In purifying attitude of Muslim mystics, real God is superior and higher than other creatures and their attributes, and instinctively He is distinct from the whole creatures. Despite the love and affection bond that Sufis believe exists between man and God, the governing aspect in mystical theism is basically set on the purified nature of the Almighty. In mystical theism of Mowlana Jalaloddin Balkhi, no one can have access to the actual core of God, and that the nature of God is not at all recognizable through the human wisdom and understanding. In Rumi's opinion, the core of God's nature is covered in "absolute unknown", and human understanding helped by analogy and illusion or contemplation leads nowhere. However, Rumi poses two different attitudes, namely pro-catharsis and proanalogy. In pro-catharsis attitude, he believes that human wisdom is unable to recognize the nature and attributes of God, whereas, in prophetic missionanalogous one, he believes that God reveals his own entity to mankind through His signs and effects. In his opinion, human being is able to see a ray of the Almighty light as much as possible, only through the emergence of God's revelation of signs. And in any case, the real nature of divine attributes of God is concealed to everyone but the Almighty Himself.