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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Biodiversity and structure of the benthic macrofauna communities were studied in the southeast the Caspian Sea (Golestan Province – Iran) during one year from October 2014 to September 2015. Seasonal samplings were done at 6 stations in 3 transects. Depth, temperature, salinity, pH, E. C., total organic matter and grain size were measured. More than 4, 037 individuals belonging to five orders, Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, Bivalvia, Diptera and Amphipoda, and eight families including Nereididae, Spionidae, Amphartidae, Tubificidae, Smelidae, Cardiidae, Chironomidae and Gammaridae were identified. In terms of total individuals, Streblospio gynobranchiata, Hypania invalida and Cerastoderma lamarcki, were the most abundant species, and Polychaeta were dominant in the research region. The highest density of all species was observed in autumn (1515 ind m2) and the lowest was observed in summer (698 ind m2). The maximum diversity, richness, and evenness were 1. 36, 0. 6 and 0. 98, respectively. The results of distance-based redundancy analysis (db-RDA) showed that environmental factors such as salinity, depth and substrate type were all important in detecting the distribution pattern of macrobenthic species in the research region. The dominant species, S. gynobranchiata, was distributed in the areas with smaller grain size and higher TOM and muddy sediments and had the most correlation with salinity, temperature, pH and E. C. Species such as T. fraseri. H. invalida and P. robustoides showed more dependency on TOM and mud factors in the spring and summer, while their dependency became lower in autumn and winter. Abra ovate was less influenced by all factors except the substrate.

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In this study, morphometric features such as total length, standard length, and fork length obtained from a total of 321 Sparus aurata samples, including 164 females and 157 males, captured between 2012 and 2013 from İ skenderun Bay were used as input value, while weight was used as an output value. The Artificial Neural Network (MLPMulti-Layer Perceptron) as well as the M5P algorithm and Linear Regression (LR) algorithm from version 3. 7. 11 of the WEKA Program were applied. When coefficients of correlation were assessed, the MLP algorithm for males, females and the total were calculated as 0. 9686, 0. 9605 and 0. 9663, respectively; the M5P algorithm for males, females and the total were calculated as 0. 9722, 0. 9596 and 0. 9735, respectively; and the LR Model for males, females and the total were calculated as 0. 9777, 0. 9498 and 0. 9473, respectively. With respect to the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) calculations, the MLP algorithm MAE values for males, females and the total were calculated as 2. 94, 2. 57 and 2. 7074, respectively; the M5P algorithm MAE values for males, females and the total were calculated as 2. 400, 2. 641 and 2. 157, respectively; and the LR Model MAE values for males, females and the total were calculated as 3. 217, 2. 811 and 3. 11, respectively. It can also be concluded from the study that, in order to predict ANN interactions Nonlinear Regression model is more effective and has better performance than the conventional models.

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The Persian Gulf islands are the nesting regions for the severely endangered hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) species. Therefore, the selection of the nesting habitat of this species in the two islands of Qeshm and Hengam was studied by a five-member working group in the spring of 2013-2015. Ultimately, 23 and 17 nests were identified in the south of Qeshm Island and in the south and south-west of Hengam Island over two consecutive years, respectively. The habitat variables were measured around 24 nests (12 selected in Qeshm Island and 12 in Hengam Island) and compared with absence points. The results showed that the nests in the two islands were established in wide and deep beaches with a low slope near light sources. Due to its wider and deeper beaches, Qeshm Island is more favorable for the nesting of this species compared with Hengam Island. There was no significant difference in terms of average weight, diameter, and the number of normal eggs of the 12 nests selected in Hengam Island (31. 10+0. 30 g; 38. 19+0. 14 cm; 87+4) compared with those in Qeshm Island (30. 59+0. 29g; 38. 09+ 0. 17 cm; 79. 07+5. 39), respectively.

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The study investigated the stomach contents of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) from the southern part of Qeshm Island in the Persian Gulf from April 2016 through March 2017. The food and feeding behavior of R. kanagurta with a fork length of 17. 8 to 22. 5 cm was assessed from the analysis of gut contents. The frequency of occurrence and numeric methods were used for stomach content analysis. R. kanagurta fed on diatoms, dinoflagellates, crustaceans, molluscs, forams and ciliates. Organisms of plant origin including diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) and dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae) were the main prey constituting about 72% of food items by number and 66. 67% by the occurrence. Coscinodiscus sp. were found to be the most preferable food of plant origin constituting 46. 92% by number and 12. 88% by occurrence, followed by Guinardia sp. which constituted 9. 74% and 7. 58% by number and occurrence, respectively. Among zooplankton, crustaceans were the dominant prey contributing to 19. 58% of the food items by number and 24. 61% by occurrence. Copepoda was the most preferable crustacean constituting 7. 57% by occurrence and 5. 72% by number. Gastro-Somatic Index (GaSI) was found to be the highest in autumn and the least in winter that is before and after the spawning season. The stomach emptiness index was 36. 15% indicating the comparatively gluttonous behavior of the fish. Overall R. kanagurta in the southern part of Qeshm Island in the Persian Gulf is planktonivorous and feeds on a wide range of planktonic organisms.

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Estimation and comparison of effective compounds (mineral contents, amino acids compositions, fatty acids distributions, protein, fat and total fiber contents) in two algae species Sirophysalis trinodis and Polycladia myrica collected from Qeshm Island were done. The samples washed up with tap water and then were dried in an oven at 40 ◦ C for 3 days. The dried algae samples were pulverized and packed in airtight plastic bags. The results showed that the marine macro-algae included low lipid contents about 0. 03± 0. 01 % and 0. 33± 0. 10% dry sample weight and proved to be a rich source of fatty acids (Palmitic and Oleic acid) and minerals. The protein content of these brown algae was lower than 15%. All essential amino acids were detected in the algae species, featured uniquely high concentrations of amino acids when compared to ground plants. Also, results showed that the chlorophyll amount dependent on solvent type and cell wall structure of algae. Hence, in this study, among the three solvents of acetone, diethyl ether and methanol, acetone showed the best performance for the extraction of chlorophyll in both algae S. trinodis and P. myrica. In general, the aim of this study was to determine the valuable compounds of two abundant species of brown algae in the south of the country and introduce them to food units.

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Rotifers due to their relatively short lifespan, high fecundity and high rate of population growth are ideal for chronic toxicity tests. The aim of this research was to determine the lethal concentrations (LC50 24 h) of deltamethrin and imidaclopride and their impacts on the reproduction and growth of the freshwater rotifer, Brachionus calyciflorus. Experiments were carried out based on the guidelines of the standard methods of OECD. Based on LC50 levels of pesticides, different concentration treatment groups designated and rotifer population responses in the five different concentrations of deltamethrin (0. 00, 0. 05, 0. 10, 0. 21 and 0. 53 mg L-1) and imidacloprid (0. 00, 6. 22, 12. 45, 24. 91 and 62. 27 mg L-1) were studied during ten days. The LC50 24h of deltamethrin and imidacloprid for freshwater rotifer determined as 1. 06 mg L-1 and 124. 54 mg L-1, respectively. The density of rotifers in all treatment groups of pesticides decreased significantly compared to the control group at tenth day (p<0. 05). The ratio of ovigerous females to nonovigerous females (OF/NOF) and the ratio of mictic females to amictic females (mic/amic) were significantly affected (p<0. 05) in all concentrations of both insecticides. The results of this study suggested that B. calyciflorus are severely sensitive to deltamethrin rather than to imidacloprid pesticide.

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In this study, seasonal and sexual variations of fatty acid profiles of Pseudophoxinus fahrettini and Capoeta mauricii which are freshwater fishes in Turkey inland waters were investigated. The monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) values were higher than saturated fatty acids (SFAs) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) values for both species. Also the ratios of MUFAs in P. fahrettini were higher than those of C. mauricii in all seasons. The results indicated that palmitic acid was the most dominant SFA for both species in all seasons. Oleic acid in the muscle of P. fahrettini and palmitoleic acid in the muscle of C. mauricii were the highest MUFA respectively in both genders in all seasons. The highest ratios of ω 3 PUFAs were 23. 00% in the muscle of C. mauricii in summer and 18. 44% in P. fahrettini in winter. The ratios of ω 3 PUFAs in muscles of both species and genders were higher than the ratios of ω 6 PUFAs during all the seasons. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) were significantly higher than the other PUFAs in both sexes of the species. The ratio of ω 3 PUFAs to ω 6 PUFAs was higher than 1. 76 in both species and genders in all seasons.

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The shape diversity among populations of Scartelaos tenuis (Day 1876) from five stations (194 specimens) in the Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz (Qeshm Island), and the Oman Sea were investigated. The shape variation was assessed by geometric morphometrics, using 14 morphological landmarks. The two sexes were not distinguishable by the shape. Fish samples were classified into two distinct groups, the fish from the Persian Gulf (Heleh and Asaluyeh), and the specimens of Qeshm Island and the Oman Sea (Chahoo, Dargahan and Jask). The Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea are characterized by specific environmental parameters of surface waters, including temperature and salinity. The shape discrepancies of Scartelaos tenuis specimens from different stations are probably because of ecological parameters of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. Our results suggest that the observed pattern of morphological variation is almost some kind of polyphenism induced by distinct environmental factors.

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The aim of this study was to determine the effect of different feed restriction periods on the growth performance as well as the biochemical and fatty acid compositions of fillet in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish with an average initial weight of 64. 80± 7. 41g were used in the study. The trial lasted 60 days and 4 different feeding diets were alternately applied to the fish. The control group (C) was fed continuously throughout the trial while the other groups were fed 2 days starvation 1 day-1 feeding (2D), 4 days starvation 1 day-1 feeding (4D), and 6 days starvation 1 day-1 feeding (6D). The average weight of the fish at the end of the trial was 219. 78± 31. 32g (C), 168. 41± 21. 44g (2D), 116. 60± 12. 28g (4D), and 87. 64± 12. 99g (6D), respectively. The fillet protein values were determined as 20. 85± 0. 69 (C), 19. 82± 0. 68 (2D), 18. 19± 0. 79 (4D), and 18. 42± 1. 21 (6D), respectively. The lipid values were 6. 18± 0. 40 (C), 3. 35± 0. 41 (2D), 2. 26± 1. 63 (4D), and 1. 94± 0. 63 (6D), respectively. The lipid lean-1 body mass values were 0. 27± 0. 05 (C), 0. 16± 0. 03 (2D), 0. 08± 0. 05 (4D), and 0. 11± 0. 03 (6D), respectively. Regarding the analyses conducted on fish muscle tissues, the differences between the control group and feed restriction groups were statistically significant in terms of saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acid, polyunsaturated fatty acid, Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9 values. In conclusion, it has been determined that the different feed restriction periods in the feeding of rainbow trout had an effect on the duration of reaching the marketable weight, feed conversion rates, meat yield, fillet protein, and fat ratio values and increased reaction to feed.

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Marine saponins are naturally glycosides compounds which possess important biomedical properties such as anti-cancer, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Nevertheless, no systematic studies on the anti-inflammatory potential of brittle star saponin and its underlying mechanisms have been reported. In this study, Ophiocoma erinaceus extracted saponin was investigated for its in vitro anti-inflammatory capacity. The antioxidant capacity of extracted saponin has evaluated using anion superoxide scavenging assay. Further, the anti-inflammatory effect of brittle star saponin on the production of inflammatory cytokines in THP-1/M cells has evaluated. Molecular mechanisms inhibitory effects of brittle star saponin were assessed by analyzing the expression of inflammatory mediators at transcriptional level. The results showed scavenging properties of extracted saponin against superoxide anion radical and demonstrated that brittle star saponin dose-dependently attenuated the release of inflammatory mediators such as NO, TNF-α , and COX-2, Real Time-PCR analysis elucidated that the anti-inflammatory action of brittle star saponin is correlated with its inhibitory effect on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced TNF-α and COX-2 mRNA expression in THP-1/M cells. The results have been showed, intensely afford the antiinflammatory combined with its antioxidant potential of marine saponin extracted from brittle star.

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A laboratory experiment was conducted to assess the bioaccumulation of microelements Fe 2+, Cu 2+, Zn 2+ and their effects on the growth and pigment contents of Spirulina platensis in Zarrouk’ s media. The mentioned metals concentrations enhanced separately to tenfold of the Zarrouk’ s content. The results indicated no differences in the dry weights for the different medias (p>0. 05). A rapid increase in optical density values has been observed in tenfold of Cu+2 concentration giving the maximum optical density values (0. 498± 0. 234 mg L-1). In contrast, a gradual increase rate in the optical density has been observed at all concentration of treatments. Enrichment factor (EF) improved with increasing the metal concentration of treatments. The maximum EF value has been observed at 13. 54 in Zn+2 concentrations. At all concentrations, the maximum production of chlorophyll A (1. 213± 0. 514 mg L-1) occurred in 7th day of incubation. The highest total carotenoid concentration was recorded in S. platensis treated with Cu+2 (0. 0042± 0. 0004 mg L-1) after 14 days. The phycobiliproteins decreased in all of the treatments. Results suggested that S. platensis would be important part of in functional food developments.

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This study was conducted to evaluate the antifungal effects of garlic (Allium sativum) and wormwood (Artemisia sieberia) 80-85% purity ethanolic extracts on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) eggs incubation and larvae survival rate. The experimental group divided to three different doses of garlic (50, 100, 200 ppm), wormwood (25, 50, 100 ppm), green malachite (2 ppm) as positive control group and none pharmacological intervention (negative control group) with three replications. There were significant differences (p<0. 05) between treatments in green eggs, eyed eggs from hatched and larval stage mortality rate. The maximum mortality rate in green eggs were shown in negative control group (33. 35± 014%), 200ppm garlic (13. 11± 0. 09%) and wormwood (13. 07± 0. 07%) respectively. Positive control group (6. 9± 0. 15%), high amount of garlic extract (7. 62± 0. 21%) and 100ppm wormwood extracts (8. 01± 0. 1%) had the lower levels of mortality rate from eyed eggs till hatched respectively. Besides, the third stages (hatching from 1 g) of exam there were significant difference in larval survival rate between treatments (p<0. 05). Malachite green had the best level in this time and the maximum levels of garlic and wormwood extracts had same amount of survival rate after control positive group. Base on statistical analysis the lowest point of garlic and wormwood extracts put in same step and no significant differences together. All in all, garlic extract had the best result in each stage than malachite; probably we can replace that as fungicide on (Oncorhynchus mykiss) eggs and larvae culture.

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This study aimed to evaluate the effects of using Artemia franciscana enriched with cod liver oil and vitamins C and E on the growth, survival and stress resistance of juvenile Sepia pharaonis (Pharaoh cuttlefish). Twenty-five days after hatching, the larvae of S. pharaonis were transferred into culture tanks with an average length of 15. 97± 0. 15 mm and average body weight of 3. 53± 0. 03 g, in eleven treatments (with 3 replicates). The treatments included: highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) +5, 10 and 15% vitamin Eenriched Artemia (E1, E2 and E3 groups, respectively), HUFA+5, 10 and 15% vitamin C-enriched Artemia (C1, C2 and C3 groups, respectively), HUFA+2. 5% (w/w) vitamins C-and E-enriched Artemia (CE1 group), HUFA+5% (w/w) vitamins C-and E-enriched Artemia (CE2 group), HUFA+7. 5% (w/w) vitamins C-and E-enriched Artemia (CE3 group), HUFA without vitamins (HUFA group) and non-enriched Artemia (control). For each replicate, 20 larvae were introduced into tanks of 20 L, and 10 Artemia L-1 day-1 were used to feed the larvae. At the end of the experiment, to investigate stress resistance, three groups of larvae were submitted to one hour stress at three levels of salinity (5, 15 and 25 ppt), and temperature (10, 25 and 32 ° C). The results showed that cuttlefish fed with CE1, CE2, CE3 and larvae fed with HUFA without vitamins were significantly different (p<0. 05) with regards to growth performance and survival as compared with the control. Feeding with vitamin C and unsaturated fatty acid elevated the survival and growth factors of S. pharaonis larvae. Also, the survival of larvae against induced stress increased (p<0. 05).

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In recent years, application of nanotechnology in the food packaging industry has become more widespread and is progressively being commercialized. Adding nanomaterials improves polymers` barrier properties for gases such as O2 and Co2, and increases UV rays barrier, mechanical strength, stiffness, stability, and heat resistance of the base polymer. In this study, low density polyethylene film (LDPE) with 5 wt % nanoparticles of clay was used as the experimental treatment and low density polyethylene film as control treatment. These films were used for packaging of rainbow trout fillets and keeping them in the refrigerator. Then to investigate the quality of packed fillets, samples were taken in days 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25, and were evaluated using chemical (pH, PV, TBA, TVB-N), microbial (TVC, PTC, LAB, EBC and H2S producing bacteria) and sensory tests. Based on the results, significant differences (p<0. 05) were observed between control and experimental treatments in different days. The sensory attributes of rainbow trout fillets correlated well with the microbiological analyses (r=0. 91). With regards to sensory scores and the microbiological analysis, the shelf-life of rainbow trout fillets has been determined in the control and experimental treatments, 13 to 15 and 18 to 20 days, respectively.

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Caspian kutum fish (Rutilus frisii) wild broodstocks were caught by gillnet during their upstream migration and subjected to short-time confinement stress and their physiological responses have been examined. Thirty fish (average weight of 1217. 6 g) were divided into three experimental groups CO (control), OV (ovaprim) and CO+OV (cortisol+ovaprim) and placed into rearing tanks (10 fish tank-1; 2 m3 each) and kept for 10 days. Fish in CO+OV group received a single cortisol injection (20 μ g kg-1 B. W. ) before being transferred in tank. After 10 days of confinement, all fish in OV and CO+OV groups were injected by ovaprim (20 μ g kg-1 B. W. ) to induce maturation and ovulation. Plasma cortisol in CO+OV fish have showed a gradual decrease during confinement and reached to the lowest level after maturation (ovulation) while the highest values for glucose has been found in OV group (p<0. 05). Testosterone and 17β-estradiol levels declined significantly in all experimental groups following cortisol treatment and maturation, while no significant difference had been found in the content of plasma progesterone among brood-stocks (p<0. 05). The concentration of oocyte cortisol in CO+OV was 2-fold higher than that of CO and OV after maturation. These results indicated that cortisol treatment with subsequent ovaprim injection decreased plasma sex steroids and increased oocyte cortisol content in confined broodstocks but had no effect on oocyte histological characteristics.

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In aquaculture, the process of hybridization is used to produce animals that have better growth rates, meat quality, and higher resistance and tolerance to environmental variations than their parental species. The identification of a hybrid fish may require a DNA-based technology that is an expensive process. In this study, the sagittal otolith shape of hatchery-reared brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), Black Sea trout (Salmo trutta labrax) and their hybrid (S. fontinalis ♂ × S. t. labrax ♀ ) were studied and compared to elucidate the variation between their morphometric values. The otoliths were measured by image analysis and used to calculate shape descriptors: form-factor, roundness, and aspect ratio. Based on the morphometric measurements, the hybrid fish were not statistically intermediate between the parents and share most of the similarities with the female parent. The relationships between fish size and otolith size were best described by the exponential function (>r2=0. 90).

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Diclofenac, the anti-inflammatory drug, is found in natural water bodies all over the world. Toxicological researches of diclofenac report harmful effects on aquatic species even at low concentrations. The aim of present study was to determine whether diclofenac affected on the gills, liver and kidney of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). In order to evaluate toxic effects of diclofenac as NASIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) in fish, common carp was exposed to diclofenac concentrations of 1. 25 mg L-1, 2. 5 mg L-1 and 5 mg L-1. The effects of diclofenac on the fish were investigated by histopathological observations on a weekly basis over a 21 day experiment period. The histopathological examinations of diclofenac exposed fish revealed alteration of the kidney such as hyaline droplet, increasing of interstitial cells, shrinkage of glomeruli, and the presence of melanomacrophages and necrosis of epithelial cells of tubules. In the gills, the predominant findings consisted of epithelial hyperplasia, telangiectasia, clubbing, lamellar fusion and increasing of mucosal cells. Also observed histopathological alteration in liver, included, presence of melanomacrophages in hepatocyts, degeneration and vacuolation of hepatocyts and necrosis of hepatocytes. The most alteration was comparatively in the gills and liver. However the gills, livers and kidney sections of the two control groups exhibited normal structure. The results of this study showed that diclofenac could be harmful for C. carpio.

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Although macrobenthic assemblages are considered as major players in many ecosystems around the world, the ecology of Caspian Sea macrobenthos is currently understudied. This study describes the species composition and quantitative distribution of macrobenthos in the southern Caspian Sea and relates the distribution to seasonal changes at three depths (1, 5 and 10 meters) on the Boojagh Marine National Park (BMNP) coast in the southern Caspian Sea between the summers of 2015 and 2016. To investigate the distribution of macrobenthos in BMNP, the data of 450 samples were analyzed. In this study sixteen species were identified: Cerastoderma glaucum, Mytilaster lineatus, Pyrgula grimmi, Anisus kolesnikovi, Stenogammarus carausui, Paraniphargoides motasi, Onisimus caspius, Pterocuma pectinatum, Pterocuma sowinskyi, Pseudocuma (Stenocuma) gracile, Nais sp., Hypania invalida, Manayunkia caspica, Streblospio gynobranchiata, Hediste diversicolor, Amphibalanus improvisus. Among them, the non-indigenous C. glaucum was the dominant species, accounting for 27% of the total abundance and in descending order P. grimmi with 14. 4%, A. improvisus with 8. 7%, M. lineatus with 7. 9%, Nais sp. with 7. 5%, N. carausui with 5. 2%, P. motasi with 5%, S. gynobranchiata with 4. 5%, H. invalida with 5%, M. Caspica with 3. 1%, P. sowinskyi with 2. 5%, O. caspius with 2. 4%, A. kolesnikovi and H. diversicolor with 1. 8%, S. gracilis with 1. 6% and P. pectinatum with 1. 5% were in the next rank. Significant differences in abundance across the sixteen species were observed among depths and seasons. This study highlights the potential consequences of established non-indigenous species in the southern Caspian Sea.

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This study proceeds to extract collagen from the skin of Rutilus kutum, one of the main and economical species of the Caspian Sea. Acid-soluble collagen (ASC) from the skin of R. kutum was extracted and characterized by SDS-PAGE, FTIR and UV spectrophotometry. Based on the data from the SDS-PAGE and the composition of amino acid, it was probable that the obtained collagen classified as type I collagen. Collagen consists of two different types of α chains, including α 1 and α 2, and β components. Also, FTIR analysis revealed the presence of the helical arrangements of the collagen. Moreover, UV spectrophotometry exhibited this collagen has an absorbance at 220 nm. On the basis of dry weight, the yield of ASC was calculated as 15. 6%. The amount of proline in ASC was 89. 6 residues per 706. 1 residues, and 25. 7% of the collagen was composed of glycine. These results showed that R. Kutum skin could be considered as a possible source of collagen and can supply the theoretical basis for further research.

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Merdzhanova A. | Dobreva A.D.

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The aim of the present study was to determine and compare the seasonal changes in the proximate composition, fatty acids profile and fat soluble vitamins content in spring and autumn goby (Neogobius melanostomus) caught from the Bulgarian Black Sea waters. The proximate composition (moisture, protein and total lipid) has been determined according to AOAC (1990). Analysis of fatty acid methyl esters has been performed by GC/MS system. Vitamins A, D3 and E were analysed using RP-HPLC system. Protein was in the range 18. 10 – 18. 75 %, fat content was: 1. 60-2. 61g 100g-1 wet weight (w. w. ). The fatty acids (FA) and vitamins contents showed significant seasonal changes. The spring goby was characterized with low saturated fatty acids (SFA, 31. 8 %), high mono unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA, 34. 86 %) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA, 33. 34 %). In both seasons omega-3 (n-3) PUFA levels were higher than omega-6 (n-6) PUFAs. Higher amounts of alpha-tocopherol (614. 9 μ g 100g-1w. w. ) and all-trans retinol (14. 8 μ g 100g-1 w. w. ) were found in autumn samples, whereas cholecalciferol (4. 9 μ g 100g-1 w. w. )-in spring goby. Regardless of the observed seasonal changes of nutritional quality, goby species is an excellent source of analysed components, especially of n-3 PUFA, and can be recommended for healthy human diet.

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Pomfrets are one of the most ample high priced fisheries of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. The present study featuring the comparison of the life history parameters of three Pomfrets i. e. Silver (Pampus argenteus), Chinese (P. chinensis) and Black (Parastromateus niger) is based on the monthly length frequency data from the commercial landings from July 2015 through June 2016. The length (TL) of all three Pomfrets ranged from 8 to 55cm and weight (W) varied from 24 to 1302g. An allometric growth pattern was found in all cases when estimating LWR. The VBGF parameters for silver pomfret was L∞ = 54. 6cm, K= 0. 39yr-1 while it was 54. 6cm, 0. 62yr-1, 57. 75cm, and 0. 94yr-1 for both Chinese and black pomfrets, respectively. Based on LCCC analysis the total mortality (Z), natural mortality (M) and fishing mortality (F) for silver and Chinese pomfrets were found to be the lowest compared with some previous studies related to the Indian Ocean, whereas black pomfret showed higher mortality rates to some extent. The exploitation ratio (E=F/Z) of silver and Chinese pomfrets were lower than the Gulland (1971) criterion of demarcation point of 0. 5 and was higher for black pomfret which showed over-exploited stocks. The YPR analysis also showed the heavily exploited state of black pomfret fishery, therefore, immediate management approach should be required to maintain sustainable stocks.

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This work highlights the role of otolithic morphometrics, shape indices and ultrastructure in the identification of three Mullidae species from the Red Sea. Differences in otolithic measurements were detectable in all three-goatfish species. The statistical analysis of otolithic morphometric parameters showed that otolithic measurements are good indicators of fish size. For all three species, the correlation between fish length and different otolithic variables was statistically significant. The coefficient of determination (r2) ranged from 0. 83 to 0. 92 in the three species, being higher for M. vanicolensis in all cases. The otolith area of M. vanicolensis was most strongly related to fish length, with a high correlation between otolith area and fish length (r2=0. 92) being observed in this species. The mean values of the six examined shape indices of the otoliths were considerably different among the three species, and the high degree of differentiation of these indices among species makes them useful for other researchers who wish to use otoliths in fish identification and classification. Remarkable variations in the morphological characteristics of fish otoliths were recorded among the studied species via scanning electron microscopy, including variations in the ornamentation of the ostium, cauda, and column of the otolith. These differences in otolithic characteristics and morphology might be useful for fisheries, biologists, archaeologists and geologists in discriminating Mulloidichthys flavolineatus, M. vanicolensis, and Parupeneus forsskali. This work contributes to the bioecological knowledge regarding commercially important fishes and provides key information for studying the trophic ecology of fish-eating species and fishery management.

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Water soluble fraction (WSF) of crude oil can pollute water and cause histopathological alterations in fishes. Therefore, sea water pollution with crude oil could detrimentally impact the fish health. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of WSF on gills of yellow fin sea bream. The fish were exposed to 0% (control), 2%, 4%, 8% and 16% of WSF for a period of 21-days. The histopathological alterations were examined in four categories of circulatory, degenerative, proliferative and inflammatory. Inclusion of WSF at concentrations of 4%, 8% and 16% led to significant elevation of total petroleum hydrocarbon concentration in water (p<0. 05). In the 8% group, the changes in histopathological lesions observed from day 16 compared with control group (p<0. 05). In the 16% group, increasing histopathological lesions was observed from day 8 compared with the control group (p<0. 05). However, no significant increase in histopathological lesions was observed in fish exposed to 2% and 4% WSF as compared with the control group (p>0. 05). In conclusion, the findings of the present study indicated concentration and period of exposure as determinant factors influencing the level of alterations in gills histopathological lesions following exposure to WSF in yellow fin sea bream.

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In the current study, the effect of dietary supplementation of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) on growth performance, digestive enzymes activity, body composition, nonspecific immune response and diseases resistance of rainbow trout fingerlings were investigated. Five hundred and fifty-two healthy fingerlings (8. 2± 1. 0 g) were randomly distributed in 12 tanks (150 L) at a density of 46 fish/ tank and fed different levels of dietary PHB (0, 0. 5, 1 and 2%) for 70 days. At the end of the experiment, the results showed that PHB affected growth performance and the fish fed 0. 5 and 1% PHB diets had a significant higher weight gain and specific growth rate (SGR) than the control (p<0. 05). The specific activity for total protease and amylase in 1% PHB was significantly higher than that of both the control and 2% PHB (p<0. 05). In addition, PHB significantly affected the muscle fatty acids profile but did not change protein and lipid content. Also, our results indicated that 1 and 2% PHB markedly decreased cumulative mortality of the fingerlings challenged by Yersinia ruckeri infection. Overall, the results of this experiment revealed that PHB acts as a growth promoter and immunostimulator in rainbow trout fingerlings and the optimal PHB level in trout diet was estimated at 1% PHB.

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The present study aimed to determine the optimal concentration of three anaesthetics, name MS222, ketamine, and tobacco extract, in grass carp juveniles (107. 78± 22. 11 g body weight and 226. 74± 13. 06 mm total body length). Treatments were as follows: 100 mg L-1 of MS222 (control group), 5. 5, 8, 11, 18. 5, and 22 mg L-1 of ketamine, and 10, 13. 33, 20, 26. 27, and 40 mg L-1 of tobacco extract. In addition, changes in blood and biochemical parameters were measured at different concentrations. Considering the anaesthesia induction and recovery durations times, the optimal concentration for anaesthesia of studied substances was obtained as follows: 100 mg L-1 of MS222 (139. 00± 20. 00 seconds), 18. 5 mg L-1 of ketamine (140. 10± 20. 20 seconds), and 40 mg L-1 of tobacco extract (174. 00± 20. 09 seconds). Based on the results, the shortest recovery time from anaesthesia was observed at 26. 27 mg L-1 of tobacco extract (870. 00± 5. 3 seconds) and 8 mg L-1 of ketamine (967. 00± 5. 5 seconds), respectively. The results indicated that the anaesthesia induction and recovery duration was dependent on the concentration of anaesthetics. Moreover, significant differences were observed between the three anaesthetics in terms of blood parameters. The study findings also revealed a significant difference between treatments in biochemical parameters (cortisol, glucose, and lactate).

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An optimization procedure was applied to investigate the anticandidal property of four different Iranian seaweed extract compositions. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) with the four levels-three– factor Box– Behnken design, including Gracilaria arquata concentration (X1), Nizimudidnia zanardini concentration (X2), Cystoceria indica concentration (X3) and Padina australis concentration (X4), was used to screen for anticandidal property screening. Multiple regression analysis of data showed that the coefficient determination (R2) was appropriate for the second-order model. The anticandidal property of the seaweed extract composition of 10 mg ml-1 G. arquata extract, 5 mg ml-1 N. zanardini extract, 4. 5 mg ml-1 C. indica extract and 2 mg ml-1 P. australis extract was found to be optimal. Under the optimized composition, the Candida albicans growth inhibition zone was 26. 23 mm. The experimental yield was well matched with the predicted yield.

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A 60-days feeding trial was conducted to study the effect of higher temperature (32° C) in comparison to ambient temperature (24. 5° C) on different metabolic enzyme namely, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase), acid phosphatase (ACP) & alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activities in different tissues of Pangasianodon hypophthalmus. AST activity significantly (p<0. 05) increases in liver tissue as temperature increases, however, temperature do not significantly affect the AST activity in case of the muscle (p>0. 05). The ALT activity increases significantly (p<0. 05) in liver and muscle tissue as temperature increases. ATPase activity (at 37° C) in gill do not differ significantly (p>0. 05) whereas ATPase activity in liver tissue decreases significantly (p<0. 05) as temperature increases. ACP activity does not vary significantly at different temperature whereas, ALP activity increases significantly (p<0. 05) as temperature increases in liver and intestine tissues. The present study clearly shows that there is a temperature dependent change in the activity of the different metabolic enzymes in different tissues studied in comparison to the control at ambient temperature fed with different energy level diet. The finding of present study suggests that the metabolic responses are variable at different temperature and different energy level which can affect the growth performances of this new candidate species for aquaculture.

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Probiotics can improve growth, survival and resistance to pathogenic organisms of the cultivated species in aquaculture systems with water recirculation. However, their possible benefits on biofloc systems have been less studied. In this study, the benefits of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens bacterium, on a biofloc culture of Litopenaeus vannamei were evaluated. B. amyloliquefaciens was applied as dissolved in water. To our knowledge, no previous assays on biofloc systems have been published, and on recirculation systems it has only been tested mixed with feed. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of B. amyloliquefaciens on water quality, growth parameters and the immune system of shrimp. Three concentrations of probiotic were tested in triplicate (9. 48 × 104, 1. 90 × 105, and 3. 79 × 105 cfu ml-1) and were compared with the control (without probiotics). Water quality parameters such as nutrients and suspended solids were monitored. In L. vannamei, growth, survival and their immune system parameters (total protein concentration, cell number with apoptosis and percentage of granular and hyaline hemocytes) were studied. The results showed that the application of B. amyloliquefaciens did not produce significant differences in water quality or shrimp growth. However, it showed significant improvements in the immune system. As compared with the control treatment, an increase in the total protein concentration and granular hemocytes, and a decrease in the cell number with apoptosis in the hempolymph were observed. Thus, we can conclude that B. amyloliquefaciens provides greater resistance to shrimp against the attack of pathogens in biofloc systems.

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Ji J. | SUN Q. | REN W. | WANG P.

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Using mariculture data from China’ s nine coastal provinces from 2003 to 2015, this paper first evaluates the technical efficiency through data envelopment analysis (DEA). Then, this paper analyses the spatial spillover effect of technical efficiency and its influencing factors with a spatial panel Durbin model (SDM). The results indicate that there are obvious regional differences in the technical efficiency of China’ s mariculture, and there is a great room for improvements in the technical efficiency of most areas. The results evidence a significant positive spatial correlation in the technical efficiency of China's mariculture. The technology promotion factor is beneficial for improving technical efficiency, and at the same time, this factor can produce a positive spatial spillover effect on the surrounding areas. The level of economic development clearly has a positive effect on the technical efficiency of the region, and the surrounding area has a negative spatial spillover effect. Moreover, the labor input has a negative effect on technology efficiency. The negative impact of the degree of disaster on technical efficiency is not significant.

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NAZ S. | JAVED M. | Chatha A.M.M.

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The aim of this study was to investigate acute toxicity (96-hr LC50 and lethal concentrations) of waterborne metal mixture (Pb+Mn) for the fish, Catla catla, Labeo rohita, Cirrhina mrigala, Ctenopharyngodon idella and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix. The extent of metals bio-accumulation in fish body organs viz. gills, liver, kidney, fins, bones, muscle and skin at both 96-hr LC50 and lethal concentrations were also determined. The criteria of toxicity used during these experiments were mortality upon the 90-day old fish species. The tests were performed, separately, at constant pH (7), temperature (30° C) and hardness (200 mg L-1) of water with three replications for each test dose. The overall sensitivity of five fish species, determined in terms of LC50 and lethal concentrations, against metals mixture (Pb+Mn) varied significantly. Among five fish species, H. molitrix were significantly more sensitive to metals mixture with mean 96 hr-LC50 and lethal concentrations of 69. 36± 0. 03 and 114. 51± 0. 02, respectively. Regarding overall responses of five fish species for their ability to accumulate metals, kidney appeared as an organ to amass significantly higher amounts of metals, followed by that of liver while it was significantly least in fish muscles. Accumulation of the metals in fish body followed the general order: kidney>liver>fins>gills >skin>bones>muscle.

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The two red seaweeds, Gracilaria manilaensis and Kappaphycus alvarezii are cultivated in Malaysia for producing agar and carrageenan, respectively. The residues of these seaweeds after removing agar and carrageenan by dilute acid treatment were subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis using cellulase (Cellic CTec 2). In the optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis, highest glucose concentration was achieved in the sample with liquid: residue ratio of 7. 5: 1 and enzyme loading of 10 % w w-1 residue. The resulting glucose was converted to bioethanol using Saccharomyces cerevisiae where bioethanol yields from G. manilaensis and K. alvarezii were 56. 26± 1. 10 g L-1 and 51. 10± 1. 21 g L-1, respectively, which corresponded to 91 % and 95 % of the theoretical yield. The results of this study indicate that the residues of these seaweeds can be efficiently converted to bioethanol and besides environmental benefits, additional profit can be achieved in the phycocolloid industry.

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Tasneem S. | Yasmeen R.

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The effect of biopesticide-Derisom on certain metabolites and enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism were evaluated in gill, liver, kidney and muscle of Cyprinus carpio during sub-lethal toxicity exposure of 21 days. A dose of 0. 28 ppm was taken as the sub-lethal dose. The organs were taken from exposed and control fish at the end of 24 hrs, 7, 14 and 21 days and used for the estimation of total carbohydrates, total glycogen, succino dehydrogenase (SDH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities. All the organs showed the significant difference between control and exposed groups in all the estimated parameters on all days of exposure. In the present study, all the parameters i. e., total carbohydrates, total glycogen, SDH and LDH significantly decreased as the days of sub-lethal exposure increased, up to the completion of 21 days of exposure. The present study considers biochemical parameters as important biomarkers in determining the level of toxicity caused by the biopesticide – Derisom.

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Chironomidae is one of the most important elements of the aquatic benthos all over the world, which has its own ecological and biological importance in different aspects. The present study has been conducted to investigate the chironomid diversity in Taleghan River in two seasons, spring and summer 2016 for six sampling points (Asfaran, Varkesh, Mir, Jostan, Barikan and Gooran). The sampling procedure was done by applying a simple dredge in five replications for each sampling point. The results have showed that there was a great diversity of Chironomidae in Taleghan River which composed of four sub-families and 21 different genera; Chironominae (Chironomus, Robackia, Stenochironomus, Omisus, Cryptochironomus, Saetheria, Cryptotendipes, Microtendipes, Paratendipes, Constempellina and Neozavrelia), Orthocladiinae (Bryophaenocladius, Comptocladius, Echinocladius, Smittia, Botryocladius, Symbiocladius, Psectrocladius and Gymnometriocnemus), Tanypodinae (unidentified genera in Pentaneurini tribe) and Diamesinae (Potthastia and Diamesa). Ten genera have been reported for the first time in Iran. Diversity on abundance of each genus in different months and sampling points might be the result of the environmental conditions and water pollution.

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Introduction Microalgae grow in both seawater and freshwater (Carlsson et al., 2007). They have some similarities to terrestrial plants with different growth media and efficient access to water, carbon dioxide and other nutrients, but have higher growth rates and lipid content with high yield per unit area. There are several important applications of microalgae such as animal feed, playing a valuable role in cosmetics, biodiesel production and pharmaceuticals (Olaizola, 2003; Soares et al., 2006; Patil et al., 2008; Huang et al., 2010). In addition, they are more beneficial than corn, soybean and palm oil in biofuel production in the world (Chisti, 2007; Lora and Andrade, 2009; Mata et al., 2010). Most diatoms microalgae such as...

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Introduction Fish meat plays an important role in supplement of human protein necessity (Rahimzade et al., 2019). Fish products deteriorate rapidly as a result of high water activity, neutral pH, relatively large quantities of free amino acids, presence of autolytic enzymes and high percent of unsaturated fatty acids (Duan et al., 2010). This problem and the increasing request for high quality fresh seafood has intensified the search for technologies that favor fresh fish preservation. Different methods have been used for extending fish products shelf life (Rostamzad et al., 2010)....

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Introduction The family Blenniidae comprises 58 genera and 406 species according to Eschmeyer et al. (2018). Members of the family Blenniidae are small, scaleless and very agile fishes, inhabiting inshore, sub-tidal rocky substrata, and rock pools of the inter-tidal zone of tropical and sub-tropical marine waters (Randall, 1995). A few species are also reported from brackish and freshwaters (Hastings and Springer, 2009)....

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Introduction Morphological variations within and among populations routinely occur in response to environmental and genetic factors, or as a consequence of differences in behavioral and physiological conditions (West– Eberhard, 1989; Schwander and Leimar 2011). In a general overview, variations in hydrological conditions of rivers may cause differences in habitat structure and hydrological conditions, inducing shape changes in fishes (Colihueque et al., 2017). It is well known that genetic factors induce morphological variations in natural populations of several fish species (Svanbä ck and Eklö v, 2006; Taylor et al., 2011). In addition, the effects of environmental factors and phenotypic plasticity in the morphological variations of fish populations have also been documented by several researchers (West– Eberhard, 1989; Bagherian and Rahmani, 2009)....

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