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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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To meet flow requirement of streams, it is necessary to allocate some part of stream flow to own stream, aiming to ensure stability of aquatic life. The underlying reason for it is that utilizing the ecosystems and ecological services such as water supply of streams should not endanger their ecological potential in having a sustainable life. The main objectives of environmental flows for all major rivers and streams applying three rainfall-runoff modeling, hydrologic approach, and indicators hydrologic alteration, and comparing the find outs. Base flow approach is based on the idea that the driest month-mean flow is sufficient for aquatic life except the aquatic life needs additional flow for their spawning and reproduction. To conduct the base flow approach, tank model, has been applied. In flow duration method, flow data of a given river or stream is analyzed in order to estimate the discharge value relate the stream flow amount to the percentage probability that the daily flow will be exceeded over a long-term base period without regard to the sequence of the flow events. Findings of the present study suggest that in this catchment tank model results are reliable, as their Nash-sutcliff criteria measure higher than 0. 5. The results indicated that according to the environmental flow estimation of Flow duration curve method, environmental flows is 0. 191 m3/s in the study area.

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Tailings are the most important mine waste which are produced in enormous mass during the mineral processing of the sulfide ores, especially Cu-porphyry type. The main object of this study is to determine the enriched elements in the tailings of the Sarcheshmeh mine; as one of the biggest Cu-porphyry mines in the world. For this purpose, 90 surface and subsurface samples (to about 10 m depth) were collected from fresh and un-oxidized tailings in the available parts of the tailings dam. Fourteen composite samples were prepared for multi-elemental geochemical analysis using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) method and preparation of polished sections. Microscopic studies showed that pyrite is the main sulfide mineral in tailings, but chalcopyrite and chalcocite also were found in some samples. According to the normalized enrichment factor, among the more than 60 investigated element (1) Sb (3. 9 ± 1. 1 mg/kg), W (21. 4± 8. 8 mg/kg), As (21. 4 ± 2. 3 mg/kg), Bi (33 ± 10 mg/kg), Au (33 ± 10 µ g/kg) and Ag (1. 02 ± 0. 15 mg/kg) have significant enrichment; (2) Cu (1350 ± 478 mg/kg), Fe (4 ± 0. 52 %) have high enrichment and (3) S (2. 75 ± 0. 6 %), Re (21 ± 0. 07 mg/kg), Te (0. 38 ± 0. 23 mg/kg), Se (4. 81 ± 0. 95 mg/kg) and Mo (91 ± 18. 7 mg/kg) have extremely high enrichment compare with the crustal abundance and normal values in un-mineralized granodiorite rock (mean ± standard deviation). These elements are chalcophile or have high potential for presence in sulfide minerals such as pyrite and chalcopyrite. The obtained results well consistent with the geochemical signatures of elements in the Cu-porphyry deposits and determine the elements that have economical/environmental importance in the Sarcheshmeh mine tailings.

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Planning for balanced development requires implementing suitable integrated policies in different sections like economy, environment, energy and social criteria. Some of goals of each section are in conflict with other sections. Goal programming is one of subcategories of multi-criteria decision analysis methods, when we have multiple conflicting goals. In this paper, a weighted goal programming model is suggested to target growth rate of gross domestic product, electricity consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. It is note that, the efficient allocation of resources in each direction, is integrated with the others. Also, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used for calculating weights of goal programming model. Based on the obtained results, weights greenhouse gas emissions, gross domestic product, employment and energy consumption were 0/433, 0/258, 0/181 and 0/126 respectively. The proposed model is validated using key sectors of Iranian economy with regard to development goals in the fifth development prospect document. Based on the solution of this model, we have found that the only Goal for consumption energy has not been achieved and the variable of deviation from the undesirable Goal of 3576128 GWh has been obtained, which suggests that in the coming years to achieve the set goals In the areas of interest we will need a lot of energy, and if we do not make changes in our behavior in terms of energy consumption, we will face a lot of energy and environmental problems.

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Mining activities and associated metal smelting industries with massive soil displacement and the manipulation of natural ecosystems have Great effects on their surroundings, including the accumulation of heavy metals in the soil. Due to the transfer of metals from the plant as the first ecosystem food chain the amount of bioavailability of metals and their accumulation in plants is important to control and manage pollution in these areas. In this study, the concentration of soluble elements in soil and plant around the Khotun Abad copper smelter (Al, As, Ba, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Rb, S, Si, Sr, Zn), And the accumulation and transfer of these elements in the plant Astragalus sp. was investigated, Using transfer factor. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed on mean concentrations of metals followed by Duncan’ s multiple range test. Correlation of elements with Pearson correlation coefficient was investigated. The results showed that the highest metal concentrations were Mn and Fe concentrations in the stem (2324. 72 and 2024. 30 mg / kg respectively). Both nickel and chromium had the lowest concentration in the soil, which was not detectable. Based on the data obtained, the average concentrations of soluble elements in the analyzed soil samples were: S>Mg>Si>Al>Sr>Mn>Cu>Zn> Pb>Fe>Rb>As> Ba> Mo Also, the average concentration of Al, As, Ba, Cr, Mn, Mo, Cu, S and Sr in the root> stem> soil And the mean concentration of Fe, Mg, Ni, Pb, Rb, Si, Zn in the root> root of stem. The elements of Zn, Si, Rb, Pb, Ni, Mg, Fe and Ba with a transfer factor have more than 1 have ability to transfer from root to stem and accumulate in the aerial parts of Astragalus sp. The highest and lowest transfer factors were respectively Si (2. 11 mg / kg) and Al (0. 38 mg / kg) respectively. Also, there is a strong correlation coefficient (P value <0. 01)-more than 50%-between metals with each other. The present study showed that Astragalus sp. Can accumulate a wide range of concentrations of metals in the soil. It has the ability to absorb Zn, Si, Rb, Pb, Ni, Mg, Fe and Ba in the airial parts. Elements of Al, As, Mn, Cu, Sr, Cr and Mo showed more accumulation in the root than the aerial parts This indicates the potential of this plant in phytoremidation and phytostabilization in the contaminated areas.

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This study was conducted to analysis the changes in plant group species (PGS) in relation to environmental and management factors in mountain rangelands of Baneh-Kurdestan, Iran. For this purpose 4 plant group species: shrub, forb, grass and shrub-forb (3sites for each PGS) were defined in the study area. There were established 30 plots (2m2) in each site via classified random method. Also in the center of plots we had 10 soil profiles into sampling in each site. All of vegetation, soil and topography and management (grazing intensity) factors were measured in the plots (in total, 90 plots and 30 soil samples for each PGS). Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that first and second axes, in total, explain 73% of changes in the traits of plant group species. Two PGS of forb and shrub-forb are directly related to clay, organic matter, nitrogen, soil depth, potassium, silt 1th, and the first depth and electrical conductivity 2th and northern aspect. Grasses affected by silt 2th, pH, CaO 2th, southern aspect and shrubs are related to sand, gravel (surface and below ground), southern aspect and grazing intensity. On the other word, topography, grazing intensity, nitrogen, organic matter and soil physical factors were the most important factors in the separation of plant group species. The plant group species that had different functional groups (Shrub and forb) had more production and coverage.

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The main of the factors limiter the happen the sultry comfort conditions in the coastal zone, which is under the control of the temperature and humidity. The research designed as the country's southern coast within the province of Bandar Abbas, (Because of little distance to the coast) is selected. The climate data used in this study included based on The air temperature, relative humidity percentages, and the wind speed in knots whose hourly Statistics hourly data parameters of the are three synoptic stations in the Persian Gulf coasts the range, of Meteorological Organization in the 30-year period (1985-2014) of Bandar Abbas stations. This index is of the formula often used to calculate heat index. After calculation of the thermal index chart every month the average both daily and hourly resolution from the index values were provided in the station. Then, the final tables were obtained which, incidentally, were not specified for the sincere period for every hour of the day, different levels of probability (the number of occurrences with the probability of 50 to 70, 70 to 90, and above 90) was determined. Synoptic analysis method was used for synoptic analysis. In this study, using data related to components, sea level pressure, Geopotential heights, temperature, wind direction, wind speed and relative humidity, sea level pressure maps, Geopotential elevation, thickness map, Relative Humidity Distribution Map and vorticity Map (vorticity) were mapped and analyzed. The results showed that the establishment of a very strong heat Low pressure on the Persian Gulf and the high pressure of the deserts of Saudi Arabia and Central Iran caused an Extend the pressure and the transfer of hot and burning air to the Persian Gulf and, eventually, the occurrence of severe evaporation of the sea, has provided.

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To evaluate the ecological risk of pollutants, computing of bioaccumulation factor (BAF), bioconcentration factor (BCF) and biomagnification are to be studied. Since clams are considered as good biomonitors for various types of pollutants, they might be good suitable subjects for bioaccumulation and bioconcentration studies. The Persian Gulf particularly the coasts of Bushehr province are constantly exposed to some pollutants such as PAHs due the presence of oil platforms and terminals, high traffic of tankers and ships, and discharge of urban and industrial effluents. PAHs compounds have destructive effects on many organisms. The present study was carried out in order to investigate the pattern of uptake, accumulation and concentration of PAHs in Ark clam in the coastal area of Bushehr city. The samples of clam, sediment and seawater were collected from five different stations in the Bushehr shoreline. After digestion and extraction by organic solvents, the concentration of PAHs in the samples was measured by HPLC (KANUER). Generally the concentration of PAHs in seawater, sediment and Ark clam were 17. 14µ gl-1, 2866. 52ngg-1 and 412. 72ngg-1 respectively. The mean of PAHs BCF and BAF in studied clam were 26. 31 and 0. 14 respectively. Results showed that 3ring PAHs were major in seawater and clam, while in sediment 5 and 6 PAHs was the main. For 3ring compounds bioaccumulation (BAF) factors in clams were more than those of 4ring compounds. Similarly these compounds were more than 5 and 6ring compounds. The calculated bioconcentration (BCF) factor for 4ring compounds was higher than 3ring compounds. A significant correlation was found between log kow and BAF in Ark clam (P<0. 05). It is suggested that the environmental conditions, sources of PAHs and the uptake pathway of the compounds are influencing the bioaccumulation and bi concentration in Ark clam.

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The study of soil quality is important to identify the different management effects on natural resources and agricultural farmland. In this research soil quality index was evaluated in two depth of six land use of Shahryar region through physical and chemical attributes and multi variate data analysis. For this purpose six different land uses/management were selected including rangelands (wild, exclosure and, grazing) and agriculture (Pistachio garden, alfalfa and wheat cultivation). A systematic-random strategy was carried at 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm depth by and soil properties were measured in the laboratory (98 samples). The soil attributes include: texture, bulk density, water holding capacity, permanent wilting point, field capacity, electrical conductivity, pH, organic carbon, total N, lime, P, K, Na, K and SAR. Statistical analysis shows that, soil properties were grouped into five significant factors for the 0-15 cm depth as: 1-soil salinity, 2-soil nutrients, 3-soil texture, 4-soil phosphor and 5-soil humidity. Factor 1 was known as the most dominant and potassium element (K) contributed the largest factor loading. In 15-30 cm depth, four significant factors were identified (1) salinity; 2) humidity; 3) texture and 4) phosphor). While, in15-30 cm depth, factor 1 was distinguished as the most dominant and SAR and Ec known as the most effective variables for soil attribute. Generally, results indicated that soil salinity factor was the most important factor for soil quality assessment.

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Agriculture potentially is one of the main factors that cause environmental destruction. Because most of time wasteful using of chemical fertilizer and poisons to achieving more efficiency in agricultural sector caused bad environmental effects. So in present research, calculating Iran agricultural productivity growth with respect to environmental effect in 1991-2011 period has been considered. In this study, input-oriented Malmquist index with using the distance function and environmental adjusted productivity index (EAP) has been used. Results show that the growth of environmental productivity is 3. 7 percent and the growth of typical productivity is 3. 2 percent. In fact, the growth of computed environmental productivity was estimated more than the growth of typical productivity. These results show that in survey of environmental productivity, in addition to calculate productivity of products with market value also agriculture sector attempts to control of pollutant also has been considered. So suggest that in order to avoid overestimating productivity, always negative environmental effects of agricultural activities in the computing productivity must be considered. Also the findings express a reduction of the growth rate of the agricultural sector. This is due to the higher growth rate of capital stock relative to the growth rate of products in the agricultural sector. One ways to increase this rate is prevention of the capital exiting from the agricultural sector and prioritize investments aimed at increasing productivity.

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Two opposing questions concerning differences among ecological niches of closely-related taxa in similar or adjacent habitats have long been a subject of debate. Did different populations of a species inhabit different ecological niches and undergo speciation due to the interruption of gene flow, or did speciation occur earlier, which later on caused closely-related taxa to inhabit similar habitats? In this study, we investigated the differences between the ecological niche climate of two subspecies of the Eurasian nuthatch (rubiginosa and persica), and the impact such differences had on speciation of these subspecies over different time scales, from the past to the present. To do so, we performed tests of niche equivalency and modeled niche similarities in geographical and environmental spaces of the Alborz and Zagros Mountains. Results revealed that the ecological niche climate overlap between clades of the Alborz and Zagros is insignificant, and tests of niche similarity and niche equivalency between the two subspecies of these mountain ranges were significant. Thus, niche conservatism could be inferred for these subspecies, highlighting the speciation of each subspecies in geographically allopatric regions, prior to their migration to the Alborz and Zagros Mountains. Our results suggest that each population of the Eurasian nuthatch in these ranges could be regarded as an evolutionary significant unit, and each subspecies requires proper conservation management.

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