The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between secure attachment style, optimism and social support with life satisfaction in female undergraduate students of Shahid Chamran University. The sample included 300 individuals that were selected through multistage random sampling among all female undergraduate students of Shahid Chamran University. Simpson Adulat Attachment Inventory (AAI), Life Orientation Test-Reviseved (LOT-R, Scheier, Carver and Bridge), Phlips Social Support Inventory (PSSI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS, Ryff, Lee, Essex and Schmutte) were used for data collecting. The research was designed as correlation type. Results of data analysis by using Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariable regression showed that there was significant positive relation between secure attachment style, optimism and social support with life satisfaction. Finally, the results also indicated that optimism, social support, avoidant insecure attachment and secure attachment, respectively, were the best predictors of life satisfaction.