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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    8 (پی در پی 85)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: Cardiac surgery and its side effects can have a serious effect on the patient and his family. Mental health problems can increase anxiety in the patient's family, and so it can aggravatethe effective care of the patients. The use of a need-based training program on educational needs andpriorities based on beliefs and culture of the patients' family seems logical. Therefore, this study aimedto investigate the effect of need-based training program on the anxiety of the families of the patientsundergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery.Materials and Methods: In this semi experimental study, 60 family members who had a patient havingheart bypass were selected, and they were randomly assigned into the two groups of control (n=30) and intervention (n=30). In the intervention group, need-based training program was delivered to thecaregivers of the patients who underwent an open-heart surgery. The program included face-to-facetraining in three half-hour sessions, and distributing booklets among them. The Spielberger anxietyquestionnaire was used to collect the data. Independent and paired t-test was applied to compare themean scores of the anxiety level.Results: Before the intervention, the anxiety score in the control group was 43.23±12.473, while it was 46.03±11.275 in the intervention group, which was not significant statistically (p=0.365). After theintervention, the anxiety scores were 40.3±12.374 and 31.79±6.16 in the control and interventiongroups, respectively. The difference was significant statistically (p=0.002).Conclusion: The results showed that needs-based training is effective in reducing anxiety in thefamilies, therefore; identification and assessment of psychological, social and educational needs of thepatients' families should absolutely be considered in planning family education.

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    8 (85)
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Background & Aims: Spirituality is a powerful force in the universe or beyond the material aspects oflife, and it creates a profound sense of unity or link to the universe. Pregnancy period is importantbecause health and a better life in the mother directly affect fetal life. Physical and mental health ofwomen significantly can affect the fetus, natural childbirth and breastfeeding. This study aimed toexplore the experiences of spirituality in pregnancy.Materials and Methods: The study was conducted as a qualitative research with phenomenologicalapproach. It was done in the health centers of the Karaj's city.6 pregnant women were selected bypurposive sampling. After sampling, deep and semi-structured interviews using an interview guide weredesigned to collect the authentication information. In analyzing the data, Heidegger's hermeneuticsapproach known as hermeneutics cycle was used.Results: The findings included a central theme by the name of spirituality in pregnancy, and 7 subthemes including: 1. Religiosity in pregnancy, 2. Spirituality in pregnancy, 3. Sensitization duringpregnancy, 4. Control behavior towards spirituality, 5. Pregnancy as a change, 6. Shadow spirituality onembryos, and 7. The effect of spirituality on people.Conclusion: Spirituality is an important factor in improving the health of the mother and fetus. So healthprofessionals should consider spiritual attitude during pregnancy caring. Using religious teachings isimportant as one of the most essential factors in the spiritual health of pregnant women and the fetus.

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    8 (85)
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Background & Aims: Invasive procedures Such as angiography, influence on physiological reactionsand vital signs of patient and side effects such as dysrhythmia, spasms and vessels rupture caused, andhim/her in danger. Aromatherapy and Relaxation leads to mental relaxation, feel comfortable andphysiological responses can be changed. The aim of this study was comparison of Aroma inhalation andBenson Relaxation on the Vital Signs of patients experiencing coronary angiography.Materials & Methods: This study was a quasi-experimental and conducted on three groups of patientsundergoing catheterization. This study is a clinical trial with pretest and post test, This study performedon 100 patients hospitalized for coronary angiography in sari Fatemeh-Zahra hospital, Iran in 2014.Theywere selected based on purposive sampling and randomly divided to control (n=33), BensonRelaxation (n=34) and Aromatherapy (n=33) groups. The collecting data tools consisted of, demographicquestionnaire data, recording sheet of hemodynamic variables blood pressure gauge and chronometer. Thecollecting data tools consisted of, demographic questionnaire data, recording sheet of hemodynamicvariables blood pressure gauge and chronometer. Questionnaires have been filled out for three group afterand before aromatherapy. After sampling, the collected data was analyzed by using SPSS-16 software, Chi-square and MannWhitney tests, cross Kalvalys were analyzed.Results: The findings show that there was a significant reduction in mean physiological parameters (systolic blood pressure, respiratory rate, pulse number) between relaxation and control groups andAromatherapy and control groups. But the results showed no significant statistical difference betweenthe relaxation and aromatherapy groups after the intervention.Conclusion: Considering the results of this study can be suggested that using relaxation andaromatherapy before Invasive diagnostic technics could be keep stable vital signs.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    8 (85)
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Background & Aim: Respect for the dignity and rights of individuals is an integral part of healthservices, and features of nationality, race, religion, age, gender, and even political or socialcharacteristics of patients cannot be determinant factors regarding their superiority over each other. Onthe other hand, the number of factor that can affect promotion and health quality level of all membersof society are the development and correct treatment according to patients' rights charter which isessential in their healthcare matters. The main aim of this study is to determine the level of respectingfor the patients based on their exact rights by the nurses, as well as determining factors which facilitatetheir rights.Materials & Methods: Compilation method (quantitative and qualitative) has been conducted in thisstudy. First, exploratory interview was performed on 30 nurses, then, data were gathered using aquestionnaire from a sample of 400 nurses in public hospitals of Urmia in 2014. At last, the results wereanalyzed using factor analysis.Results: The results obtained from factor analysis of present study showed that the existence of thefacilities and expertise, increasing number of staffs, reducing in patients number (increasing the numberof hospitals), patients' awareness of their rights when interacting with nurses, allocating sufficient timefor patient care, empowering administrative systems, patients' familiarity with the treatment system, notusing sub-forced in main treatment are the main factors facilitating patients' rights in Urmia cityhospitals. These factors can explain 54.60% of the variance of patients' rights. In addition, respectingthe patients' right by nurses exactly equals to average (62.50%).Conclusion: Results of this study shows a need to pay more attention to governmental hospitals andfacilitator factors for patients' rights.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    8 (85)
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Background & Aim: Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are brief principles in health care providingand Implementation of CPGs which can improve patient safety and patient outcomes. According toeffective role of nurses in caring patients, this study aims to design and validate the evidence based onthe nursing care guideline among the patients with diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) based on Stetler model in 2015.Materials and Methods: This study was a methodological study based on Stetler Evidence based Model. Studies for 5 years with related keywords in Pub Med, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar, SID, Magiran were selected. According to nursing diagnosis and evidence levels were designed as aguideline, related evidences about nursing care in DFU were extracted as well. Quality appraisal ofguideline was done by AGREEII instrument in 6 domains of Scope and Purpose, StakeholderInvolvement, Rigor of Development, Clarity of Presentation, Applicability and Editorial Independenceby an expert panel. Furthermore, applicability of the guideline in clinical state was assessed with achecklist by nursing group.Results: From 114 studies in this field, 19 studies were chosen. In the AGREEII domains, Scope andPurpose (92%) and Applicability (76%) were the highest and the lowest scores respectively. 92.9% ofnurses reported that implementation of guideline recommended on caring of DFU were effective andlack of needed equipment for its implementation was a barrier.Conclusion: According to nurse’s opinion, implementation of recommended guideline has effective rolein prevention and reduction of complication in DFU.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    8 (85)
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Background & Aims: Gestational diabetes is a disease that affects pregnant women throughout thepregnancy period. In addition to difficulties of pregnancy, it would be creating more problems forpregnant women, and make a high-risk pregnancy for mother and fetus as well. Pregnant women' sawareness about the disease and know how to control it can reduce the risks of complications. The mainpurpose of this study was to develop a personal health record application for gestational diabetes.Materials & Methods: this was an applied developmental study. Based on the present study, aquestionnaire was prepared to determine the data elements and their fields. For this aim, thequestionnaire was filled by all faculty members of the department of obstetrics and gynecology inKashan university of medical sciences (5 persons), and faculty members of the department of midwifery, school of nursing and midwifery in Iran university of medical sciences (7 persons) as a requirementassessment. Prototype was developed using basic4 android integrated development environment, andandroid programming language based on results obtained from the requirement assessment. Then theprototype of application was installed on smart phone of 25 pregnant women with gestational diabeteswho were referred to gynecology hospital affiliated with social security organization in Kashan duringone-month. Finally, usability and user satisfaction assessment questionnaire was distributed amongparticipants to express their opinions about the available application.Results: Usability evaluation showed that patients evaluated the application with a mean score of 7.99 (out of 9 points) and it was evaluated in a good level.Conclusion: The mobile applications can be used to help patients with gestational diabetes to controlblood sugar level, reduce complications of the disease, and health promotion.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    8 (85)
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Background & Aims: One of the most important concepts in pre-hospital trauma patients is a rapidresponse and transfer in order to provide high quality care and reduce injuries and deaths in theemergency situation. Several time indicators affect the process of dispatching ambulances. This studyaims to investigate the pre-hospital dispatching time intervals in Tabriz.Materials & Methods: In this descriptive study, the records of all trauma patients, which activatedEmergency Medical Services (EMS) and led to an emergency dispatch, studied in 2014 in Tabriz. Afour-part checklist consisted of patient characteristics, patient condition, scene status and dispatchingtime intervals used for collecting data. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied to the data bySPSS v.16 software.Results: A total of 5614 out of 37002 registered missions during a year were related to trauma injuries. The majority of patients (75.88%) were male. Their mean age was 35.54± of patients hadstable level of consciousness and no patient had died during their transfer in the ambulance. The averagetime of activation, response, spent at the scene and transfer to hospital were 2.38, 10.07, 8.11 and 9.13minutes, respectively. Traffic accidents (72.9%) were the most common cause of trauma and blunttrauma (85.6%) were the most common type of trauma among injured patients. The mean of totaldispatching time (from call to delivery of patients to the hospital) was 30.16 minutes. There is asignificant relationship between the activation time in the various levels of consciousness andmechanism of injury. Also, there is a significant relationship between the mean of total dispatchingtime, level of consciousness, type of trauma, and the mechanism of injury.Conclusion: The results indicated that traffic accidents were the leading cause of trauma in Tabriz. Overall dispatching time indicators were better in comparison to other studies and emergency personnelwere quick in patients with low GCS and penetrating trauma. Ambulances activation time seems to behigher that requires more planning and modifications to take proper actions in this area.

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

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    8 (85)
  • Pages: 

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Background & Aim: Marital satisfaction is a very important and complicated aspect of a maritalrelationship. Due to midwives awareness of issues related to marital relationship and constant contactof them with the society that can act as professional family advisers, this study done to determine theeffect of counseling based on cognitive-behavioral approach on marital satisfaction.Materials & Methods: This is apre-post semiexperimental study by control group. After completion theENRICH marital satisfaction questionnaire, 60 couples by the inclusion criteria and score of 30-60simply selected from 3 randomly selected healthy centers (20 couples from each center). Then thecouples devided to two intervention and control groups randomly. The intervention done for 5counseling sessions of 2 hours with one week intervals. No intervention done in the control group.Afterone month passed the last counseling session, the questionnaire completed by the couples again. Collected datas analyzed by use SPSS-22.Results: After intervention, the ANCOVA analaysis of scores by deletion of preinfluence showedsignificant difference in total matital satisfaction in men and women of both of control and interventiongroups (p<0.001). Accordinarry to independent sample T-test, mean scores of other aspects of maritalsatisfaction such as contractual answer in men and women (p<0.001), personal topics in men and women (p<0.001), financial management in men (p=0.002) and women (p<0.001), free times actions inmen (p=0.005) and women (p<0.001), sexual relationship in men and women (p<0.001), parenting inmen (p=0.002) and women (p<0.001), relatives and friends just in women (p<0.001), roles of man andwoman equality in men and women (p<0.001) and religious orientation in men and women (p<0.001)of intervention groups was significant too.Conclusions: Marital counseling based on cognitive-behavioral approach has a great influence onmarital satisfaction of couples, especially on couples communication, conflict-solving skills and sexualrelationship. So it should be done in the healthy centers by trained personels such as masters of ejucatedof midwifery counseling.

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