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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this paper, the effects of industrial clusters on regional economic growth have been analyzed through an endogenous growth model using panel data approach (30 provinces during 2001-2012).The findings show a statistically significant relationship between industrial clusters and regional economic growth so that 1% increase in industrial cluster growth leads to 0.09% increase in reginal economic gowth rate. Investigating the mechanisms in which industrial clusters affect regional economic growth, reveals that the positive effects of industrial clusters on Iran regional economic growth are due to the improvement in labor and human capital. Industrial clusters, however, could not successfully enhance economic growth through technology development and finance facilitation. The findings show the necessity of serious attention to the technology and financial improvement program in the industrial cluster development policies.

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The impact of increased public health spending on economic-social performance of society and especially the importance and its role in providing and ensuring sustainable development in developing and developed countries, has been interest of economists and politicians since past to present. For this purpose, many patterns attempted to identify the factors affecting growth of per capita public health spending and to explain their impact. Due to the vital role of per capita public health spending on economic development, current study using the generalized method of moments (GMM) has paid to investigate improving the management of oil wealth abundance on public health spending in the selected oil and developed countries during the period 1996-2012. The evidences indicate that efficient, intelligent and prospective management of oil resources have important role in increasing per capita public health spending in both groups studied selected oil and developed countries. This represents a serious move for selected oil countries to improve the management of abundance of oil wealth. Furthermore study findings show that per capita GDP growth and consumer price index have a positive and significant impact on growth of public health spending in oil and developed countries. Also results show that income inequality has a negative and significant impact on growth of per capita public health spending in both groups of countries.

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Regional inequality is a multidimensional phenomenon and includes different areas of economic, social and cultural. Therefore for any country is necessary to introduce a multidimensional composite index for the measurement of regional inequality. This study aimed to determine the level of regional inequality of Iranian provinces and to identify the main determinants of the inequality, to introduce a combined index for regional inequality measurement. To this end, this study has selected 25 indicators in 5 different dimensions (economic, knowledge and human capital, infrastructure, social-cultural and environmental) and it has collected data relating to the years 2001 and 2013. Also, by applying innovation, it has used two-step principal component analysis. The results show that regional disparities are declining in period under review. In this period, Provinces of Tehran, Yazd and Semnan have had the highest development level, respectively, and Sistan- Baluchistan province also has been fixed at the end place. The results show that in provinces with higher development level. Economic and human capital indicators were main causes of inequalities in the regional development. Also high population density has forced the government to invest more in infrastructures, health and education in more developed provinces. On the other hand, having knowledge and investment spillovers is an effective factor in development of Tehran’s neighboring provinces.

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View 1142

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The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of monetary index of thrift and hardworking (as cultural capital) on human capital in selected developing countries during 2005-2012. The data gathering method in this survey is based on library databases. Panel method is used to analysis the data and test the hypothesis. In order to estimate the model, generalized method of moments (GMM) is used. The results show that indices of cultural capital (hardworking index and monetary index of thrift) have positive and significant effect on the human development index in short and long-term. Also the impact of cultural factors on the human development index is higher in the long term than the short term. The innovation of this survey is to use new cultural indices such as monetary index of thrift and hardworking index which are highlighted in foreign studies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 923

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On the theoretical front the literature on the linkage between FDI and domestic investment is ambiguous. This paper investigates whether foreign direct investment crowds in or crowds out domestic investment in the world. Our data analysis covers 136 of the world countries for the period 2000-2013. This paper uses panel VAR model and we have four samples of countries: 1- total sample (136 countries) 2- OECD member (31 countries) 3- low income (20 countries) 4-OPEC member (10 countries). In addition, the same link in Iran in the period 1990-2014 were analyzed separately. Our main conclusion is that FDI has positive impact on domestic investment in OECD member and OPEC member states but has negetive impact on domestic investment in low income contries. Also, domestic investment has positive impact on FDI in OECD, Low income and total countries and negetive impact in OPEC members.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Although it is generally agreed that there is a role for the government to redistribute income in favor of the poor and provide public goods and services, there is considerable disagreement over how far the government should go in these areas. On this issue, a variety of conflicting theoretical explanations has been advanced that can only be resolved through empirical investigations. According to importance of this issue the important question arises that, what is the effect of government size on good governance and economic performance? This study examines the relationship between government size, good governance and economic performance by estimating dynamic models using panel data from 50 selected countries for the period 1996-2013. The results show that the government size, and inflation have a negative and statistically significant effect on good governance indicator. Also employment index has a positive and significant impact on good governance indicator. The growth model also indicates that the government size has a negative and good governance indicator has a positive effect on economic growth. The interactions effects of government size and good governance indicator show that the size of government through governance indicator has a negative impact on economic growth. Also human development index, foreign direct investment, export and ICT's share of the imported goods have positive and significant effect on economic growth. Shrinking the size of the government and reducing its involvement in the economy, are two key policy recommendations of this study.

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View 1542

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The most important objectives of monetary policy are to provide price stability, economic growth and favorable employment levels. Since achieving these goals is not directly accessible for policy makers, so introducing and studying the appropriate tools and intermediate targets seem necessary. For this reason, this paper tries to answer this question: Whether can we introduce an appropriate rule/procedure as monetary policy [or not]. Therefore, this paper applied the well-known procedure of McCallum [a rule based on the optimum monetary rate] as well studied its fitness with the economic system of Iran over 1984-2013 by the use of GMM method. The results show that the defined optimum path by McCallum procedure [for the monetary growth rate] can be accounted as the appropriate strategy for the monetary policy in Iran and the economy of Iran can use it as a proper benchmark in its policy decisions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 941

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Monetary and fiscal policies are considered of high significance in the economic stabilization policies that are utilized to manage the demand side, but economic experts do not agree upon this policy and its results. This is worthwhile to mention that the source issues in the agreement or disagreement with this policy are the differences of opinions about the effects of this policy on the economy. This study attempts to investigate the effects of monetary and fiscal policies on the labor market fluctuations via the adjustment to the new Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model in Iranian economy. After estimating the model using Bayesian approach, the model was simulated. The results of variance decomposition show that government employment was the largest role in explaining the fluctuations in unemployment and monetary shocks play the most important role in private sector employment.Impulser response functions also show that monetary shock, government employment shock and oil revenues shock reduce the total unemployment

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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