significantly accelerated healing of experimental stomach ulcers.

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View 5264

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Aim: Elaeagnus angustifolia L. is a plant with many therapeutic effects. In this study the effect of aqueous extract of E. angustifolia fruit on Balb/C mouse embryo lens development was investigated.Material and Methods: Thirty pregnant mice were randomly divided into two equal groups. Control group received drinking water daily and the experimental group received E. angustifolia fruit aqueous extract orally at a dose of 500 mg/kg from zero days to 18th day of pregnancy. After killing all of mice at 18th day gestation, their fetal heads were removed, fixed and processed for histological procedures. Fetal heads were sagitally sectioned at 5 m thickness and then were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) and acid fuchsin-light green techniques. Then sections were examined using a light microscope and Motic software.Results: Results showed that weight and Crown-Rump length mean of fetuses significantly increased in experimental group compared to control. Mean number of fetuses in experimental group was no significant decreased in comparison with control. Means placenta weight and diameter significantly decreased in experimental group compared to control. Also antero-posterior and superior-inferior diameters of lens and lens surface area significantly decreased in experimental group in comparison with control.Conclusion: These results indicate that using E. angustifolia fruit aqueous extract at 500 mg/kg dose in pregnancy during is caused delaying in mouse embryo lens development.

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View 887

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Aim: The aim of this research was cloning and expression of human Midkine coding gene (mdk) in Escherichia coli that achieved in a laboratory-scale experiment.Material and Methods: Methods were included cell culture, RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, cloning techniques, induction of expression by IPTG (isopropyl thiogalactosidase), expression evaluation using polyacrylamide gel and confirmation by Western blot techniques.Results: Midkine gene was cloned in pET-21a (+) and then transformed into Origami strain of E. coli. This growth factor was expressed in cytoplasmic level by a colony containing pETmdk recombinant after 16 hours incubation at 18oC and 250 rpm mixing. Expression of histidine tagged 13 kD protein confirmed by Western blotting technique.Conclusion: Because Origami strain is trxB and gor genes mutant strain its cytoplasm is an oxidizing environment. Due to this, it enhances disulfide bond forming, therefore it seems that after expression of midkine, cysteine residues make an intra-molecular disulfide bridge and remains in soluble form. These conditions provide suitable environment for the proper folding of the protein and consequently solubilization of the protein.

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View 896

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Aim: In this experimental study effect of grape seed extract on polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in female Wistar rats, were assessed.Material and Methods: In this experimental study 30 rats were divided into 6 groups including control, the PCOS and four experimental groups. Four experimental groups were treated with intrapritoneal injection of grape seed extract (doses 50, 75, 100, 200 mg/kg for 10 days). Polycystic ovary was induced by subcutaneous injection of 2 mg estradiol valerate in adult rats. Ovaries of all groups were removed, fixed in Bouin’s fixative and 5 mm sections were stained using Hematoxylin–Eosin.Results: Results showed a significant decrease in the number of primordial, primary, preantral, Graafian follicles and corpus luteum in PCOS group with comparison with control (P<0.05). Measuring granulosa layer and theca thickness, various follicles diameters and their numbers showed much improvement in treated PCOS groups with hydroalcoholic grape seed extract. Fifty and seventy five mg/kg doses were considered as effective doses.Conclusion: According to this study results, it can be concluded that hydroalcoholic grape seed extract can improve the symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome.

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View 1530

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Aim: The aim of this study was to investigation cobalt nano-particles effects on expression level of key genes involved in sesamin biosynthetic pathway including CYP81Q1, CYP81Q2, CYP81Q3 and C3H in Sesamum indicum L. cell suspension culture.Material and Methods: First sesame cell suspension culture was established. For this purpose, Karaj1 hypocotyle cultivar, 0.6 mgL-1 BAP, 3 mgL-1 NAA were used. Different concentrations of cobalt nano-particles elicitor including 0.25, 0.5 and 1 mgL-1 were added to the 18 days-old culture and sampling was carried out after 2, 8 and 24 hours post treatment. Expression level of mentioned genes was measured by the Real-Time qRT-PCR technique. Data analysis and figures depiction were done using Excel.Results: Results showed that MS medium consisting of 0.6 mgL-1 BAP, 3 mgL-1 NAA and 30 gL-1 socrose, 26oC, 130rpm and darkness condition are optimum situation for condensed sesame suspension production. Adding cobalt nano-particles to the suspension culture, led to increasing genes expression level, especially, at 0.5 mgL-1 elicitor concentration in different times. Since this elicitor had no negative effects on the mentioned genes expression, the effect of higher concentrations on these genes expression can be studied in the future. Negative effects of this elicitor on the expression of genes involved in sesamin biosynthesis means decreasing sesamin content.Conclusion: Based on obtained results elicitation of sesame cell suspension culture by cobalt nanoparticles led to the increasing genes expression involved in the sesamin biosynthetic pathway. Therefore, this elicitor can be used to induce higher expression levels of these genes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 817

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Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the negative effects of different doses of silver nanoparticles on fertility potential, chromatin structure and DNA integrity of epididymal sperm in mice.Material and Methods: Twenty four male mice were divided into 4 groups (n=6) including one control and three experimental groups for orally administration of silver nanoparticles with three different doses (50, 100 and 200 ml/kg/day) for 5 weeks. Then, cauda epididymal spermatozoa were aspirated for analysis of sperm parameters using general microscopy methods and according to WHO criteria. Chromatin condensation, intensity of sperm chromatin abnormalities and protamine deficiency were assessed by three different cytochemical tests including aniline blue (AB), toluidine blue (TB) and chromomycin A3 (CMA3) tests respectively.Results: Results showed that third group (treated with the highest silver nanoparticles dose), had the lowest sperm number, the lowest of sperm fast motility percentage and the lowest sperm percentage having normal morphology significantly in comparison with control and others groups. The II and III groups significantly showed differences in sperm chromatin condensation and deficiency comparing to other groups.Conclusion: In this study the negative effect of silver nanoparticles on mice sperm parameters, sperm chromatin structure and DNA integrity were observed. It is believed that the negative effects of silver nanoparticles on sperm quality are significant and depend on used doses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1095

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Aim: In this study zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO nanoparticles) toxicity effects on some male sexual hormone levels in blood serum and testicular tissue in adult intact rats was studied.Material and Methods: The rats were divided into a control and four treatment groups. ZnO nanoparticles at concentrations of 2.5 and 1 g/kg were orally administered for two treated groups and intra-peritoneal were synchronic used for two other treated groups. Nanoparticles effect and its damages on testicular tissue were studied one, seven and fourteen days after treatment.Results: Blood serum tests showed that serum LH and FSH levels increased in zinc oxide nanoparticles treated groups in comparison with control (P<0.05). Also, testes tissue slides examination showed specific tissue damages in all four zinc oxide nanoparticles treated groups in comparing to control. These injuries represent irregularities in the cell layers, cell-free seminiferous tubules, congestion in seminiferous tubules area and changes in spermatogene cell nucleus.Conclusion: Results of the present study show nanoparticle zinc oxide effect on morphological structure and sex hormones.

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View 1082

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Aim: In this study, sodium nitroprusside effect as a producer of NO on growth, antioxidant enzyme activities and some physiological parameters in in vitro cultured Melissa officinalis seedlings were studied.Material and methods: After establishment of Melissa officinalis seedling culture, seedlings were treated with different concentrations of sodium nitroprusside (0, 25, 50 and 100 mM). Then, they were harvested for growth, protein content, secondary metabolites, lipid peroxidation level and antioxidant enzymes activities analysis after 10 days.Results: Results showed that growth and protein content decreased with increasing concentration of sodium nitroprusside. Phenolic compounds amount, total flavonoids and anthocyanins increased by sodium nitroprusside. Also Malondialdehyde content as lipid peroxidation product was significantly increased. In response to oxidative stress, chatalase and peroxidase enzymes activities were respectively increased at 50 and 25 mM sodium nitroprusside while enzymes activities showed decreasing at 100 mM.Conclusion: Overall, the results indicate that sodium nitroprusside as NO producer damage the cell membrane. Therefore reduced Melissa officinalis seedling growth and caused oxidative stress in them. To overcome produced free radical, secondary metabolites amounts and antioxidant enzymes activities were increased.

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View 815

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Aim: In this study the synergic effect of Chiton lamyi foot alcoholic extract and decellulation rat brain’s tissue on angiogenesis in hen (chick???) chorioalantoic membrane (CAM) was investigated.Material and Methods: In this study, 70 fertilized eggs of Ross strain were divided into 7 treatments groups in ten repetitions: 1. control, 2. DMSO, 3. decellulation rat brain’s tissue, 4. 10mgml-1 Chiton lamyi foot alcoholic extract, 5. 20mgml-1 Chiton lamyi foot alcoholic extract, 6. decellulation rat brain’s tissue & 10mgml-1 Chiton lamyi foot alcoholic extract and 7. decellulation rat brain’s tissue & 20mgml-1 Chiton lamyi foot alcoholic extract. All of eggs were placed in the incubator for eight days and treatments induction was done in 8th day. Then they photographed using photo steriomicroscope in 12th day. Blood vessels branches length and number were evaluated by Image J software in treatment sites on chorioalantoic membrane. Data were analyzed using ANOVA, SPSS Test (P<0.05).Results: Results showed that Chiton lamyi foot alcoholic extract, 10 and 20mgml-1 Chiton lamyi foot alcoholic extracts with decellulation rat brain’s tissue treatments significantly decreased blood vessels branches length and number in comprising with control and DMSO treatments (P< 0.05).Conclusion: The Synergic usage of Chiton lamyi foot alcoholic extract and decellulation (acellular) rat brain’s tissue has dose inhibitory effect on hen chorioalantoic membrane (CAM) angiogenesis.

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View 794

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Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of sub-lethal osmotic stress (325, 350, 375 and 400 mOsm) during cryopreservation in commercially diluter medium (Bioexcell) on Holstein mail cow sperm qualitative characters after freezing-thawing.Material and Methods: Semen was collected from four Holstein mail cows using artificial vagina two times for a week. All of obtained semen mixed together and then were divided into five equal parts. Each part was freeze-melted according to the experimental treatments consisting of different osmotic stresses. 300 mOsm treatment medium was applied as control group. Sperms motility and progressive motility were assessed by computer assessment semen analysis. Also sperms viability, membrane integrity, mitochondria activity and membrane lipid peroxidation of frozen-thawed semen were assessed using Eosin-Nigrosin, hypo osmotic swelling test, Hankok, Rhodamin 123 and TBA procedures, respectively.Results: Results showed that 375 mOsm osmotic stress treatment had the most significant improvement of motility%, progressive motility and viability in comparison with other treatments. Also mitochondria activity in 350 and 375 mOsm osmotic pressures treatments was significantly higher than other experimental treatments (P<0.05). Different osmotic stresses treatments did not show significant effect on sperm morphology and membrane lipid proxidation.Conclusion: It is seemed that mild and sub-lethal osmotic stresses induction in cow sperm freezing diluters can significantly improved some of sperm qualitative characters such as their motility and viability.

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