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Marbin Tin and Molybdenum index is located in north of Zefreh Village the Isfahan Province and Uromieh-Dokhtar magmatic zone. The main rock units in this area are Eocene subvolcanic and volcanic rocks with rhyolite to dacite composition. Based on petrography studies the main minerals are plagioclase, quartz, sanidine and biotite and secondary minerals are chlorite, calcite, epidote and sericite. The main hydrothermal alterations are including sericitic, propylitic, intermediate argillic and silisification. Average grade of tin, molybdenum, copper and gold is about 4850, 157, 330 ppm and 82 ppb, respectively. Micro thermometric studies on silica veins and veinlet indicate five different types of fluid inclusion, 1-three-phase type (L+V+S®L), 2- three-phase type (L+V+S®V), 3- two-phase type (L+V®L), 4- two-phase type (V+L®V), 5- vapor rich single phase type (V). Fluid inclusion studies in mineralized veins in phyllic and propylitic zones, show the wide range of homogenization temperature from 248 to 600 ºC and salinity from 28 to 65 wt% NaCl equivalent. The temperature, salinity and density of fluids decrease from phyllic to propylitic alteration zone. The wide range of homogenization temperatures for the studied fluid inclusions in index show dilution with surface water and fluid boiling, as the most important factor in ore deposition. According to field, mineralogical, geochemical and fluid inclusion studies Marbin index has been considered as a porphyry deposit type which show the most similarity with Mo porphyry systems in world wide.

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گرانیتویید کوه ریگی در 5 کیلومتری غرب روستای ده سلم در 85 کیلومتری غرب شهرستان نهبندان در جنوب استان خراسان جنوبی و در حاشیه شرقی پهنه لوت قرار دارد. این توده به سن ائوسن - الیگوسن درون سنگ های رسوبی (شیل، آهک و ماسه سنگ) نفوذ کرده است و سبب تبدیل آنها به اسکارن، هورنفلس و سنگ های کالک سیلیکاته شده است. ترکیب سنگ شناسی این توده نفوذی گرانودیوریت، کوارتزمونزونیت و سینوگرانیت با کانی شناسی پلاژیوکلاز، ارتوز، بیوتیت، هورنبلند و کوارتز است. سریسیت، کلریت، مگنتیت کانی های ثانوی موجود در این سنگ ها هستند. ویژگی های ژئوشیمیایی این توده نشان می دهد که ماهیت ساب آلکالن دارد و از نوع گرانیتوییدهای متاآلومینوس است. نمودارهای ژئوشیمیایی تمایز انواع گرانیتوییدها و حضور هورنبلند نشان می دهد که این توده به گرانیتوییدهای نوع I متعلق است. غنی شدگی سنگ های این توده از LREE در مقایسه با HREE و بالابودن عناصرناسازگار LILE نسبت به عناصر سازگار HFSE و نیز ناهنجاری منفی Nb، Ti، P گویای وابستگی این توده به مناطق فرورانش است. از سوی دیگر نمودارهای تمایز محیط زمین ساختی، وابستگی آن را به محیط های حاشیه قاره ای ناشی از فرورانش تایید می کند.

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The Eocene Chapedony metamorphic core complex, is located in western part of the Posht-e-Badam block. This complex is consisting of migmatite, gneiss, amphibolite, marble, micaschist and various types of granitoids. In middle part of this complex (Kalut-e-Chapedony), an Eocene granitic rock unit cross cuts the other rocks. The minerals of this granite are plagioclase (An9Ab87Or4), potassium feldspars (orthoclase), quartz, euhedral garnet (Alm77Sps13Prp9Grs1), zircon, apatite, fibrolitic sillimanite and muscovite. Petrology and geochemical studies reveal calc-alkaline, peraluminous and S-type nature of the studied granites. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns represent evident negative anomaly of Eu and low values of the REEs. Continental crust and North American shale composite (NASC) - normalized multi-elements spider diagrams indicate trace elements depletion. These granites are formed by melting of continental crust sedimentary rocks, resulted by emplacement of mantle-derived magma at the bottom of continental crust which formed the Chapedony metamorphic core complex. The source rock of these granites should be a clay-rich sedimentary rock with low amount of plagioclase and CaO/Na2O ratio.

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The Ghaleh-Ganj dioritic- quartz dioritic massifs, with the age of Paleocene-Eocene, located on the west side of the Makran accretionary prism and Jazmurian depression and the east side of Jiroft fault are part of the intrusives in the Ganj Complex which itself is a part of the Jazmurian ophiolitic belt or Inner Makran. These intrusives rocks show microgranular to granular texture and consist of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, amphibole, biotite, quartz, K-feldspar, titanite, apatite and opaque as primary minerals along with chlorite, calcite, clay minerals, sericite and iron oxides as secondary minerals. Based on mineral chemistry studies, the plagioclases are oligoclase to labradorite in composition and predominantly fall in the field of andesine. Considering the total content of Fe in plagioclases, it seems that they were formed in highf O2 conditions. The existence of disequilibrium textures in plagioclases show variations of PH2O and decompression along with minor loss of temperature during the magma ascent to the surface. Clinopyroxenes display augitic composition and are belonging to a tholeiitic magmatic series and formed in 1133- 1382oC temperature, pressure less than 10 kbars and high f O2 conditions. Amphiboles have magnesiohornblende compositions which are estimated to have been formed at 650- 700oC temperature, less than 1 kb pressure and high f O2 conditions in a supra-subduction tectonomagmatic environment.

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Noghan granitoid intrusion is located at the NW of Boin- Miandasht and lies in the Sanandaj-Sirjan structural zone (SSZ). Body shape is a stretched ellipsoid with NW-SE strike. The meta-granite body is extremely deformed and displays mylonitic structure such as lineation and foliation. Mylonitic texture is main texture but also show seriate granular and lipido-granoblastic textures. The main minerals are quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, Biotite and muscovite. Chlorite is an accessory mineral. The biotite is magmatic and recrystallized. The chlorites are alteration product. The geothermometry of biotites and chlorites shows the temperatures of 397-549oC and 231-252oC that show good correlation with microstructure in the rock. Therefore, mantle microstructure including recrystallized subgrains in porphyroclast rims that result to Grain boundary migration and chessboard undulose extinction with fine blocky grains and amoeboid grain in quartz grains show formation temperature close to 500°C. Microstructures such as undulose extinction, pressure solution and in quartz, tensile fracture and bookshelf sliding in feldspar, brittle fractures and displacement of folded pieces in biotite display that temperature is lower than 300°C.

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The Band-e-Hezarchah dyke swarms is located in the northern margin of Central Iran structural zone. These diabase dyke swarms have crosscut the late Neoproterozoic– early Cambrian granitoids pluton, metapelites, meta psammites and gneissic rocks and late Triassic – early Jurassic conglomerates, sandstones and shales (equal to Shemshak formation in Alborz zone) but they haven' t cut the younger rocks such as lower Cretaceous (Neocomian) limestones. Plagioclase, pyroxene and opaque minerals are the main rock-forming minerals. Plagioclase is mostly albite, oligoclase, andesine and labradorite with An=1.3-50.5, Or=0.6-6.1 and Ab=48.3-98.18. Pyroxene with Wo=36.7-44.4, En=37.3-47.3 and Fs=11.8-21.2, is augite. Amphibole and chlorite are main secondary minerals. Amphibole is mostly magnesio hornblende, with Si=6.5-6.8 a.p.f.u., XMg=0.65- 0.71 and A-site=0.17-0.39. Chlorite with Si=4-5.53a.p.f.u. and XFe=0.84-0.91 is mostly daphnite and pseudothuringite. Temperatures and pressures obtained from clinopyroxene thermo barometry are in the range of 1100-1190°C and 2-7.2 kbar respectively. Based on the results of bulk rock trace and rare earth elements, these rocks have alkaline to subalkaline nature and their magma forming originated by 8-10% partial melting of a spinel lherzolitic source. These rocks have formed in an initial back arc basin setting related to subduction of Neo- Tethys oceanic lithosphere beneath the Central Iran micro continent during Middle Jurassic. This magmatic event is a consequent of middle Cimmerian orogeny.

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متابازیت های مطالعه شده در حاشیه سد و رودخانه زاینده رود و در حدود 100 کیلومتری غرب شهر اصفهان قرار دارند. این متابازیت ها که بخشی از پهنه سنندج - سیرجان محسوب می شوند دربردارنده اکلوژیت، آمفیبولیت و شیست سبز هستند. بررسی ها نشان می دهد که اکلوژیت ها در فشار بالا و در حد رخساره اکلوژیت تشکیل شده اند و سپس بر اثر دگرگونی قهقرایی به اکلوژیت های آمفیبولیتی تبدیل شده اند. میزان LREE در گارنت ها و آمفیبول ها پایین است و میزان HREE افزایش چشمگیری نشان می دهد. نسبت پایین La/Yb در آمفیبول ها نیز نشان می دهد که گارنت و آپاتیت عامل اصلی کنترل کننده در توزیع عناصر خاکی کمیاب سنگین هستند. ویژگی های ژئوشیمیایی عناصر کمیاب نامتحرک در این متابازیت ها که کم تر در تاثیر دگرسانی و دگرگونی درجه بالا قرار داشته اند، نشان می دهد که خاستگاه این متابازیت ها بازالت های رشته های میان اقیانوسی است. در واقع اکلوژیت ها همان بازالت های پوسته اقیانوسی نئوتتیس بوده اند که بر اثر فرورانش این پوسته به زیر صفحه ایران و طی یک دگرگونی ناحیه ای دیناموترمال پیش رونده فشار بالا - دما متوسط تشکیل شده اند و سپس هنگام بازگشت به سطح زمین و بر اثر یک دگرگونی قهقرایی به اکلوژیت های آمفیبولیتی تبدیل شده اند. هم زمان با برخورد نهایی پوسته اقیانوسی نئوتتیس با صفحه ایران در نئوژن، یک مرحله دگرشکلی شدید در منطقه رخ داده است که موجب بالا آمدن سنگ های دگرگونی فشار بالا از عمق به سطح شده است.

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Migmatites have formed an important part of high-grade metamorphism in the Boroujerd area aureole (north of Sanandaj-Sirjan zone). Migmatitic complex including: migmatites, schist migmatites and hornfelse migmatites with a different range of structural and mineralogical compositions. These rocks are observed as light (leucosome), dark (melanosome) and dark and light (mesosome). Leucosomes mainly composed from quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, biotite and muscovite and also have perthite, poikiloblastic, granoblastic, graphic and myrmekite textures. Melanosomes formed from minerals such as biotite, garnet, andalusite, tourmaline and sillimanite have lepidobalastic, porphyrolepidoblastic and lepidoporphyrobalastic textures. Mesosomes formed from dark and light minerals and show porphyroblastic, lepidoblastic and granoblastic textures. According to petrographic studies and whole rock chemical analyses for these rocks revealed that dominant protolith is pelitic rocks. The thermobarometry results showed temperature range of of 568°C to 662°C and pressure of 2.8 to 3.3 kbars. According to the calculated temperature and pressure, the geothermal gradient of schist migmatites and hornfels migmatites determined 48°C/km and 60°C/km, respectively. Heat release of the Bourojerd pluton, mafic magmatism in area (that enclaves of them can be seen in the granitoids) and subduction fluid causes migmatites that it shows the main factor increasing geothermal gradient is the presence of hot igneous plutons and enter intrusion fluid in the magmatic arcs.

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The study area is located in 60 km to the southwest of Birjand, and northeastern margin of the Lut block. Tertiary volcanic domes of dacite, rhyodacite, trachyandesite along with tuff and breccia are cropped out in this area. The main textures of lavas are porphyritic with microcrystalline groundmass, poikilitic and subophitic. Common phenocrysts in dacite and rhyodacite include plagioclase, quartz, hornblende and biotite; and phenocrysts of trachyandesite are consisting of plagioclase, hornblende, pyroxene, biotite and sanidine. There are also some small bodies of Plio-Quaternary olivine basalt in this area that olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase are main phenocrysts. Common alterations in Tertiary volcanic rocks are silicic, argillic, carbonatizatian and opacitization. Magma series of these rocks are calcalkaline. The trace and REE patterns normalized to primary mantle and chondrite show these acidic and intermediate volcanic rocks are co-magmatic and their enrichment of LREE and LILE and depletion of HREE and HFSE (Nb and Ti), indicating that they are related to subduction zone and active continental margin. Geochemical characteristics such as high values of SiO2 (62.61 wt%), Al2O3 (16.29 wt%), Sr (806 ppm) associated with low Yb (1.7 ppm), Y (15.27 ppm) and no Eu anomaly show that these rocks have adakitic nature. This magmatism can be originated from a garnet amphibolite source that is related to a post collisional tectonic setting.

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The study area is located in 15 km of the north of Shahr-e-Firouzeh in Khorasan Razavi province. The area is situated in the southeast of Quchan-Sabzevar arc magmatic. Lithology of the district includes dacitic lavas, which are intruded by Oligocene porphyritic hornblende granodioritic stock and granodioritic dike as subvolcanic and plutonic rocks. Igneous rocks were overlapped by younger sedimentary rocks. The texture of dacitic unit is porphyric to glomeroporphic with flow groundmass. Quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, and hornblende are the main minerals. The texture of hornblende granodiorite porphyry is porphyric to glomeroporphic and plagioclase, K-feldspar, hornblende, and quartz are the common minerals, whereas granodiorite unit is granular and hornblende is not present. Based on geochemical studies, the acidic volcanic and intrusive rocks show metaluminous and medium-K nature. These rocks belong to the I-type granitoid. Enrichment of LREE versus HREE and enrichment of LILE and depletion in HFSE indicate magma formed in subduction zone. The melt originated from partial melting of amphibolite with 10 to 25% garnet. Based on the average amount of major oxides, enrichment of LREE, mostly positive Eu anomaly, high Sr (up to 499 ppm), and low Y (<13 ppm) and Yb (<1.4 ppm) contents, the magma show silica-rich adakitic nature. The intrusive and volcanic rocks of the northern Shahr-e-Firouzeh were generated by partial melting of Sabzevar Neotethyan young and hot subducted oceanic crust and mantle wedge in the continental margin of the Turan plate.

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