Introduction-anterior abdominal hernias is the most important subject of anatomical and surgical books which is teaching in all of medical schools because the number of people who going to surgical rooms for this kind of surgery are over hundred thousands yearly and it is a routine program for general hospitals. In Avicenna’s Cannon there is a wide chapter for anterior abdominal hernias, the goal of this article is comparison of abdominal hernia from Avicenna’s Canon with the new anatomical and surgical books.Materials and methods -From a lithographic Avicenna’s Canon printed in 16th AC century, related to American University of Beirut and another lithographic Avicenna’s Cannon related to Shahid Beheshti Medical Sciences University, both of them are written in Arabic language the chapters that are related to abdominal hernias selected, the mentioned chapters named in Arabictharb va sifagh, (Arabic: tharb fat+sifagh peritoneum), and basic knowledge of Avicenna’s Canno about abdominal hernias compared with same parts in modern Medical English books such as Gray’s Anatomy, Schwartz principal surgery, from anatomical, surgical, pathological, semiological and differential diagnosis point of view.Results -the finding of this study shows that Avicenna is write in the Cannon principles of anatomt of abdominal hernias such as skin, abdominal subcutaneous fat, visceral and parietal peritoneum, greater omentum, inguinal canal, deep inguinal foramens, inguinal canal, direct and indirect inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia, relationships of greater omentum and umbilical hernia, scrotal hernia, hydrocele, differential diagnosis of intestinal hernia and hydrocele.Discussion and Conclusion-in modern anatomical and surgical books are written that in anterior abdominal hernias its layers are very important from anatomical and surgical points of view and also Avicenna’ Cannon regarded anatomy of layers of the anterior abdominal such as the skin, subcutaneous fat, abdominal muscles, parietal and visceral peritoneum transversal is fascia and also relation of peritoneum with inguinal hernia and scrotal hernia is very important points in the mentioned modern books which regarded also by Avicenna, invagination of the greater omentum into umbilical hernia looked by modern references also by Avicenna, process vaginalis is infirst sight for hydrocele description in the new references and Avicenna mentioned it a thousand years ago and also Avicenna discovered deep inguinal hiatus and inguinal canal and named it in Arabic language correctly: soghbane zayyeghan that means two contracted hiatus and cells, and beside of anatomical and surgical points, Avicenna’s Cannon discussed about pathological, semiological, and etiological sides of anterior abdominal hernias.