This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different heating treatments (Autoclaving, roasting, steam flaking and Microwave irradiation) on chemical composition, anti- nutritional compounds (tannin and phenolic), in situ dry mater (DM) and crude prate in (CP) degradability. Three fistulated bull in a complete randomized block design and in vitro gas production kinetics (complete randomized design, 3 different runs, 3 replication for each of treatments) pre cleaninig chick pea wastes were used. Unprocessed and wastes (control) had DM (g/100 g), CP (%DM) and ash (%DM) content of 89.2, 26.1 and 2.26, respectively, in situ DM and CP effective degradability (g/100 DM & CP, respectively, k=0.02), digestible OM (g/100 g) and microbial protein yield (g/kg DOM) was 65, 79.5, 52 and 62.7, respectively. Heat treatments significantly (P<0.05) reduced soluble protein fraction, resulted in lower QDP, microbial protein yield and the higher amount of protein passing into the small intestine in compare to control group. Microwave irradiation had higher efficiency in reduction of tannins and phenolic compounds and lowest effective protein degradability was belonged to autoclaved materials. Roasting had higher efficiency in reducing QDP, without negative effects on OMD and ME estimates. According to the obtained results, cost and availability of processing, roasting is the best of processing method to reduce the rate of protein degradation in the rumen. In vivo experiments are needed for more evaluation of processing efficiency and economical values of chick pea pre cleaninig wastes in ruminants’ nutrition.