Grotesque is a style in art and literature, according to which two conflicting feelings of fear and laughter are simultaneously expressed to audiences. Today, this concept describes the distorted and strange world of contemporary humans, representing a familiar world of a odd perspective that makes it scary and ridiculous. Dissonance, extremism, exaggeration, abnormal, funny and scary, are the most prominent features that make a work of grotesque. Grotesque stories are divided into two categories: one; grotesque stories with laughter and fear content. Another, grotesque stories with horror, disgust and hatred. Grotesque has a wide range in Western literature, and is dramatically in the works of writers such as Franz Kafka, Samuel Beckett, Eugene Ionesco, Edgar Allen Poe, Franz Holler. . . Grostque stories also attracted the attention of some of the writers of Iranian fictional literature such as Sadegh Hedayat, Sadegh Chubak, Bahram Sadeghi and Gholam Hossein Sa'edi, it is possible to see the grotesque components in their works. In this research, with a comparative and analytical look, by exploring the works of Bahram Sadeghi and Eugene Ionesco, many instances of the features of the Grotesque were found, and it was realized that two authors deliberately described the Grotesque components, including comic elements and horror, inconsistency and anomalies in the creation of their works, and hence the works of these two writers can be considered as one of the Grotesque works.