Salinity is one of the main obstacles to the production of crops in dry regions of the world Crop yield to the influence of the different methods. Reduction in leaf area as the effect of salinity, Potential for plant photosynthesis hash will work. Similarly, degradation of chlorophyll by the toxic ions from including sodium, photosynthesis would decrease, and humic acid, as an organic acid obtained from humus and organic sources without any environmental destructive effects and Plant growth promoting bacteria through the effects of hormonal and nutrient improve uptake to raise grain yield in wheat, especially in terms of salinity can be effective. For this purpose an experiment was conducted in 2010 at research greenhouse, Faculty of Agriculture and plant breeding, Islamic Azad University of Karaj Branch. A completely randomized design with three replications was using analysis of factorial. experimental treatments included two levels of humic acid: (A0): control, (A1): humic acid consumption, and salinity levels in the three levels of: (B0): control, (B1): Low salinity of 75 mM, (B2): high salinity of 150 mM, the use of microorganisms in the five levels of: (C0): control, (C1): grain inoculation with Azospirillum lipoferum, (C2): grain inoculation with Azotobacter chroocccum, (C3): Grain inoculation with Pseudomonase putida, (C4): the mix grain inoculation with (Azotobacter chroocccum, Azospirillum lipoferum, Pseudomonase putida).The results showed the effect of grain inoculation with plant growth promoting bacteria and humic acid consumption during exercise salinity on Grain yield, Biologic yield, Number of spiklet and chlorophyll a, b Content was significant. The highest grain yield of treatments inoculated with Azetobacter chroocccum bacteria and humic acid no consumption and the salinity was 75 mM, and Most of biologic yield of treatments with Pseudomonase putida and humic acid consumption and the salinity was 75 mM. And Most of the number of spikelets per plant of treatments inoculated with the mix grain inoculation and humic acid consumption and no salinity stress. While the highest chlorophyll a, b Content of treatments with Azospirillum lipoferum and humic acid consumption and salt stress of 75 mM was.