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حقوق پزشکی

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Medical Law

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Introduction: Maintaining the health in healthy persons and restoring it to patients' bodies, has been a task of health and medical community. So when speaking about the spiritual foundations of patient's right the medical community is addressed to consider the relevant standards by the medical community.Objectives and Methods: The main goal of this study is to investigate the views of traditional medicine about the patients' rights, so as some dataset were available in main traditional medicine resources and some could be found in religious books, we designed a study by using the electronic versions of Alhavy (Razes), Kamel al Sanaah (Ahvazi), Canon of Medicine (Avicenna), Zakhireh Khawrazmshahy (Jorjani), Avesta, Bible, Quran and so on.Results: In the past, medical students used to pass some courses before starting the main course, such as jurisprudence, ethics, logic, natural science, geometry, astronomy, etc. Avesta book has emphasized on the necessity of physicians to be experienced and to ask for fees according to income level of people. The Bible has ordered the government to respect the patients' rights. It has frequently emphasized in all four Bibles to treat and care the patients. In the holy Quran saving one man from any social class, race and religin is equal to saving all the world people's life. It has also emphasized to exempt the patients from daily activities and obligatory prayers. The main sources of traditional medicine have considered warnings about fake drugs, inexperienced doctors and the need to complete preparation of medical community. Moreover they have prepared guidelines about the correct ways of producing drugs and offering medical services. Conclusion: Based on existing evidence, the patients' rights before and after Islam has always been as important health training programs in Iran and the other Islamic countries.

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Medical Law

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Although apparently in the Iranian's legal system following the major of Emamyeh's jurisprudence, the nature of medical obligations has been introduced as the obligation to results. In most legal systems and even in Islamic countries whose codes are drawn from Sunni jurisprudence, the nature of medical obligations is the obligation to means. But in some special cases and according justifiable reasons in accordance with the requirements and the new order ruling the society and regarding to a simultaneous attention to the order and justice, the nature of medical obligations is the obligation to results. So in this article, with a-brief description of the history of the subject and the views of proponents and opponents, the nature of medical obligations and their examples it's been tried to comparatively study. An analytical investigation of the nature of the obligations of the owners of medical and related careers has been dealt with in some controversial, common and related instances such as prosthetics, blood transfusion, medical exams, the process of anesthesia, the warranty of patients' health and cosmetic surgery.

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Medical Law

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Patient accused and convicts, for the special mental and physical conditions they have, are entitled to particular protection from the criminal system in their criminal procedures. Therefore, certain protective-distinguishing policies must be anticipated for this group of people in order to observe equitable procedure standards as well as avoid jeopardizing their general health. In the collection of criminal law especially in law enforcement stage, Iranian legislator has to some extent paid attention to this issue, i.e., in the majority of cases where the accused suffers from a particular physical and/or mental state, this leads not to the annulment of punishment but to a delay thereof until due recovery is obtained. Of course, regulations such as the necessity of unconditioned presence of the lawyers in all stages of proceedings, consideration of the physical condition of the accused during the preliminary investigations and procedures, forbidding the exertion of punishments of any kind regarding the insane accused, etc. are yet to be formulated.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1986

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Medical Law

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The emergence of new genetic techniques in the area of preventation, diagnosis and treatment of diseases is expected to bring many challenges in regulating relationships and appropriate legislation to protect the patients' right. The widespread use of genetic information in improving individual and public health, regarding to its special traits with potential for different interpretations and sensitive and effective outcomes in the future of a patient, his family and the society, simultaneous with keeping patient's privacy, as a fundamental right which originates from the concept of human dignity, is one of those challenges. The possible utilization of patient's genetic information in the areas other than therapy and health e.g. employment, provision of insurance contracts (life or health styles), public medical researches as well as in the process of judicial trials, makes it possible to misuse genetic information and raises the fear of change in treatment space into commercial one and ultimately makes genetic privacy as a serious issue in the present societies. With remark to the necessity of patient's privacy as well as the need of rational and reasonable disclosure of genetic information, we will discuss about the establishment of a balance between private and public interest as well as among different beneficiaries, then the necessity of appropriate legislation and determination of specific criteria, with regard to public education will be emphasized to achieve the goal of patients' genetic privacy.

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Medical Law

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Since 1990s genetically modified foods began to appear in the market place. The most common genetically modified products are soy bean, corn, cotton and canola and the most important genetically modified characteristics are herbicide tolerance and insect resistance. Worries about safety of genetically modified foods led to establishment of labeling rules. Since 1997 based on regulations of European Committee, labeling policy of genetically modified foods has been developed. Those in favor of labeling emphasize consumer's right to know what is in their foods. The majority of opponents believe labeling has high cost and eventually will lead to rejection of genetically modified foods by consumers. This article talks about different aspects of labeling for genetically modified foods.

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Medical Law

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The serial murders for which the person able to kill multiple victims (and often accompanied by torture and persecution) and continues the murder to arrest, have criminological and psychological importance to single murder. Occurrence of serial murders is result of the external factors to internal and psychological. In fact, the location of important questions that explain why the some persons kill many victims, is killer the personality and his or her mental state not social factors. One of the common psychological factors in the occurrence of serial murders is personality disorders. In this paper, we study etiology of serial murder based on psychological view and personality disorders in which both major and widespread disorder a anti social and narcissism.

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Medical Law

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Indications of abortion are different country by country, also in Islamic ones. The aim of this paper is over viewing of legal and religious indications of safe abortion among Middle East, Muslim countries. The results showed the variation among countries. In such a manner that, only three countries have the legal abortion in cases of rape or fatal impairment and two of them are allowing for early abortion. Some health problems in six countries in this case, permit for abortion. In certain situations, religious fatawa have been allowed abortions. Evaluation the interaction between policies and religion among different Muslim countries is important to understand this variation. To increasing women's right would be done more research and efforts. To impress and explain communities and religious leaders might be effective. Promoting advocacy among health professional could be other efforts to change the different beliefs among Muslim countries and others.

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