Background & Aim: The pigments inside the leaf chloroplasts receive sunlight energy and transport it to photosynthesis reaction center. The most important of these pigments is chlorophyll. In this study, the pigments existence in medicinal plant, sumac (Rhus coriaria L.), was investigated at Biotechnology Laboratory, Isfahan University of Technology.Experimental: Experiments were performed in three replicates by using the upper, middle and lower leaves of sumac. Pigments were extracted by 80% acetone from fresh leaves of the sumac. Extracts have been used for the reading at 645, 663 and 470 nm absorption wavelength for chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids, respectively.Results & Discussion: The results showed significant difference between the amounts of pigments in different seasons (p<0.05). The amount of chlorophyll a, b, total chlorophyll and carotenoids was obtained in spring on average 0.78, 0.24, 1.02 and 3.32 mg/g of leaf, whereas it was 1.55, 0.46, 2.01 and 6.61 mg/g of leaf for winter, respectively. The total amount of carotenoid was higher than chlorophylls and both of them were high in early winter. Totally, chlorophyll a content was higher than chlorophyll b in both seasons, as well as other plants.Recommended applications/industries: Chlorophyll, carotenoids and their derivatives are important antioxidants that there are plenty of them in sumac, it reveals the potential for its use in the food industry.