Background: Abortion has never been a mere medical issue; rather, because of its widespread effects on the personal, social, economic, political and cultural matters has been almost globally noticed by governments in some way. The Therapeutic Abortion Act ratified by Islamic Assembly of Iran in 2005 followed by instruction of the Forensic Medicine Organization confirms this claim. Although, basically (ethically, religiously and legally) abortion is considered forbidden, but the Islamic jurisprudents following them, the Iranian legislator have regarded abortion as permissible in certain circumstances, due to the imposition of suffering and hardship on the religiously responsible persons and/or due to certain individual, social and other pathologies. Although the abortion due to “denegation of hardship” has been stipulated in the Act and the 5th part of the legal definitions of the Forensic Medicine Instruction, but the issue of the mother’s hardship that is the most basic topic discussed by this paper needs to be clarified more.Therefore, in this article it has been tried to examine some practical challenges of using Islamic rule of “denegation of hardships” (La Haraj) and some other implied rules of “compulsion” (Izterar) and “denegation of harmfulness” (La Darar(.Method: the study is a deep library-based one accompanied by some real case analysis through comparing with jurisprudential-legal principles and rules.Findings: The Islamic rules of ‘La Haraj’, ‘Izterar’ and ‘La Darar’ are secondary and dominant over the original rules like the banning of abortion.Though, the rules are there for inhibiting imposed pressure, applying them for every bit of situation potentially might bear some deep mundane and otherworldly consequences like the expansion of fornication, selective abortion, etc. Meanwhile, the meanings of these rules might change according to the scientific developments. Moreover, considering or not considering economic, social, psychological and other issues and also determining the dominant philosophical theory in the society are among the most important points in defining the limits of these rules.Conclusion: despite determining certain cases of the abortion in the Act of Therapeutic Treatment, the Iranian legal system is not yet comprehensive in this regard and the status of some other cases needs to be clarified. It has been proposed that different aspects of the issue are considered by the legislator in an interdisciplinary debate.