Mining activities and associated metal smelting industries with massive soil displacement and the manipulation of natural ecosystems have Great effects on their surroundings, including the accumulation of heavy metals in the soil. Due to the transfer of metals from the plant as the first ecosystem food chain the amount of bioavailability of metals and their accumulation in plants is important to control and manage pollution in these areas. In this study, the concentration of soluble elements in soil and plant around the Khotun Abad copper smelter (Al, As, Ba, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Rb, S, Si, Sr, Zn), And the accumulation and transfer of these elements in the plant Astragalus sp. was investigated, Using transfer factor. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed on mean concentrations of metals followed by Duncan’ s multiple range test. Correlation of elements with Pearson correlation coefficient was investigated. The results showed that the highest metal concentrations were Mn and Fe concentrations in the stem (2324. 72 and 2024. 30 mg / kg respectively). Both nickel and chromium had the lowest concentration in the soil, which was not detectable. Based on the data obtained, the average concentrations of soluble elements in the analyzed soil samples were: S>Mg>Si>Al>Sr>Mn>Cu>Zn> Pb>Fe>Rb>As> Ba> Mo Also, the average concentration of Al, As, Ba, Cr, Mn, Mo, Cu, S and Sr in the root> stem> soil And the mean concentration of Fe, Mg, Ni, Pb, Rb, Si, Zn in the root> root of stem. The elements of Zn, Si, Rb, Pb, Ni, Mg, Fe and Ba with a transfer factor have more than 1 have ability to transfer from root to stem and accumulate in the aerial parts of Astragalus sp. The highest and lowest transfer factors were respectively Si (2. 11 mg / kg) and Al (0. 38 mg / kg) respectively. Also, there is a strong correlation coefficient (P value <0. 01)-more than 50%-between metals with each other. The present study showed that Astragalus sp. Can accumulate a wide range of concentrations of metals in the soil. It has the ability to absorb Zn, Si, Rb, Pb, Ni, Mg, Fe and Ba in the airial parts. Elements of Al, As, Mn, Cu, Sr, Cr and Mo showed more accumulation in the root than the aerial parts This indicates the potential of this plant in phytoremidation and phytostabilization in the contaminated areas.