Reconstruction and development of the main road Robat-Siahpoush two rural district, has increased risk of mass movements in recent years. Due to the importance of the issue, inhibition and landslide hazard zoning is necessary as one of a variety of natural hazards in sustainable development. The objective of this study is to identify causes and amplifying factors of landslide and its hazard zoning using statistical and experimental models. Therefore, factors responsible for landslide occurrence, lithology, slope, aspect, soil type, land use, distance of the fault, drainage, and roads have been analyzed in ArcGIS software. The results of the correlation between variables with the landslide frequency showed that slope, drainage and lithology are the effective parameters of landslide, respectively. Furthermore the distance of road has introduced as a new amplification factor in the landslide occurrence. Comparing the matching rate of two variables information value and multivariate of regression models and their evaluation by CTA techniques, showed that the information value model in the very low, low, moderate, high and very high class of risk has allocated 30.06, 0.26, 19.11, 17.43 and 33.12% of the total area, respectively, and the allocated values of the multivariate regression model are 9.25, 12.54, 13.54, 53.06, and 11.57%.